Randomly Blogged: Never Ending Tour Continues, Photos, New Neil website
- The never ending tour continues.
Lots of press on Neil Young coming to the New Orleans Jazz Festival, but not much notice of a Spring tour of the south as the never ending tour continues. Neil Young confirmed for New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival - Times-Picayune - NOLA.com
Trying to book Franklin and Young for 2009 wasn't an "either-or" situation, Davis said. He would have found slots for both while assembling the jigsaw puzzle-like schedule.
"There are so many things that click and turn and fall in and fall out. This one is ready to confirm, that one isn't, you're waiting to hear. Performance days, places and times move."
Young has long occupied a slot on the festival's wish list. "We tried to get him every year for 10 years," Davis said. "A lot of different factors were involved. Wanting it to happen is not enough."
Some years, Young would not be on tour in the spring. Or else he would be touring with show he didn't think would work at Jazz Fest, such as his acoustic show.
"Negotiating is easier than whether or not you can get the artist on tour, with his band, at that moment in his career when he's totally into rocking out," Davis said. "Neil Young has no shortage of great moments, but the current great moment is perfect for us."
Discussions with Young's camp about a 2009 performance began in November. Davis knows Young's legendary booking agent, Marsha Vlasic, who had previously booked Van Morrison at Jazz Fest. She assembled a string of Southern concert dates so Young's tour routing could include the festival.
"She gets a lot of the credit for working to make this happen," Davis said.
A Neil tour of the south could be truly interesting and make NOJF a mere footnote. Hopefully, Neil will have a better reception in Atlanta this time?
- Photos of Neil Young and Wilco - New York, NY - Madison Square Garden - 12/15/08 :: Paste (concert reviews).
- A Neil Young fan's office birthday party

Cheryl M's Office Birthday Party
Just wanted to thank you for all you do to bring the Neil news to all of us. My husband and I support you through a monthly donation. Keep up the good work!!! I also wanted to let you know that there are still a lot of us older Neil fans around. Today is my 53rd birthday and I wanted to share a couple of photos with you. My colleagues know that I am a Big Neil fan, so they made a huge birthday card for me from Neil (See Photos). Just wanted to share the fun and say thanks again for all you do.
Big Neil Fan in Texas
Happy Birthday Cheryl! That's great to have such cool office mates!
- Mark E.'s Tatoo of Continental Tour Logo

Ahh, the diversity of the Neil community.
- New look and feel over on NeilYoung.dk, the Danish Neil Young site. Peter Thielst in Copenhagen, Denmark writes us:
Hi there thrasherswheat!
Let me start by thanking you for this great site. It's in my opinion the by far coolest place get all the latest and most specific news about Neil.
After having started my own Neil Young solo cover project - The Loner - I needed a website for the thing. At the same time I thought that we needed a Neil Young fan site in Denmark.
So I combined the two and made www.neilyoung.dk.
First of all it's a fan site. The idea is to give the danish fans an introduction to Neil by finding and translating all the goodies I find on my way around the internet.
But during this spring the site will also be hosting my schedule and concert plan. Of course it's only danish venues for now, but anyway...
Feel free to take a look and link to www.neilyoung.dk.
You can see my banner ad for The Loner on the frontpage to the right.
Thanks again for being a big inspiration for me to make this site.
- Don’t Spook The Horse - The Neil Young Tribute Band » Recordings
- “They put me down for fuckin’ around with things I didn’t understand… for getting involved with something I shouldn’t have been involved with… well, FUCK THEM", says Neil Young regarding experiments like TRANS | Sound Affects | PopMatters
- Ear Candle Productions: DVD Of The Fortnight: CSNY Deja Vu
- Photos of 1983 Neil Young Solo Trans Tour by Gil Garcia
Be the Rain.
Be the Change.
Be the Wheat.
Joe the Blogger
...No comments?!
Come back to the UK Neil!!!!!!!
Thrasher, your blog has become very cluttered and slow. Maybe it's just me, but there's an awful lot of information and links and applications and whatnot on here....
Jazz Festival? Neil?
There's a fork in the road, again.
Never too late, I guess. I always said inside every artist is a jazz musician ready to be born.
Neil should play 'Ordinary People' in this Jazz Festival.
At 2/18/2009 12:14:00 PM,
Yeah, the Dewey RIP takes a lot of bandwidth -- vids, pix, etc.
It'll roll off in a few days.
So here's the deal.
- You need a faster 'net connection
- I need to move back to 1.0 days of low res/no res pix, no vids, short posts
- be patient
Thanks for feedback!
How about other folks? Too slow? Too much Neil stuff? Do we need to throttle back for the few? Or crank into overdrive for the many?
There a fork in the road ahead.....
Cheryl Big Neil Fan in Texas good to see someone out there[same age as me] so close to Louisiana who's a NY fan
I thought the new Neil website would be the Archives one with the track list :(
Great news!
First I've heard of a Spring tour.
Hope he makes down to FL.
Hi, Tim,
It's good to know that there are other Baby Boomers out there in this area who are Neil fans. I hope you get to see him in concert in New Orleans in May. I am hoping that Neil will make a swing through Texas enroute to New Orleans! Take care.
Big (Fifty-Something) Neil Fan in Texas
Got tickets for Nottingham!!
..just got to find where it is...
...and surely there'll be London... rumour ia it'll be o2 arena...
... and Glastonbury ? I've been waiting for that for years!
Roll on June
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