Buffalo Springfield: "Mr Soul" Video

Extremely classic video clip from the heyday of Buffalo Springfield on "Hollywood Palace" in 1967 performing Stephen Stills "For What It's Worth" before seguing into Neil Young's "Mr. Soul".
The clip is hosted on YouTube (to play directly, click icon in center of frame below).
The clip is quite a historical document of the era. Drummer Dewey Martin wears a nice coat and tie while Neil is decked out in a buckskin fringe jacket looking like a Hollywood Indian. Neil patiently sits on an amp while Stills does a brief "For What It's Worth" before launching into "Mr. Soul".
Also, note the bass player out in front of the stage with his back to the audience? Can't be Bruce Palmer because he has just been busted on possession charges. Legend has it that it's band roadie Dickie Davis pretending to play bass. Reality TV in it's early stages...
More on rare Buffalo Springfield film and video footage and other Neil Young videos.
well...i'm 16 and I've been a fan for like a year and a half..so i'm still just exploring this brand new artist...yet i've been able to get my hands on 16 of his albums,read Shakey,bought a few dvd's,learned teh harmonica and some of his songs...there's just so much to learn from this man and this site is amazing..i loooove it..i check ATLEAST twice a day for updates and stuff...and most times,there are updates..so that's real awsome that it gets updated frequently..some fan sites haven't been updated since 2003,you know?so this site is like a breath of fresh air this site rocks..i love it..and the Time Fades Away petition is a great idea so keep up the great work
PS.i kinda got two questions though..i'm wondering how i become a member here and like get to post stuff,you know? also...i was wondering WHAT exectly would be on the Archives Vol. 1 box set...i know it'll be compromised of 8 cd's,all including unreleased material from 1963 to 1973...but i don't understand all this shit about the Blue Ray Disc or something..i'd be happy if someone could maybe explain it to me...thanks:)
massively awesome video!!!! Those cats were too cool for school.
someone who was on Sunset in the 60s
Now that was way cool! Thanks.
now we need the Springfield on the Smothers Bros,or CSNY on Tom Jones...
According to John Einarson in "For What It's Worth - The Story Of The Buffalo Springfield", Dickie Davis subbed for the then-recently busted Bruce Palmer on bass. Springfield audio and video can be found here: http://tela.sugarmegs.org/sugaree/
Holy cow?! Look at those chops!
classic footage . . . question, what this entire lip sync'd? the solo is obviously real.
This was fun to watch but it's obviously not really live, i.e., they're not really playing but lip syncing along to the record.
I read an article about Glen Campbell saying that he filled in during that Hollywood show.. as the bass player..
Who was the MC?
Who was the MC?
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