A Happy Chapter for Liza

Liza in the Linc-Volt Jacket
Last May, Neil Young's Linc-Volt Team held a music video contest for the song "Johnny Magic" and Liza from Germany was voted as the winner of the contest. Naturally, Liza was thrilled to win -- both for the recognition of her video and the first prize Linc-Volt jacket.
But then tragedy struck when her husband Michael -- after 18 years of marriage and father of four wonderful boys -- died suddenly without warning in his office.
The Neil community was shocked and rallied around Liza offering support and encouraging her not to give up her tickets to the upcoming Neil Young concert in Cologne, Germany. Liza was reluctant about attending the concert as she mourned the loss of her husband but reconsidered after reading the story of another grieving Neil fan who made a wish for "Harvest Moon" in concert.
And -- sure enough -- her wish for "Harvest Moon" was granted.
So, the months go by. Time and grief begin to heal. But where's the Linc-Volt jacket?
Well, it would seem that with the Europe tour, The Archives releases, and all the other activities, somehow the shipment of Liza's prize was overlooked.
On a post last week on the State Of Lincvolt & Special Guest in Garage, some comments were exchanged not only on the state of Lincvolt but the state of Liza's jacket as well.
We guess someone must have been reading because today we received a copy of this note from Liza:
Dear Neil and Pegi, dear ShakeyPictures and LincVolt-Team,
About an hour ago the long awaited package from California arrived here in Germany. My son David opened the door, when the FedEx man rang the doorbell.
When I asked him who was at the door, my son just said, oh, you got a package...
I went to see and my heart started beating.....it said : South San Francisco, CA.... and of course, right away I knew: this must be the jacket !!
We opened the package and were even more excited, two jackets and two caps.
And of course, best of all, with Neil's very fantastic autograph on one jacket and on one of the caps...
Thank you so much for being so generous! You really made me very, very happy today.
Thank you so much again and again.
Love, Liza
Wonderful Liza! You wear it well.

A Rare B. Shakey Signing!
Hi Neil and LV team,
hi Thrasher, hi Neil-Community,
just this weekend I visited Liza with my Neil-friend Albert.
We had a great time together.
Liza showed us all the places where she and her late husband
Michael shot the video for the JM contest. Of course, we felt Michael
was with us all the time.
While we were hiking through the vineyards, we were wondering when the
jacket would be with Liza. This afternoon I got the mail with the big
news. Liza was very happy and excited about the jacket and mailed some
first fotos.
I called her, to tell her that I was so happy for her. I really liked
Michael a lot. Therefore I want to thank all of you for making it
possible, that this jacket is such a special memory
of Michael.
Hi Thrasher,
wow, I'm stunned! I really like the way you created this new thread, with all the background information and links to it.
Thank you so much!
Again I must tell you, that without your wonderful site nothing of this would have been possible.
Love, Liza
Hi Con,
thank you so much for your comment and your words about Michael.
Love, Liza
No, thank you.
You are so strong.
It's a victory for the heart every time the music starts.
Very Sweet.
Liz - you should be in the next "Shakey Pictures" show.
the jacket run home!!!
Albert with tears in the castle.
Liza, I'm glad you finally got the well deserved jacket.
I hope it will keep you warm and make you feel the love of Michael.
And when you feel a bad fog of loneliness, change your mind,dry your crying eyes,and dance dance dance...It's better than silver and gold.
When you see the sky about to rain, cause Michael sleeps with angels, look at your four strong winds and you'll find yourself standing in the light of love.
How Great!...I did not know that a hat and jacket could fit like a glove...Looks good on you.
We are happy to hear that your prizes arrived quickly and safely after the matter was brought to our attention by Thrasher.
Did you notice that the jacket bears an EXTREMELY rare signature by Bernard Shakey? He was visiting us on the day everything was shipped and asked Neil if he could sign it.
-Archives Guy
Hi Liza
great to see you in that beautiful LV-jacket !!
Very nice !!
@ Archives Guy:
It would be a big pleasure for us to meet Bernard Shakey next weekend in the Huelchrath Castle,
making a movie there, about one of Germanys most popular Neil-Young-Fan-Events.
Perhaps he drives with Lincvolt to the castle?
Greetings from Thuringia
SONY, Albert, TomCrac, thanks a lot for your comments!
Luc, your posting made me smile, really like the way you quote Neil's song. Thank you!
Archives Guy, thank you so much for your comment. Of course I noticed right away that the autograph on the jacket is very special, because it says B. Shakey. Infact I took a picture of it too and send it to Thrasher.
He might post it here later on.
And yes, I'm really enjoying this wonderful prize!!
Thank you again!
Love, Liza
Roland, thank you, too!
Yes, B. Shakey in Hülchrath Castle, that would be something....
Love, Liza
Liza, this is truly a touching story. I wish you good fortune on the journey ahead.
Humanity and hope. Bless you Liza and may you wear it in good health.
Thanks a lot for the last two comments!
And Thrasher, thank you for adding the foto with the autograph of B. Shakey.
Love, Liza
Hi Liza!
We are happy to read this great news!!
You're looking beautiful with jacket and cap ;-)
CONGRATULATIONS-the "Hawkfamily"
Thank you, Hawkfamily, for the congrats and for the nice compliment!
Love, Liza
Hi Liza,
I meant to comment before now,that it is great that you got your cap,and jacket,whose meaning goes beyond just material things.
Best Wishes ,
Thank you, John!
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