"I would rather die than go to a Neil Young concert"
Here's some ironic amusement that is not as bad as the title would indicate -- at first glance...
From My Amusement Park: Music makes the people come together/Music makes the bourgeoisie and the rebels:
"I would rather die than go to a Neil Young concert, just because it would mean being surrounded by tie-dye and flannel and self-satisfied smirking over organic coffee, or beer, or weed, or whatever. That doesn't change the quality of Neil Young's music, and why let a bunch of pensioners get in the way of my enjoyment? "
But many folks -- in fact -- seem to enjoy Neil Young concerts -- especially the tie-dye, flannel, organic coffee, beer, or weed portions.

Hell, if you can't dip into your tax-sheltered retirement fund for the $500 for you and the wife to go see CSNY and reminisce over $7 cups of coffee, well, sh*t, you're just not livin'!!!
PS - I heard that the smoke and funny smell was just Poncho burning incense. Since he won't be along for the ride, that shouldn't be a problem!
Okay, so the title should have read:"I would rather Die If I don't get to see a Neil Young Concert" To be honest and fair I checked my closet and all I own are ripped jeans(with patches), flannel shirts and plain old faded t-shirts, sandals,a couple of fedora's(that's a hat your grandfather wore)and a couple of "Willie like" head bands. I'm one year shy of the senior rate at the grocery store and I clearly remember the "Cuban Missle Crisis". I guess I quality and meet the necessary requirements to attend a Neil Young Concert!!
I am in my 30s, have never been to a Neil Young concert, and I'm afraid that I never will.
i'm 21 and i'm going to my first neil concert and couldnt be happier.
get yer butt down here from Alaska the next time Neil does a Solo acoustic tour. You must see him perform alone and acoustic before he is gone!
I'm 49, Mrs. is 26 -- and she's dying to see him!!
I'm 24, seen Neil 22 times since my first show on the '99 solo tour. Not a hippie (although I don't eat meat and my hair's gettin' pretty long), not rich (relatively underpaid college grad), and I can count the times I've smoked weed on my two hands.
Obnoxious concert-goers have been a little annoying at times but they've never made me regret seeing Neil!
I'm 19 and I've seen Neil once with Crazy Horse and once with Pearl Jam. I'll be seeing him again in August with CSNY. I cannot wait.
But from listening to countless Neil Young bootlegs, I've decided that Neil Young crowds generally SUCK, especially during acoustic shows and Greendale shows. They need to shut the fuck up when he's talking and/or playing. There were some idiots at the Greendale show in Cleveland yelling "Ohiiiiiio" the whole time.
I'm 47 and still live in the ragged glory of the first NY concert I ever attended -- the blow-out Rust Never Sleeps concert at Pine Knob, Clarkston, MI -- yeah, I was 20 years old and sat on the lawn, but the music was loud enough to satisfy... First time I ever heard Thrasher -- and as I saw those doobies rolling by, looking more than two lanes wide, I was feeling like my night had just begun... I still have the t-shirt with the fake suspenders...
to add to what Keith and anonymous said, I don't go to a Neil Young show to hear the American Idol version of his songs...I'll just wait for the DVD,and if there isn't one, that's life...
Going to Neil Young concerts is one of my favorite things in the world to do!! This 48 yr old mother of three went to her first Neil concert when I was 14 yrs old and have never stopped. Nothing though is better that Neil doing a an acoustic solo tour and performing at the Greek in L.A.!! Pure heaven!!
Lazerlou, it would cost me somewhere around 500 bucks. I checked.
I suppose people with wayyy toooo much time on their hands would write a blog about why they WOULD NOT want to attend a NY concert. Geez -- get a hobby.
I can't count the number of times I've seen Neil - first time in 1972 and now seeing him in July 06. Yes, acoustic shows are AWESOME! I am a die-hard fan I suppose - it's what we do - we go to see Neil when he is town or in close proximity. Simple as that.
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