2009 in Review: Year of the Archives

The Penultimate Note of "A Day in the Life"
by Paul McCartney and Neil Young
The Conclusion of the Never Ending Tour
Hyde Park, London, England
Hard Rock Calling 2009 Festival: 6/27/09
Photo by crris b on Photobucket

Neil Young in Auckland, New Zealand: 1/16/09
Photo by SHANE WENZLICK/Fairfax Media

Landing on Water
US Airways 1549, January 15, 2009
"Miracle on the Hudson"

Neil Young's Landing on Water Album Cover, July 1986
Deja Vu: Landing on Water in 2009

Fork In The Road by Neil Young
`Til the power goes out
The batteries dead
Twist and shout"

Buffalo Springfield's Dewey Martin: 1940 - 2009

New Thrasher's Wheat Logo
Logo graphic by Geoff Moore, Silver Moon Art & Design

Tom Wilkes: 1939 - 2009 - Harvest Album Cover Designer

Neil Young @ Big Day Out, Melbourne, Australia - 1-26-09
Photo Gallery by Robert "Stringman"

February 24, 2009 Archives Release Date Missed... Again :(
Fan skepticism, pessimism, frustration continues to mount on whether they'll live to see the day of release

"There's a bailout coming and it's not for you"
Rip in the Matrix:
The Global Ponzi Scheme Known as
Monopolistic Corporate Welfare Capitalism is Finally Exposed

What Would Neil Young Do?
Poster by Jeremy Deller
A Battle Raged on the Open Page: Can You Change Your Mind?

Denver, CO on 4/27/09
Photo gallery by Tony Stack on Rock Steady Studios

"Old Man" - Neil Young and Larry Cragg
Concert Reviews of Kingston, Ontario, Canada on 4/13/09
Photo by Jim McQuaid

Ben Keith, Neil Young, Rick Rosas
Denver, CO - 4/27/09
Photo by Tim Rasmussen
Neil Young - "Lost in Space", St. John's, Newfoundland - 4/7/09, video by RodneyMaxwellFord.
The first ever live performance of song "Lost in Space" from 1980's Hawks & Doves.

POTATO HOLE: Booker T, Drive-By Truckers & Neil Young Album

04-30-2009, Kansas City, Missouri
Photo by popwreckoning

New Orleans Jazz Festival Neil Young Concert Reviews: 5/3/09
Photo galleries by David Grunfeld

Neil Young @ Antwerpen, Belgium: 6/6/09
Photo by Roel on Rust Radio

Neil Young - Antwerp, Belgium - 6/6/09
Photo by Francesco Lucarelli

"A Day in the Life"
München, Germany Neil Young Concert Reviews: 6/17/09
Photo by Paolo Brillo

Glastonbury Festival Concert Reviews of Neil Young: 6/26/09
Photo gallery on BBC

A Small Miracle in Hyde Park, London
"Thrashers Wheat...re-uniting drunks with their wallets since 2009"

June 2, 2009
The Neil Young Archives Volume #1 is Finally Released

"The Arc of the Covenant"
"The Holy Grail for Neil Young Fans"
"The Mother of All Boxsets"
And I've been waiting for you.
For such a long time now.

1st night with Neil Young Archives
"Museum in a box" writes John R., New York

Another Fork in the Road: Neil Pulls Plug on Linc-Volt X-Prize Entry

The Archives Vault
An Undisclosed Bunker Location
Behind The Scenes: The Making of The Neil Young Archives

Guitar World Neil Young Cover Issue:
Discusses NYA #2?!

20th Anniversary of Saturday Night Live Performance of
"Rockin' In The Free World"

Sarah McLachlan Foundation Concert with Neil Young and Sheryl Crow
Photograph by Sam Leung

Winner of Linc-Volt Video Contest:
A Happy Chapter for Liza

Judd on The 6149 with coveted Time Fades Away vinyl

Neil Young at The Bridge School Concert
Broken Arrow Magazine - Issue #104
Photo by Johnny Marr
(In Memory of Johnny Marr: 1961 - 2009)

Wardrobe Malfunction
Farm Aid 2009 Concert Reviews: St. Louis, Missouri, 10/4/09
Photo by Paul Natkin

Neil Auctions Harley-Davidson on eBay for Linc-Volt Project
Chrome & Rust Poster
Photo by David Warrington
Story of "Somewhere On A Desert Highway" on hyperrust.org

Inexplicably, Jimmy Fallon Impression of Neil Young as
"Fresh Prince of Belair" Goes Massively Viral

Vinyl Box Set - Original Release Series

Seasons of the Harvest Moon
Many may recall last January when Steve and his girlfriend Danielle made a request for "Harvest Moon" in Brisbane, Australia. And by some extremely wonderfully little miracle, Neil Young performed "Harvest Moon" that night and it brought a tear of joy for many around the world.
And then Liza's wish for "Harvest Moon" was granted in Cologne, Germany.

Gavin's family's wish for "Harvest Moon" fulfilled in Dublin, Ireland.
"Harvest Moon" goes on to get the full treatment (including Larry Cragg on broom) at 2009 Bridge School Benefit Concert.

Harvest Moon Live, 1992
Review: Neil Young's Dreamin' Man

MusiCares Person of the Year (2010): Neil Young

Officers of the Order of Canada: Neil Young
Established as a fellowship that recognizes the achievement of outstanding merit or distinguished service by Canadians, through life-long contributions in every field of endeavour, and who made a major difference to Canada, as well as made the world better by their actions. Membership is thus accorded to those who exemplify the order's Latin motto, taken from Hebrews 11:16, desiderantes meliorem patriam, meaning "they desire a better country."

Heidi's dog Whiskey admires NYA
(Note: For scale purposes, this is a 5', 300 lb dog)

Pegi & Neil Young
Thoughts on Bridge School Benefit Weekend 2009
Just another amazing year for Neil fans. Funny, but that's what we said about 2008, calling it the year of the Blu-Ray & LincVolt. This year we hesitated for a moment on whether this was the Year of Harvest Moon or The Archives. A tough call on a personal level, but -- undoubtedly - 2009 will always be known -- for all of time -- as the Year of the Archives.
And another wonderful year for us here at Thrasher's Wheat where we're celebrating our 13th year on the web, 16 years as a Rustie, and 21 year as a Society member! And in a milestone, the TW Platform sustained the highest traffic load in the site's history. So, thanks everyone for supporting Thrasher's Wheat!
See you in 2010!
Happy New Year!
Be the rain, be the sea change, be the wheat.
Joe the Blogger
ps - thanks Archives Guy & Shakey Pix crew for everything!
What I really want to say is, I’ve enjoyed connecting with you over the airwaves here this year through the bad (RIP Jay Bennett) and the good (the flood of NYA releases, for instance).
To paraphrase Bill Graham’s quote about the Dead from years ago: you’re not only the best at what you do – you’re the only one that does what you do. Your labor of love doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated, Thrasher. Thanks for making it all happen.
Happy Everything, man -
There's a world you're living in
No one else has your part
All God's children in the wind
Take it in and blow hard.
"YOT" (year of Thrasher)
Thanks for ALL the goodies T.
-Not Rotten Johnny
(ps ARCHIVES on the way 12.30.09)
Well done Thrasher! Another great year of sharing you passion with the world.
Whew....what a year!
No wonder I'm so exhausted.
Plenty of more musical adventures ahead in 2010.
wishing the happiest of New Years to Thrasher and all the readers of Thrashers Wheat from the entire Archives team.
-Archives Guy
You are a class act in every sense of the word ... the quality of your site is truly befitting of Neil and that's a tough (if not almost impossible)standard to meet - but you meet it. You've constantly delighted the 96%ers while gracefully managing the 4%ers... The fact Archives Guy has chosen your site to grace us with his presence says a lot - either its a validation from Neil himself or at least from his team! The whole archives experience has been a blast thanks to your site and the interaction with AG...The Neil experience the past couple years has been tremendous and your site adds an essential element - a whole other dimention - so much so that for me it has become an essential component of the Neil experience -- its hard to imagine (and I hope we never have to) this whole Neil trip without your site ... hats off to your Thrasher (and Thrashette) this labor of love is a real gem. Thanks for another great year on TW and wishing you many more!
Happy New Year,
Sorry, meant to say,
hats off to you Thrasher (and Thrashette)
Thanks Thrasher/Thrashette for existing and doing what you do!Keep on Rocking 2010!
Thrash, when you review 2009 in that perspective,reflecting with images like this...it certainly WAS a busy year for both Neil and his fans...so much to see..so much to do.
To the highs of his live concert tours, to the sad lows of the loss of family and love ones across the globe,09 has been an extremely busy year for a wheatie.
No one could complain that Neil has not tried to please..it's just that some are more appreciative then others.
For me ,personally finding this site at the start of the year and enjoying the comments, stories and banter that fellow wheaties have given, has been my personal highlight. I had no idea that there are so many passionate Neil fans out there!
So Thrash, even though I seem to "piss" you off coming here and my comments and observations aren't everyone's cup of tea, I've really enjoyed and appreciate the effort you go to make this site as enjoyable as it is..deletions and all!
May I take this opportunity to wish you, and your better half, all the best for 2010 and wait with eagerness at Neil's next little surprise packet.
Just a line from my now favourite Neil song.....
"I was thinkin' about you and me"
gettin'on... and bloggin free!!
Happy new year
luv doc
Great job, Thrasher. Thanks for all your hard work.
My, that's one fine looking dog! : D
....hoping for a slew of BluRay Live downloads in 2010....
Great retrospective, Thrasher! Wow what a year for a Neil Young fan. Thanks for bringing it all home here.
Thank you Thrashers Wheat for equally digging the big guy. Many more years.....................................
Thanks Thrasher for this great forum.
A very nice website dedicated to a brilliant songwriter guitarist, human.
I just relived the photographic memories of the Sidney Myer concert in Melbourne, Australia.
A brilliant night 40plus degrees Celcius down close to the stage. The great man in shorts looking like he was having a great time entertaining the masses.
Seeing both Old Black and the White Gretch on the same night was a highlight.
Still get a buzz just thinking about the party atmostphere of the fans that night, big smiles everyone enjoying the moment.
Thanks again, Justin from downunder
What a year indeed!
And the thing is, without you and your site, Thrasher, it wouldn't have been nearly as good!
Just imagine! No Archives Guy chats! No banter amongst fellow visitors! Hell, I probably wouldn't have even known Neil Young was coming to my home city of Aberdeen if it wasn't for visiting your site! And that would have been the end of the world for me...
So thanks for everything you've done Thrasher!
And after reading that comment from Archives Guy up above, I'm even more excited about 2010 now. Not sure if it could ever beat 2009, unless Neil pays the UK another visit, but you never can tell :-)
So THANK-YOU Neil for a fantastic year. THANK-YOU Archives Guy for keeping us up to date. And once again THANK-YOU Thrasher for still bloggin'!
Happy New Year to you all!
Davie from Scotland
I don't wanna think to the 2009 like a single year, but like the end of a cycle, the archives vol.1 cycle.This cycle is begun with Chrome Dreams II and the following, wonderful winter tours, masterly filmed by Jonathan Demme.You know the rest of history. The wonderful and underrated Dreaming Man Live(maybe the best release of the year)terminates this cycle.I'd like underline the great work of the Neil crew on recording ,mixing and mastering these recordings. Since the times of Massey Hall, the Neil voice is never looked so clear, crystalline as in Dreaming Man.
I'd like thank also Thrasher for the timely dedication to the site and The Archives Team for the patience on listening to all our heavy ramblings.
Andrea."So Tired"
"Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, you're the best"
Thrash - You AND Neil had VERY strong years. Thanks buck, you and this site are the best. 'Looking Forward' for encore performances for 2010.
Hey Thrasher! Thanks for providing us with this great informational resource, excellent discussion forum, and wonderful way to keep tabs on what's happening with Neil! Keep it up!
Now, here's to hoping that 2010 is the Year of Toast!
Prediction: Toast is released, goes multi-platinum, breaks records, the world gasps in awe.
Thrasher, what a great honor to be part of this retrospective, thank you so much.
Also thank you to Archives Guy and his team for the good wishes for 2010 and the announcement for more musical adventures to come.
Thank you, Thrasher, for this site and your work.
Happy New Year to all of you
Just reading through this retrospective and remembering what an amazing year it`s been for all of us Neil fans. Neil continues to surprise and delight us all with such energy, drive and innovation.
Neil Never Sleeps! And probably neither do his team or his bandmates!
My personal highlight was that I was lucky enough to attend the Hyde Park concert in June, with the epic DBTR, the weird "you`re very quiet, I hope you`re not thinking...." from Neil, and the mindblowing finale of ADITL with the surprise appearance of Macca himself. Wow!
Thank-you so much Thrasher and Thrashette for being here thoughout it all, the highs, the lows, the fun, and even the fights!
If 2010 is anywhere near being such a good year no-one will have anything to complain about.
Thrasher`s Wheat - like a waterwashed diamond in a river of sin.......
Happy New Year everyone!
Luv, Jill (keep on bloggin`....!)
I echo Dan's sentiments. What else can be said. Your site and the labor of love in your effort to provide the Neil community a forum to exchange opinions and and everything else Neil related has no peer. In my opinion, your site stands alone, in that if its Neil related , old or new, if it can't be found on 'Thrashers Wheat', it doesn't exist. I'm certain that Neil and his staff recognise the value and no doubt, as in the case of A.G. on the subject of N.Y.A's, your site was very instrumental in helping us through the Archives experience. It was an ironic situation where a fan-site became a valuable consultation firm that proved to be very successful in helping to launch a new product in the market place, while at the same time making adjustments to the product based on feedback from posts while offering suggestions on what format would be best suited for the serious audio-videophile, while making it available in other forms to suit just about everybodys financial stuation.I believe that the final decisions as to what packages were made available were no doubt influenced by feedback from posts on this site which were closely monitered by record executives, if not by Neil himself, using this site as a valuable marketing tool while at the same time providing much information to us as well. So thank you, Thrasher, for doing all that you do behind the scenes to make all of this available to the Neil community. I used to consider myself to be amongst one of Neil Youngs biggest fans, however, the likes of me pale in comparison to the passion you must have to commit to the full time effort that it takes to keep this thing going 24/7 without even a hint of burn-out, may you and 'Thrashette' have a healthy and prospherous 2010!
prospherous works too.
Haha until the comment a few above mine, I'd totally forgotten about "You're awfully quiet... surely you're not thinking.... SURELY you're not thinking?" at Hyde Park!
Still blinded by Paul McCartney, I guess...
Davie from Scotland
What a fitting end to this year (see article below), - apparently this New Years comes with a blue moon, the first in 17 years.
Happy New Year,
LOS ANGELES – Once in a blue moon there is one on New Year's Eve. Revelers ringing in 2010 will be treated to a so-called blue moon. According to popular definition, a blue moon is the second full moon in a month. But don't expect it to be blue — the name has nothing to do with the color of our closest celestial neighbor.
A full moon occurred on Dec. 2. It will appear again on Thursday in time for the New Year's countdown.
"If you're in Times Square, you'll see the full moon right above you. It's going to be that brilliant," said Jack Horkheimer, director emeritus of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium and host of a weekly astronomy TV show.
The New Year's Eve blue moon will be visible in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America and Africa. For partygoers in Australia and Asia, the full moon does not show up until New Year's Day, making January a blue moon month for them.
However, the Eastern Hemisphere can celebrate with a partial lunar eclipse on New Year's Eve when part of the moon enters the Earth's shadow. The eclipse will not be visible in the Americas.
A full moon occurs every 29.5 days, and most years have 12. On average, an extra full moon in a month — a blue moon — occurs every 2.5 years. The last time there was a lunar double take was in May 2007. New Year's Eve blue moons are rarer, occurring every 19 years. The last time was in 1990; the next one won't come again until 2028.
Blue moons have no astronomical significance, said Greg Laughlin, an astronomer at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
"`Blue moon' is just a name in the same sense as a `hunter's moon' or a `harvest moon,'" Laughlin said in an e-mail.
The popular definition of blue moon came about after a writer for Sky & Telescope magazine in 1946 misinterpreted the Maine Farmer's Almanac and labeled a blue moon as the second full moon in a month. In fact, the almanac defined a blue moon as the third full moon in a season with four full moons, not the usual three.
Though Sky & Telescope corrected the error decades later, the definition caught on. For purists, however, this New Year's Eve full moon doesn't even qualify as a blue moon. It's just the first full moon of the winter season.
In a tongue-in-cheek essay posted on the magazine's Web site this week, senior contributing editor Kelly Beatty wrote: "If skies are clear when I'm out celebrating, I'll take a peek at that brilliant orb as it rises over the Boston skyline to see if it's an icy shade of blue. Or maybe I'll just howl."
What A YEAR! Lets all hope 2010 is even better! I think it will. This is great site- there must be a reason why Neil's people choose to communicate with fans via Thrasher's Wheat...theres no better Neil site! Thanks Thrasher for all the hard work making this site so great. Keep fighting the good fight!
Neil, thanks for ALWAYS KEEPING IT REAL! Keep the archives and new music coming in 2010- keep on Rocking!
Nice review Thrasher. You can also add the Order of Canada.
Landing on Water
Thank you for all that you do, TW. Your hard work is greatly appreciated by this Neil Young fan. Can't wait to explore Archives Vol. 2 in 2011 with the community.
Thrash, you created a good blog. Nice work.
Regarding the Archives, hate to say it, but in my opinion it's a very over-hyped piece of work by Neil.
I'd prefer more music, less visuals, and i don't like spending money twice on the same product.
Neil has a chance to improve things for Vol 2...let's see if he does.
Thrasher: Great job in 2009. You have been as generous as Neil has been prolific. What a year for being a Neil fan.
"Thanks for all the turn-ons. Eat a peach for peace...in the new year"
Thank you for a wonderful year of Thrasher's Wheat!!!
As I've said before, you made the wait for Archives Volume I bearable with the "Hell Freezes Over" countdown.
Also, thanks so much for letting us know about Neil Young Trunk Show at Lincoln Center on 01/15/10. I've got my ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the best to you and your loved ones.
Have a very prosperous New Year!
Marian M.
thanks for your work
we are so lucky to be able to follow Neil's career at this time. i'm glad i get to overlap with it.
and thanks for the behind-the-scenes information and good humor, Archives: Guy Edition.
Yesterday i was listening to Broken Arrow and i rediscovered Loose Change.I had never listened it that loud.Try it my rusty friends...Neil you must bring back the Horse in 2011.
Peace & love...
I mean to write 2010 of course
Then 2
HAPPY NEW YEARS Wheaties! from Doc down under!!...
It's been quite a year.
Thanks for running such a great site.
Keep on bloggin,
Thrasher -
Thanks for the fantastic year end overview, and the doubly fantastic website.
As exciting a year as it's been, the recent release of Dreamin' Man had me so focused that I had forgotten how much Neil fun we had year 'round!
That said, Dreamin' Man was a great year-end gift from Neil. I attended a show at the opening of the tour, and this release really drives home what a great song cycle that was for Neil.
Thanks also to Archives Guy for rolling with the punches when things a little hot around here at the time of the Archives release. The Archives info was always informative.
Cheers, and here's to a great 2010!
It's a robust time, probably the most fertile time for the underground and for revolution since Nixon.
-- n young; 6/5/03, The Guardian.
Lets go >------>
E a V n E o R n Y m O u N s E
aNdThenTHere was 1/1/10
Happy new year to all !!
And thanks to Thrasher for his nice job !
Keep on bloggin' and rockin' in a free world
As I was gazing up at the Blue Moon last night and making out my cosmic wish list for 2010 (world peace, an end to poverty, save the planet, etc), one thought just kept coming back to me -
Please, please Neil come dancing across the water back to the UK again this year!! And bring the Horse with you!!
Happy New Year everyone, let`s hope it`s a good `un!
Luv, Jill
wicked good job tw
archive guy - merci beaucoup
happy 2010
old sound man
"EaVnEoRnYmOuNsE".... Interesting
So,the Y is shared in your Ynuogism by both words...I bet you're good at cryptic crosswords!.
try this one....
Just thinking that if everyone/anonymous got involved maybe this revolution could occur. and that we gotta be together to get it done. time's fading away around here for it.
Lady Gaga sings Neil !
Such a great year.
I'm very thankful for being a NY fan. And that includes the person too, not only the musician.
Thank you Thrasher.
Greetings from Brazil.
wooohooo... revolution!
CRAZY HORSE! Neil, time to pull the Horse from the stable...they've been out to pasture too long!
Neil, bring back the Horse in 2010 !
Paco, from Almeria
Well, some good news for Pearl Jam fans in the UK at least - they will be headlining at Hard Rock Calling on 25th June and are likely to appear at some of the Summer festivals.
luv Jill (keep on bloggin` in 2010)
2009 was a great Neil year wasn't it:)
Thrasher,we all owe you a big debt of thanks for your work, even if it is a labour of love :)
Well,2009 is over and Now it's time to present Thrash's awards for the year gone by:
The "I'm writing another novel but I'll get comment of the moment" award" goes to...DI Kertis!... gongrats DI well deserved. lol
The "Where have I gone to award" goes to: Mother Nature on the Run!
(Where ARE you Mother?)
The "Year of the Horse" Award goes to: SHITTY of course.
The "I'm not sure who I am award" goes to: Pinto...Or.. Flounder?
Excellent choice Thrash lol
The "truly, lovely person award" goes to: Liza!
You won that hands down! Seriously Liza, All the best for 2010. Keep your head up and your memories strong!!
The "I am woman, watch me.. bro" award.... is shared by all the female bloggers that come to the wheat! Karen, Jill(still bloggin') and all the other beautiful women I've blogged (with).
The "good sport award"..Unaminous!
This Award goes to Thrasher! Without which this ceremony could not be possible!
The "Cher's better Half award" goes to: Sony! I can relate to your comments, all the best!
And finally "the Pain in the arse" award goes to: Guess Who?
Luv Doc
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