Neil Young on Sopranos ... Namecheck Only
Mikey posted the following blog comment on The Sopranos TV episode on Sunday (May 15) ...
Hey Thrasher: There was a reference to Neil on the Sopranos last night! Tony was making fun of his sister Jancie's husband who is a model train enthusiast for playing with trains as an adult. Janice said "what about Neil Young?" and Tony sharply replied "He owns Lionel!" A fantastic reference to Shakey on the best television show ever.
More on Lionel Trains and Neil Young from Classic Toy Trains - March 1993

Technorati Blog Tag: Neil Young
I liked model trains before I knew anything about Neil Young. I used to live near the model railroad club and walked there all the time to look around. (They are still in the same building today. I should go up there.)
Then I discovered Neil Young and became a fan. When I found out he likes model trains too, I thought that was cool.
I have never seen The Sopranos.
There has also been another reference. I'm afraid I can't remeber the episode but Tony walks into the retraunt with the Priest and says something like 'don't you ever take a break' and he replies 'it's like the man says, rust never sleeps'. There is also an episode called 'King Midas in Reverse' - possible CSNY reference?
Similar to Neil's "moon" motif, trains feature prominently in his music... Songs such as "Southern Pacific," "White Line" (which actually has even more train references in earlier versions), and the more recent "It's a Dream," all glorify the power, nostalgia, and majesty of trains... It would be interesting to see how many total train references exist in his prodigious discography.
let's not forget "Red Sun," perhaps one of Neils' most beautiful and underrated songs:
When the red sun sets
on the railroad town,
And the bars begin to laugh
with a happy sound,
I'll still be here
right by your side,
There'll not be anyone
in my heart but you.
And the dreams that you're having,
they won't let you down,
If you just follow on
'cause you know
where you're bound,
The well will be flowing
and the words will come fast,
When the one who is coming
arrives here at last
On the grassy hills
of the railroad town,
Where we cut through the fences
and over the crown,
Where wind was blowing
right through your hair,
I dreamt that my Momma
and Daddy were there
And the dreams that you're having,
they won't let you down,
If you just follow on
'cause you know
where you're bound,
The well will be flowing
and the words will come fast,
When the one who is coming
arrives here at last
When the red sun sets
on the railroad town,
And bars begin to laugh
with the happy sound,
I'll still be here
right by your side,
There'll not be another
in my heart but you
Here's the railroad club I used to walk to a lot when I lived near it:
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