FULL VIDEO: 2017 Farm Aid Concert Broadcast
Here is the full broadcast video of the 2017 Farm Aid Concert. Neil Young + Promise Of The Real set begins @ ~6 hour, 35 minutes.
Neil Young's amazing and blazing Farm Aid performance was described by Rolling Stone as "one of the greatest sets in Farm Aid history."

"F*!#in' Up"
Neil Young + Promise Of The Real
Farm Aid 2017 Concert: Burgettstown, PA, Saturday Sept 16
Photo by thrasher
From our vantage point, there was little doubt from the moment Neil Young + Promise Of The Real hit the stage, literally pounding out the opening drum beat to a surprise set opener of "F*!#in' Up".
More to come in the days ahead of 2017 Farm Aid memories.
In the meantime, see and hear Neil Young's inspiring words at the 2017 Farm Aid Press Conference - Burgettstown, PA - Sept 16.
Labels: farm aid, neil young, video
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Boot him, please
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What the hell happened in here?
Ole Koni got carried away with his diatribe against ole Neil - could do without another F ing up version - not fond of that noise.
Merci pour ce concert écouté de Paris
Rockin' In The Free World
José from Paris
A very comprehensive review on Billboard:
Neil Young at Farm Aid: 'America is Already Great'
Excellent photo gallery @
Anyone heard about Neil being inducted this Saturday at Massey hall,Toronto,Ontario for the Canadian Songwriters Hall Of Fame.Tickets are apparently on sale.Any fellow canadians up in Toronto going?
Oh no I missed another half dozen comments by KONIWA. Wanted to see how he imploded this time.
Pure gold... the live signal was clear and crisp. Watched live here in Australia on about 11 - 12noon. On the big tv sound up cranked... beer in hand almost as good as being there ...well almost. Now i need link to give up some cash...
It warms my heart to see Neil playing with PotR again. The harmonies seemed a wee bit off during Human Highway. Neil isn't 45 anymore. I am as transfixed by his art as much as ever... My life has been so lucky... to notice an artist worth returning to, decade after decade. Thank you Neil. Keep it up.
@Andy Walters, "It's only castles burning", eh?
It's rather mystifying than anyone would visit a Neil Young blog (or any kind of blog) *just* to engage in premeditated, purposeless bashing. It suggests the person doesn't actually care about the subject of the blog in a genuine way. Differences of opinion I understand, so don't think I'm lumping any and all criticism in with bashing. But a line must be drawn somewhere.
I didn't find it that strong of a set after the strong opening. Neil seemed a little overwhelmed at times, like he couldn't find his groove. Micah's out-of-tune organ didn't help . . . he and his brother, not the greatest musicians in a way.
And dare I say it . . . man I'm getting tired of a few of these tunes.
The POTR don't do much for me, those conga drums just cheapen the sound sometimes.
Yes, Neil appeared overwhelmed and slightly out of it at moments but I think he was slightly overdoing it and he hasn't played in a while.
I'm burnt on F'n Up but Neil really brought it
I can't stanf F'n Up ! There I've said it - it's a bore
Agree re this performance
Although in my opinion the Rolling Stone review was a little carried away with claims of "one of the greatest Farm Aid sets ever", it was an enjoyable set, especially after a long break.
As for "F*!#in' Up", I think it's a good song that doesn't really work with any other band than Crazy Horse***. Not all the Crazy Horse songs are like this, but many of them are. There's a gutsiness and perfect balancing act of tightness/looseness to the Horse version (whether in 1991 or 2012) that POTR struggle to either replicate or surpass. That said, POTR can play Heart Of Gold and Comes A Time a lot better than the Horse ever have. So it depends what you are looking for. I tend to gravitate more towards Neil's band that specialise in one parficular "genre", but I do understand the appeal of a band who can play everything, particularly now.
***Apparently a version of F*!#in' Up exists with the Saturday Night Live band from 1989, which may well be an exception to the rule. Hopefully we will hear it one day.
Agree with cheapfeet re: farm aid
SNL FU version is incendiary
Why do my comments need to be approved?
@ TOM - think about it.
Would appreciate a timely and transparent response
@ Tom - 2 things. 1st, you clearly haven't held up your side of the bargain. If you had, then you wouldn't be asking this.
2nd - any other demands you have here as a *guest* on this blog? If so, we'll be glad to check w/ our hostess Thrashette. But we think we know what her response will be...
Goodbye, Waterface
Neil looked like he was going to pass out during ROCKIN' but I think he was slightly overdoing it and got winded.
Relistened to PEACE TRAIL yesterday & liked it more than ever. All the pieces came together here for a satisfying "rough", 2nd tier album. The songs are engaging and catchy enough, the instrumentation is loose and funky, but in a good way.
If POTR played on PT I think it wouldn't have worked.
Although Neil & CH were not overly inspired last time around (remember all those overlong endings?)I'd rather hear Neil with them in a renovated, inspired setting. POTR don't have the depth to play with Neil.
I'll say it again: just trotting out "epic" and "fiery" versions of CORTEZ, HURRICANE, HEY HEY, RIVER, et al this still works but not always. Neil has so many tunes and abilities, I think, for me, he's rocked out enough, I'd like to hear him stretch out (if he can these late days). Peace Trail, I'd LOVE to hear those songs live but I'm in the minority
In my opinion.Last fall before peace trail came out the live tracks with POTR were far superior than the album.If POTR would of been available to record those songs it would be so much better because they were road tested and were played well live.i think POTR were touring at the time that's why Neil couldn't get them in the studio.Give a listen to the Telluride,Boise,Tuscon,Indio shows what versions are better.Potr brought something special to the peace trail songs.Was the peace trail recorded before the '16 Europe tour or after the tour.
No way, Steve. something very hip & rickety is happening on PEACE TRAIL . . . maybe you have to be a writer to get it: Neil found a sweet spot there.
After this year's LIVE AID I don't want to see Neil with POTR anymore. No spook, nothing special.
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