Rust Radio Netcasting All Week Long

Rust Radio is on the air again this weekend. And -- as a special holiday treat -- Rust Radio will be netcasting all week long!
BTW, over in the right sidebar, about halfway down, just below the Rust mailing list feed, is the feed from Rust Radio. The feed displays the status and the current song.
If you have any requests for specific shows on Rust Radio, than you can twitter Roel and he'll be happy to fulfill any request he can.
Pretty cool. Tune in and turn on.
Thanks Roel!
Roel thank you . I just got a new wireless noise cancelling headset from wife for Christmas. You just added too my Merry Christmas THANKS Roel and thanks for the heads up Thrasher . Happy New Year
The searcher
Grand Rapids Mi.
Neil fan since 67
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