PREMIERE TODAY: "Falling From Above" from "Greendale" | Neil Young Archives

'A little love and affection
In everything you do
Will make the world a better place
With or without you'
"Falling From Above" via Neil Young Archives
The song "Falling From Above" from "RETURN TO GREENDALE" film is scheduled to premiere today in Hearse Theater | Neil Young Archives.
Movietone Premiere: Falling From Above from Return to Greendale
— Neil Young Archives (@NeilYoungNYA) April 20, 2020
This is our first song in RETURN TO GREENDALE. Follow weekly as we go through RETURN TO GREENDALE song by song all the way to the finale. Don’t miss this! Watch the Hearse
Now showing on Page 4 of the Contrarian

Starting today, each Monday will feature a chapter from Greendale. Last week, "Sun Green" from "Greendale" premiered.

"Sun Green" welded to the eagles beak
"There's Corruption on THE HIGHEST FLOOR"
(and most of the floors below, too) : Yet More Inconvenient Truth in Greendale
Previously, the the world premiere of "Leave The Driving" from film RETURN TO GREENDALE by Neil Young & Crazy Horse was held on NYA.

"Are Protesters Terrorists?"
Grandpa (Larry Cragg) & Grandma (Twink Brewer)
Scene from RETURN TO GREENDALE by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
via "Return To Greendale" World Premiere | NYA
A premiere screening of the film RETURN TO GREENDALE by Neil Young & Crazy Horse was held at Balboa Theater in San Francisco, CA on Jan 28, 2020.
A premiere screening of the film RETURN TO GREENDALE by Neil Young & Crazy Horse was held at Balboa Theater in San Francisco, CA on Jan 28, 2020, where much of the cast and crew attended, as we reported.
In January, a preview of the upcoming concert film of the Greendale Tour by Neil Young & Crazy Horse was featured on Goin' To Greendale | BENTLEY’S BANDSTAND | NYA.
Music industry veteran Bill Bentley writes about his Greendale experience and seeing the film of the 2003 Toronto concert: ‘And that, dear listeners, is when the bells start ringing, the lights start flashing and the thrillometer heats up all the way to the top of the tube.'
Neil Young calls "Greendale" on Times-Contrarian | NYA "one of the biggest highlights of my filming life".

Neil Young Filming Greendale Actors Grandpa & Jed
"Everything You're Looking For" - Bandit
Neil Young News: Premiere; RETURN TO GREENDALE by Neil Young & Crazy Horse @ Balboa Theater, San Francisco, CA - Jan 28, 2020
— ThrashersWheat (@ThrashersWheat) February 2, 2020
---#CrazyHorse4HOF @NeilYoungNYA @CrazyHorse4HoF
POP. 25,810
Labels: #BeTheRain, #BigShift, #CrazyHorse4HOF, #WT1sWBWO, archives, crazy horse, film, greendale, neil young, nya
I have only a few real regrets in my life, but after watching this first song from Return to Greendale, I have to add never getting to see this in person. With any luck we will all be able to experience this masterwork in in its entirety in the privacy of our own homes before this year is up. I really hope Neil puts this out on Blu Ray, as the sound is far superior to DVD. If not, I’ll still be happy as Greendale has become one of my all time favorite Crazy Horse records.
Mondays and Fridays have now become very important for the near future as we have the privilege of experiencing both Return to Greendale and Rust Bucket one song at a time respectively. What a gift.
Peace 🙏
Dan - No regrets as they say.
That said, we definitely recall the feeling that we were witnessing something quite momentous.
We didn't make any of the solo acoustic Greendale shows, which we regret. :) But we tried to make as many G-dale concerts as we could after being gobsmacked by our 1st. Think we made about 6 concerts across 2003/4. Even considered heading to AUS/NZ leg.
We had a blast blogging all about this 17 years ago. And it's quite fascinating to re-read comments from the era.
Neil Young's Challenging Greendale: An Artist Challenges His Audience
When asked about challenging his audience at the Toronto premeire of Greendale in September 2003, Neil Young responded :
"To me it's refreshing to go out on stage, play 10 new songs and survive. If you don't do what people expect they get very pissed off with you."
Reviewer Aaron Wherry writes in the National Post that the concert reviews indicate audiences prefer the encores of well known hits to the new Greendale material.
"And, in this regard, Young again asserts his artistic independence -- an admirable, but dangerous, card to play for any rock star who would rather not be banished to the barn. "
Young says: "If the entire crowd turned on me, I'd have to find a new crowd, but I'm not working for the audience."
Fortunately, some Neil things never change.
Every time I go to see Neil I hope and pray for new materiel. To hear new music “live” first is always a priority for me. The songs are still being born and they carry an energy with them that is lost after hundreds of performances. Why go to a concert just to hear the hits? What’s the point of going out of your way and spending all that money just to hear music you already know? I still love hearing some of my favorites but it is always the new songs I pay to see and hear.
Glad you guys had a chance to see several of these Greendale shows. I had no regrets about it until this morning and of course those shows never came close to where I was living at the time, so regrets. Better to always move forward and only look back in gratitude.
Peace 🙏
Dan, I have seen Neil three times, the last time was Greendale in the Quad Cities. I went with a group, all of them skeptical and hoping it would be a classics show. They played the whole album, which I think was the rule? Anyway, on the drive back there was complete amazement. (I have a very hard time at concerts, an accident when I was 12 did serious damage to my hearing.)
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The truth is that a lot of "fans" were not happy about the Greendale tour. I saw three of the shows, and they were very cool. But a lot of people in the crowd were restless about the new songs. I remember thinking, these people are idiots, this is very cool, and someday they will realize they saw something very special that will never be repeated. As a side note, I feel in love with Sun Green (I was 21 years old so it was appropriate). In 2003 Neil was at Bonnaroo and they did only one Greendale song, Be the Rain, and they brought Sun Green and she danced around the stage
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