Greendale Songbook: Here's How to Win One

A songbook for Greendale is now available, The Neil Young & Crazy Horse Guitar Songbook Edition: Greendale. The new album-matching folio has note-for-note guitar transcriptions in tablature of all the songs on the album.
The songbook has reproductions of the album booklet art and complete lyrics.
There's all sorts of interesting stuff like finding out that "Be The Rain" is tuned in Double-drop D.

Warner Bros. Publications' asked if Thrasher's Wheat could giveaway a copy on the site in a contest. So Thrasher said sure.
So here's the "contest". Real simple. Send in something for posting on Thrasher's Wheat. We'll see what comes in and pick a winner of The Neil Young & Crazy Horse Guitar Songbook edition: Greendale.
Maybe a Greendale concert memory? Or a Neil song story?
Here's something posted recently that's really nice: Neil Young's Winnipeg Hometown.
E-mail your Neil Young posting to thrasher ATSIGN thrasherswheat DOT org
Thrasher will take contest submissions until May 1.
So just be the rain!
More on Neil's Young Greendale.

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