Neil Young Appreciation Society Flyer

As often stated before, the membership of the Neil Young Appreciation Society (NYAS) is essential for hard core Neil Young fans like ourselves.
Society membership includes the indispensable quarterly magazine Broken Arrow (edited by Scott "Surfer Joe" Sandie), a membership card, badge (see bottom of right sidebar), and front row concert seating (we wish!).

Neil Young Appreciation Society - Flyer by Joost
Currently a lot of NYAS members are working at bumping up the membership of the NYAS, by handing out flyers at gatherings of Neil Young fans, such as the "Heart of Gold" film screenings taking place right now. The flyer (designed by long time and esteemed Rustie Joost "I Am A Child" Groen) is available to download as a PDF. It contains a few humorous touches like a quote by Neil about Pegi reading Broken Arrow, which are worth the download itself.
So, if you can help out the Society, that would be great! Download the flyer and start cracking! Also, if you would like to become an NYAS member, download the Flyer, fill it out and send it to the address mentioned. You can also simply send a subscription e-mail to Scott Sandie. Payment for the membership can be done on-line via Paypal.
As we said earlier regarding the wonderful Broken Arrow Magazine issue #100 -- "On to #200!!!"
Thrasher - NYAS#2476
ps- Thanks Joost!
Cool. I'll bring a batch to a screening this weekend
How do I join the NYAS online, I found 2 differnt websites and I dont know which is the right one...
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