Reaction to Charlie Rose Interview of Neil Young

There's been quite a reaction to last week's "A conversation with Neil Young" on the Charlie Rose Show.
If you haven't seen the interview as of yet, you can view it here.
For many, the one hour long interview was perhaps the most comfortable and open that Neil has ever given on television. A range of topics were discussed and Neil -- for the most part -- put forth his best effort in giving a straightforward response. This is in contrast with so many interviews where Neil often prefers to dodge and weave with his inquisitor.
Here's a sampling of some of the reaction on Charlie's site:
What an incredible insightful interview with Mr. Neil Young! I've been a long time fan of his music, and to see this side of Neil was wonderful.
This interview is one of the best I've ever seen. You were even able to get him to smile & share about some of his passions. He is truely one of the renaissance men of our time, 'long may he run.'
Great interview Mr Rose. Neil, an inspiration,a leader, & a most human human. Even if great songs can't, visions & dreams can change the World.
Steve Trask:
I don't think I recall this many posts after one of your interviews. That was just fantastic! He really is always thinking. You can see it so plainly. Thank goodness the doctor's found that aneurism before we lost his conscience and genius. Hope Neil and his team comes up with that revolutionary drive train. Great to see you open up in this way after all these years.
It is so refreshing to hear a conversation that gets away from the debate over democrats vs republicans and talks about the larger problems that everyone needs to care about. History will record Neil as one of the great contributors of his generation - beyond his music - that inspired others to try and reach for the stars and succeed.
Mark C:
This was an interesting interview with a terrific musician with a conscience. It is always entertaining to hear how an artist approaches his or her craft, and in this case, Neil didn’t disappoint. The real value, however of this interview, relates to Neil’s views on the connection between energy and war, or energy and the future prospects of our planet. I’m thankful that Neil has leveraged his celebrity for the purpose of a BHOG (big hairy audacious goal) for eliminating “roadside refueling.” Hopefully, his commitment towards this goal can light a fire for the rest of us to examine things we can do to improve the future of our lives on this planet.
CindyMax on Huffington Post:
Charlie Rose's interview with Neil Young is one of the best I've ever seen. It was life altering for me.David Chowes:
Young's remarks about honoring and respecting his creative flow were revelatory. He stops whatever he's doing to give the creative urge an outlet. I've been creative all my life in music, art, and dance, but too often guiltily squelch creative inspirations to finish whatever piddly chore is in progress. Young is so right. Creative drive has to be given an outlet immediately or it's lost. It's to be honored and acted upon, not wasted."
Quite fulfilling to finally "meet" Neil Young, if only for an hour and only via a television program. I have been following him for many years (since CSN&Y) and he is an artist lacking the hype, marketing and ego which charactertize many other R&R song writers and performers. He just "does it" they way he feels it and wants to express himself.
His comments on the war and saving the planet via a substitute for gasoline vehicles: unlike other celebrities, I found his comments heartfelt -- and, not driven in any way to enhance his ego, become more popular, to sell more tickets to his concerts or sell CD's or to enlarge his musical career. To be concise: he is who he is. Ergo, authentic! I knew that he had gone through serious health problems -- but, did not realize that they were life threatening. The most touching part of the interview was when he spoke so glowingly about his wife and marriage of 30 years. A R&Rer married for 30 years, to the same woman and he obviously adores her? Even the unusual does happen -- but, rarely. If only we had more people like Neil Young in this world. We would not be facing the overwhelming problems we deal with: personal, domestic and global which are choking us all. Wonderful interview and program. Mr. Rose, you are so knowlegable about so many aspects of our world. A veritable protean host.
Mr. Rose, Thank you for having Neil as a guest on your show. It was a thoroughly enjoyable hour that allowed him to express himself concerning a variety of subjects close to his heart in a relaxed setting and enabled your viewers to wonder, cry, question, dream and sing along.
It was an incredible interview. I don't think I've ever heard Neil speak so frankly, and it's insightful to hear his political stances so plainly too. The greatest musician never fails to impress.
my favorite part was when charlie rose asked him "so what 5 songs do you HAVE to play everynight?" that just cracked me up. I also liked how neil talked about pegi and how she never tried to change him. We are so blessed with neils music. I hope he does another tour in the states. take care everyone. and neil has some great ideas with this whole energy crisis.
I was moved by his discussion of writing some of the songs on 'Living With War' and how he was balling tears after writing some of this stuff. On a few occasions he implied that the whole LWW period, writing the album, performing the album, the documentary, wasn't really a pleasant experience, nor was it something he wants to experience again. But he felt it was important to express those sentiments, important to get the American public involved in the debate and he went through all this to make that happen. Using his celebrity to be a change agent or an agent of good. He's doing the same thing on the Lincoln Volt project ... not to get political, in contrast to someone like Obama who talks a good game, Neil is in many ways the greatest example of a leader in our society who is 100% sincere and taking action towards the ills of our society. And Neil truly transcends politics, is a true uniter, has the lofty character to stand by his convictions. Its interesting that Neil was a true early opponent of the war and used his celebrity to do something about it. Now he's dealing with our energy problem, has built a team to try to solve the problem and he's utilizing his fame to bring attention to the issue. Best of all, he's not out to further himself, or his fame, or his career. To the contrary, he's using all that he has to serve the people. Its ironic, but Neil is demonstrating the type of change we need, and possess the sincerity we need right now. Too bad we don't have any politicians today who can follow his lead.
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