We're Back! Thrasher's Wheat Returns From Mountains to the Sea
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We will have much more to say in the future about our sabbatical break, as we prepare for yet another re-launch of the Thrasher's Wheat platform.
But in the meantime, we will only just say that it was somehow yet another trip of a lifetime ... in more ways than one.
Thanks so very much to all of our dear readers and supporters for all of your warm and loving comments which we're just returning to now. Hopefully, we can reply personally to everyone, but if not, please be assured that all of your messages of encouragement and support are truly appreciated.
So we'll continue just keep on bloggin' -- not only until the power goes out -- but right on through the approaching Big Shift.
On towards 30 years of Neil Young blogging.
peace & love,
thrasher and thrashette
ps - big Neil Young news following soon...
Labels: blog, neil young
Good to see you!
Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your time away.
thanks much wardo & wsanjose.
Our sabbabitical was the pause that refreshes. It's been a long road and the break was needed desperately. Years of slogging thru the chafff can wear you down.
Now we're back and ready to go. The concert tours this summer has us pretty excited.
Thanks tour loyal TW readers and supporters, we've managed to snag tix for 1st 3 N America dates + Dublin.
The Van Morrison opener was the deal breaker for us. Never saw Van Morrison back in the day so pretty stoked.
As forthe future of TW from here. Going into sabbatical, we felt we had come to another fork in the road (in the parlance of our times). We could keep on doing what we've been doing for 27 years.
Or break the paradigm going forward. And for those who know and love us, you know the decision we have made.
Hopefully we can get the TW relaunch up and smoothed out before tour chaos begins this summer.
so wish us luck as we turn the page here @ TW.
Thanks again for everyone sticking with us thru the dark and light.
As we are often inclined to say -- and we mean this humbly and sincerely -- "We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For"
(see http://neilyoungnews.thrasherswheat.org/2013/09/when-neil-young-speaks-truth-to-power.html)
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