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A campaign for a Nobel Peace Prize for Willie Nelson's Farm Aid work has been launched!
Willie Nelson's efforts for Farm Aid deserve a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize.
Join the campaign by liking the Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize page on Facebook.
Willie Nelson has been helping family farmers for over 25 years and has raised awareness of healthy foods while raising funds for the cause.
Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp organized the first Farm Aid concert in 1985 to raise awareness about the loss of family farms and to raise funds to keep farm families on their land. Dave Matthews joined the Farm Aid Board of Directors in 2001. Farm Aid has raised more than $37 million to promote a strong and resilient family farm system of agriculture. Farm Aid is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to keep family farmers on their land.
John Mellencamp is campaigning to get Willie Nelson a Nobel Peace Prize. The interview took place on SIRIUS XM Willie's Place at Farm Aid 25 in Milwaukee, Wisc.
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Thanks everybody for liking Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize page on Facebook!
while it was Dylan who suggested that some of the LIVE AID money be used to help the American Farmer, Willie (and Neil?) took action right away...a SHARED Nobel perhaps...
Farm Aid is a wonderful thing, and Willie probably deserves sainthood for his efforts. But has anyone involved in this campaign actually looked at the criteria for the Nobel Peace Prize? According to the Nobel website, it is awarded to "the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." So, saving family farms is noble, but maybe not quite Nobel.
Hey - they gave a Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and they gave one to Barry Obama - both fools who have done nothing to advance the cause of world peace.
Who needs any more proof that the award itself is 100% worthless?
Jonathon, you beat me to the punch on that one. Couldn't agree more.
I'm all for WIllie and Neil and John and Dave, etal.. being reckognized for their tremendous charity efforts, patriotism, etc...but a peace prize? Maybe a peaceful easy feeling prize,but that's about it.
OK, so Willie's a long shot on this no doubt.
Also, this is Mellencamp's idea. Of course we have no idea how serious he is about this. But you're totaly missing the point, once again.
The point here is to recognize & celebrate Willie's humanitarian contribution. Can't you get down with that? How can you be opposed?
Are you saying that you run when you know?
Can't you stand for something rather than always find the fault & negative & cynicism?
When we started the TFA petition, we knew it was a long shot. 5+ years & 20K signatures later, the album still hasn't been re-released. But we have hope & faith.
When we started the Gigs For The Gulf, we had no idea how that would work out. Lo & behold Neil does G4G's and next thing you know we've had over 50+ events raising $10's of thousands for victims, wildlife & the environment.
Is it really that hard to click a Like button?
Stand & be counted for something positive for once.
Just saying give peace a try.
For Willie.
For the farmers.
For all of us.
I would vote for Willie to the Country Music hall of fame, the Farm Aid hall of fame and the Smokers hall of fame among all the other good guy halls of fame, but I dont think his efforts are 'worthy' of the Nobel Prize, thats all. I didn't think Obama did any thing worthy of it either. Is it a popularity contest? I don't know. I'm figuring it's a publicity stunt by John M. to draw attention to the good WIllie has done. That's fine, I'm with him on that.
When someone disarms nuclear warheads, disbands armies, brings about the halt of genocides, closes the artillary shops, etc I'll stand and be counted for that person to be exalted.
Until then I'll give a pat on the back, an appluase and smile and a resounding atta-boy.
Willie may be the best friend the farmer ever had. Has that brought peace in the valley?
Ok....back to the plow
Sorry you've again mistaken a reality check for negativity. Sure, Willie deserves all the adulation we as fans can give him. But to say he should win an international Nobel Peace Prize for Farm Aid is sort of like saying, "That Johnny Depp is a hell of an actor, he really deserves a Grammy." Apples and oranges.
Peace out -
I'm with ya here Sony. The great work that Farm Aid does doesn't need or depend on recognition from some panel over in Sweden that likely knows little if anything about Willie Nelson or the plight of the family farmer in America. Good humanitarian works stand on their own merit. Yes I get what Melonhead was trying to get at - and he's right. But a Nobel Prize would ironically lower the reputation of Willie or anyone else that I admire - based on the ultra low pathetic standards the Nobel organization clearly has.
The whole idea is silly, but it's worth a chuckle. Maybe Willie could teach the world to smoke the green stuff? Might lead to world peace.
BTW, Farm Aid = USA. USA = not the world :)
Hm... I get SONY's point on this, definitely.
However, I can't help but think that he deserves to be "exhalted" way more than Obama or Gore did. So why NOT award it to him.
If you look at it like a curve, he deserves it.
But if you think it should be awarded only to people who disbanded armies or disarmed nuclear weapons... well, I'd agree that those are the worthiest of things... but heck, I guess nobody should have gotten the peace prize in the past century.
Of course, there hasn't been much peace in the past century.
The Nobel Peace Prize isn't awarded to people based on those very narrow precepts, however, it's awarded based on a much wider scope of thinking...
and I think that should it go to Willie, he'd be way more deservant of it than many of its recipients in the past.
I mean, yeah, I agree with you both, Sony and Jonathan, but at the same time I don't. I think you're being... militantly cynical about it in a way.
Matt - perhaps we are being militantly cynical. That's a pretty fair way to word it. But I've become cynical of everything the left does all around the world.
Great humanitarian works stand on their own merit regardless of some award being bestowed upon an individual. John Cougar Melonhead was speaking off the cuff. I'm not saying Willie doesn't deserve recognition - of course he does.
But sorry - to repeat myself - the Nobel Peace Prize is a 100% joke based on the nefarious downright dishonest and corrupt recent recipients - Al Gore and Barry Hussein Obama - a true narcissist if there ever was one.
Can we get on a real Neil Young topic anytime soon?
Well, I guess it's right to say that Willie Nelson's good works do stand on their own merits, and awards aren't necessary.
But a campaign to give it to him is fun, and serves as an expression of acknowledging that good work in itself.
It's true that that panel of people in Sweden are apparently daft as hell... even if they do have an awesome health care system... the award seems to be given out to members of the elitist, warmongering ruling class lately... I don't know what's up with that.
But... look at it as an expression of almost da-daist wacky love art. I.E. - who cares if it makes sense?! Logic be damned, man! - Peace Prize for Willie!!!!
I will vote for
Peace Pipe for Willie,
and I'd share in it's rewards too.
Actually, and I'm no history buff, but maybe that 'ol peace pipe was the way to peace amongst our native Americans. After sharing it, they may have realized there differences went up in smoke.
It certainly couldn't be worse that what's been happening latetly.
@Jonathan - just for the sake of discussion, who would you say is worthy of the Nobel?
@SONY, I'm with ya on that! Peace Pipe for Willie (and Matt!)!!
he he
@Thrash - that's an interesting question. If not Willie Nelson, who IS worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize?
My candidates...
Cynthia McKinney for her recent activism in Palestine, perhaps?
Ralph Nader for his continued battling against the dominant corporate paradigm, even in the face of manufactured attacks of mass ridicule from the status quo?
The Dalai Lama for his consistent, dogged adherence to the principles of pacifism, and use of modern technology (Facebook) to spread a consistent message of peace and love worldwide?
But I'm all for Willie too, man. Peace Prize... (and Peace Pipe!) for Willie works for me.
@Thrasher - well let me think here for a second.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Dalai Lama
Reverend Billy Graham
John Lennon (maybe)
Tough question to answer in the context of the criteria laid out by other posters here.
@Matt - yes it's fun and I'm being a wet blanket I realize.
I LOVE the peace pipe idea!! I prefer mine with water or better yet - a vaporizer.
@Matt - Cynthia Mckinney? Seriously? I don't know what she's doing over in Palestine as you call it (there is no nation of Palestine but that's another discussion) but I sure know what she did in Congress.
Look up her assault on a Capitol Hill police officer who simply tried to do his job a few years ago and stopped her as she attempted to enter the building without proper identification.
She played the race card in a stunningly vile manner the likes of which I had never seen before. A true racist extraordinaire.
@Jonathan - thanks for nominees.
MLK already received.
I'd be w/ you on Lennon, for sure.
Dalia Lama too. I think Gandhi also rec'd?
Anyways, Willie campaign off to strong start.
C'mon, get on board for Facebook | Nobel Peace Prize for Willie Nelson for Farm Aid!
Yea I knew at least two of those suggestions had already received it years ago...when they actually followed their own standards - unlike today.
I'm on board here man - I'll stop being a wet blanket :)
Peace and love (Lennon's good-bye)
Hey Thrasher - also Bono deserves it in my opinion if he hasn't already been awarded it - I'll look it up
Jonathan, Matthew: It is not a big issue in the discussion, but saying that the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by some panel in Sweden is kind of like saying that a person born in Canada is born in US. The Nobel Peace Price Committee is Norwegian.
And to the matter. Of course it is a good thing what they are doing for the farmers over there. But for me it is hard to understand if the nomiantion is kind of a "joke", kind of a protest against earlier Nobel Pece Prize awardings or an serious effort to win the prize.
The Loner, Norway.
@Loner - Thanks for geography lesson. We Yanks aren't too good at that... unless we're bombing someone...
Anyways, is this serious?
Well, the idea is Mellencamp's. I guess he was serious when he said it. If not, why not?
When we put FB page together it really was for the FA work. But looking at Willie's accomplishments some more, he really does qualify for the Nobel peace prize. See
Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
Ok I'm more than willing to admit when I'm wrong and this is one of those occasions - sort of.
After poking around the link to Willie's peace initiative website, I can honestly say that he is a worthy candidate - no doubt.
But I still maintain the opinion that the integrity of the award itself has been forever tarnished due to the bestowing of said award upon frauds, hucksters, and Presidents who send troops off to war - Gore and Obama.
Just want to say how much I LOVE this brilliant, passionate, obsessive family, each and every one of you.
Jonathan -
McKinney is certainly a bit of a loon, but I love her spirited dedication and humanitarian nature.
But what she did over the summer, trying to bring relief and medical supplies to the people of Palestine (did I say 'nation'?) and defying the Israeli blockade, is nothing short of death-defyingly brave.
She's lucky to be alive, and her actions were totally courageous.
Whatever you think about the Israeli-Palestine conflict, you have to admit that bringing sick people medical supplies is a humanitarian effort that we should likely all support.
@Sandy - we are a passionate lot, aren't we?
@ The Loner - oops, my bad. As Thrash indicated, us Americans are sadly lacking in geography education, except when we're bombing people.
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