Video Premiere: "Johnny Magic" #2

The premiere of Neil Young's second "Johnny Magic" video is now up on Huffington Post.
Joe the Rock Star says:
This is a song about people and heroes and change. Life in America. I hope you enjoy it as much as my dog. He is usually very camera shy but not in this video. Featuring Shakey Pictures' new 'economy look' to go with the times!
Let's send Johnny to Detroit!
Nice ride with Carl!
But Neil's Echos t-shirt looks pretty worn out. Might need some new Echos?! (see about 1oth pic down. Also, see Echos sign report from Raleigh, August 12, 1996, Raleigh RustFest and Encounters in Raleigh, NC.)
Lots of positive reaction comments on Huffington Post. (And could someone explain to us why HuffPo comments would be more positive than those of hardcore Neil Young fans?)
Carl doesn't think anything about it ! Don't spook the dog.
"Featuring Shakey Pictures' new 'economy look' to go with the times!"
Gotta dig that. No hair band shots or chicks with make-up all over their bods. Neil Young is synonomous with inovation.
Get gone, oh yeah get gone.
But the music here is not synonomous with inovation, even it's cool. Miss the Horse.
It could have been called "Living with Car" - the whole album has that singularity of purpose and slap-dash, first take, feel of LWW. Funky, freaky, kind of nutty. I've always pteferred the Neil "after the goldrush social scientist," to the "Let's Roll" version - but that's why I like him - not certain what'll come next.
Not sure I like FITR - I'll wait till the third version of the album comes out before I judge.
Carl is Cool!
Go Neil. But the car roof looks a little tattered?
Guess that's low budget?
March 11 1900hrs Ont
Cool songs & videos re: Lincvolt.
Neil's off the net at this time. Has the volt left Whichata?
Seeking Shakey
Ah Johnny Magic... Second version.... inneresting!
Notice how Neil, twice puts his hand around the back of the seat for Carl's reassurance,only to find him not there..soughta like his optional fans!
Carl's obviously tried to get out through the head lining then decides his only means of escape is out the side window!!
Neil must have got off those dog knapping charges...Where's Buddy when ya want him!!!?
Anyone know what breed of dog that is?
Dr Dip...that was a hilarious comment!
'Love your video''Love your Dog', Thanks for having Carl(your 'Linc-a-Doodle')(copyright by Jim)as guest in the video!!
This video 2 for Magic Johnny,the song,is very cool.Neil & Carl as a duo -fantastic & kinda cute!I like the song,and it has that nagging catchiness that sticks in your mind.Not in an annoying way.A hit!
The consequences of enviromental & economic collapse underwrite these car songs.Neil identifies villains & sympathises with victims.He even offers solutions.
As much fun as some are,on the surface,Neil is in fact taking on the Greedy Hand head on,with these songs.Greendale 2? -why not!
Carl looks like a Wheaten Terrier; which, if correct, is the same dog breed chosen by Obama. Perhaps this is a veiled reference to Obama "having Neil's back" (after all, Neil was looking for a leader!) in seeking out green alternatives..??? (seems like it would have been hard to plan THAT so well). You could take it even farther.. Neil reaches back for Obama's reassurance, and is met with a stony silence...
By the way, Carl is a very cute dog... great choice!
I can just here Neil now.....
"I'm gunna make version 3"....
"Hey peg, go get the pig!and warm up the ole'Bently!"and get that old black sabbath tee shirt out for me!"the Wheat think it's neat!"
This song is awesome...its so catchy...not sure how anyone can dis this...I think it's great and video #2 is just hilarious!
Keep um coming Neil!
Oh yeah, it's just awesome. And hilarious. And catchy. And you're so honest.
oooh, that's brave......
"don't kick a shittyhorse in the mouth"'ll never winney!
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