Rustie Carol "Roadeyeluv" Snyder Slips Away

Farm Aid 2010 - Milwaukee, WI
Photo by Ron S. "Love & Only Love" | Facebook
It is with great sadness that we've learned that Rustie Carol "Roadeyeluv" Snyder has just slipped away from us.
From Rustie Kathy "HippieGirlSmile" on Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 posted to rust@yahoo:
Carol passed away today at 4:30 PM.
She was in the hospital for over 4 weeks on a respirator. She had a lot of Neil music in her room. Yesterday she was "conducting" our concert. Family and Friends!!!! It was sad to see her go.
Tree Top Flyer was her friend for over 25 years. I knew her 6 years. Carol gave her heart to anyone who knew her. She loved her Rustie friends!!!
Anyone who would like to send a card to her family:
> Gayle Ross
> 8078 Crockett Dr
> Cicero, NY 13039
The Funeral Home is:
> Houghtaling & Smith
> Funeral Home, Inc.
> 20 Otsego Street
> Canajoharie, NY 13317
Thank you all for your friendship to her !! She had been a fan since 1971.
Peace, Paintin' and Smilin' from all four directions
Kathy HGS
We're so saddened by this news.
As so many have already said, Carol was a special friend to all Neil fans.
We enjoyed catching up with her at the last few Bridge concerts and she was always eager to catch up with everyone and make sure they were enjoying the fests.
In 2009, Carol won a Neil photo we had donated in the IRF Bridge raffle. In 2010, she told us that she had put the photo on a shelf by a light and when the light was just right, it shined through the photo and she could see a little heart shape on Neil's chest.
When she had the fire earlier this year, we sent her another copy. We didn't hear back whether she was able to re-create the experience but she was going to try.
Carol, your heart of gold will always be missed.
she just slipped away...
rust in peace
thrasher & thrashette
Messages of condolence posted to rust@yahoo. Also, sign the book at
There's nothing like a sunset
To make you feel better
Over the trees
In your own back yard
When you travel forever
Just to be here now
Yeah it took a long time
There's nothing like an old song
Out of the blue
When you feel so lonesome and
So far from home
Cause your heart to
Burst wide open
Yeah it took a long time
Yeah it took a long time
Carry me home
Across the water to the other side
Been a long time since I been back here
Yeah it's been a long time
Yeah it took a long time
--Jamie Walker
great lady painter
what she do now
go and beat the desert
stir dust bowl
go and beat the desert
snake skin skull
go and beat the desert
all life still
--Patti Smith from georgia o'keefe
Beautiful remembrance...making art from pain and loss is what we do. And remembering the light that continues to shine within and without. I never knew Carol, but somehow I feel that I've lost a friend.
Why don't you
Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can
RIP Nick Ashford
Thrasher and Thrashette,
Are you guys okay? We had a tremor here about 30 minutes ago, and the news is saying 5.9 for Boston. Apparently they're evacuating the White House, Congress and the Pentagon. How's everyone else doing?
Thanks Mr H. We're sure carol would've appreciated the comforting thoughts. Thanks for sharing.
All's well here @ TW. Servers are humming along and kept on serving up the pages without missing a beat.
Good test of the emergency backups.
Certainly never had anything like this before around DC area. Brought back scary memories of buildings swaying, no cell signal, and lots of sirens.
But we're good. Thanks for checking & caring. :)
Glad to hear that you're okay. In memory of your friend, I offer this video of Jamie Walker performing Steel Blue Moon:
I was at the Wachusett Valley Folk Festival on Sunday, and I think that Carol would have loved it. Jamie and his band Swinging Steaks kicked off the day with the soaring country gospel of Come and Get Your Love, then played a perfect one hour set that had the place rocking. They always deliver 100 percent, and it's always great to be there to hear them.
I wound up staying for the entire day's program, and all of the performers were top shelf. Pesky J. Nixon have some great songs and beautiful harmonies that remind me of early CSN. Madison Violet are two young ladies from Canada (Ontario and Cape Breton) who make captivating music and deliver the goods like they've been doing this for decades. Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli played beautiful and mellow music with cello and harmonies added. Mary Gauthier weaved her magic along with the amazing Tanya Elizabeth, David Wilcox was maybe the best pure folk singer I've ever seen, and then they closed with a jam.
Started with a very nice Wayfaring Stranger, then Jamie led the group in That's Alright Mama which was played, as he explained "in the people's key of G". Great mandolin and vocals, and they had the place rocking again. Mary and Tanya did an incredible Lost Highway, everyone who was still playing had a chance to solo and lead, and then it was over.
I stayed at the Village Inn that night, and a number of the performers were hanging in the restaurant bar afterwards. Jamie and his wife were there, and also Mary and Tanya. Had a very nice chat with Tim, who was visiting from St. Louis. Folks left fairly early and I did the same.
Checking out the next morning, I saw Jamie's wife and said "hello" and then told her "Jamie sounded just great yesterday". With a nice smile, she nodded and said "Yes, he really did". We talked for a minute, then wished each other safe driving home.
It was a beautiful summer morning and the drive home was fine. When I got here, I took a look at TW and saw your story about Carol. I found it quite moving, and so I just wanted to let you know that. Sometimes the river flows so fast that you can hardly see the banks.
You may say that things happen just by chance, but I don't feel that way.
--Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
As always, thanks Mr H.
The festival sounds wonderful so thanks for the report.
We all would've enjoyed certainly. Not just Carol.
Yes, sometimes the river flows so fast that you can hardly see the banks...
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