Randomly Blogged - Billy Talbot, Steve Earle, Wilco, Shooter Jennings, Drive By Truckers

Billy Talbot Band's Alive In The Spirit World bonus MP3 downloads
Video of a 10-minute performance of Billy Talbot Band's "Dreamer"
Rolling Stone review of Alive In The Spirit World by DAVID FRICKE:
"Billy Talbot has been neil Young's bassman in the greatest fuzz-box-rock group of all time, Crazy Horse, since 1969, so he knows plenty about the cleansing properties of distortion and sunlit vocal harmonies -- more than enough to make his own, substantial magic as a singer and songwriter. Inevitably, Talbot's solo debut is alive with echoes of Young: the long lead-guitar soliloquies in "Security Girl" and "Dreamer," the country-gothic air of "Living in the Spirit World." There is also a moving, genuinely psychedelic drama in the way Talbot's ravaged, ranch-hand-poet baritone crawls through the sweet rains of twang here, played by a three-man army of guitarists including Matt Piucci, once of L.A. paisley-Eighties legends the Rain Parade. Talbot's voice and songs are thick with specters and questions; everything else comes in colors, sparkling with morning dew."
Steve Earle Revolts - 9:30 Club, March 19, 2005
Wilco's A Ghost is Born and Neil Young discussion
Shooter Jennings' Recipe for a Good Song: One Part Neil Young
Drive By Truckers BitTorrents on Nine Bullets of 01/01/2005 - Bowery Ballroom, NYC and 02/24/2005 - Cooley @ The Earl, Atlanta, GA
Beware the Where the Buffalo Roam DVD Soundtrack Ripoff
The Gear Page's Neil Young's Guitars Thread discussion where
bluesdoc writes:
"Stories??.......... About 30 yrs ago I lived on a commune in the hills above Palo Alto, not far from Neil's ranch. I was fresh out of medical training, living the dream....... or so it seemed. Anyhow, fall of '75, some idiot let a campfire get out of control and a grassfire ensued. Pretty hairy as we were on about 800 acres of bone dry grass and oaks. Everyone pitched in trying to scrape grass off the dirt to stop its progression. Neil came over to help and proceeded to collapse from exhaustion. I was called to tend to him, which I did. No big deal. Just a bit of close contact."
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