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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Pomona, CA: Neil Young + Promise Of The Real - October 12 & 13, 2016

Europe 2016 Tour Dates

Neil Young + Promise of the Real

"Like An Inca" - 26:00 +

Neil Young with Promise of the REAL will perform tonight, Wednesday, October 12, and tomorrow, Thursday, October 13, 2016 at the Fox Theater, Pomona, California.

These club gigs are in between the Desert Trip Festival (see reviews, photos, etc.) weekends.

Got a report? Drop us a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

Also, see Neil Young + Promise of the Real 2016 Concert Tour Dates for reviews, photos, videos and more.

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At 10/13/2016 04:26:00 AM, Blogger TOM said...

OCT 12, 2016

No NY solo; they all came roaring out!

Like an Inca (extended jazzy jam)
Fuckin Up (intense)
When You Dance
The Loner
Cinnamon Girl (wow)
Cortez the Killer (WOW)
Human Highway
From Hank to Hendrix
Peace of Mind
I Am A Child
Show Me (new)
Neighborhood (new)
If I Could Have Her Tonight
Walk On
Texas Rangers (new)
Powderfinger (epic sweep)
Cowgirl in the Sand (blisteringly sonic)
Seed Justice (driving power chords)
Peace Trail (new-excellent!)
I've Been Waiting For You
Hey Hey My My (Into the Black)

Roll Another Number For The Road
Piece of Crap

3 hour show

At 10/13/2016 04:48:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

In the spirit of the baseball playoffs, after seeing this setlist, all I can say is "Holy Cow!"

At 10/13/2016 04:57:00 AM, Blogger TOM said...


No mellow beginning

Inca was highlight...LONG, elliptical, disciplined flow

Lots of crazy horse stuff...hmmmm

New songs were mostly good to very good
Peace Train

Ending was weak song selection but spirited performance!
POC is a toss but it was played muscularly with a kinda groove

My first show this year after 3 last year and none were ever predictable or boring

At 10/13/2016 06:43:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I just looked at Sugar Mountain and "Piece Of Crap" hasn't been played since 2001. I was kind of surprised by that, I thought that Neil had played it since, but guess not.

So it looks like the first six songs tonight were Old Black classics, heavy on the Crazy Horse, then some new stuff and cool nuggets, then a lot of Horse to end it. Man, it sounds like a fun night.

Where is the Monsanto stuff? Have they gone bye-bye?

At 10/13/2016 08:52:00 AM, Blogger Joe Werfelman said...

Thanks Tom for your report
Wow opening with Like an Inca
Neil continues to surprise and amaze

At 10/13/2016 09:33:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

cool,maybe they're gonna mix it up this weekend. since neil only has a 90 min set at desert trip he should just jump in a rock. blow that old geezer mc-what's his name off the stage!

At 10/13/2016 10:55:00 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Wow! What a set list!

At 10/13/2016 11:36:00 AM, Blogger Arthur said...


At 10/13/2016 12:52:00 PM, Blogger Knowledge Nomad said...

Very much concur with TOM's review. Coming straight of the gate with Like An Inca was a welcome surprise. The meandering of the soloing felt as though they were doing some sort of musical calisthenics, getting limber for a long night. The song's apocalyptic line, "We're going to loose this place, just like we lost Atlantis" also served to set a dark and defiant tone for the show.

Words can't describe the pleasure of hearing Cortez. Some really great, blistering intergenerational interplay between Neil and Lukas. Followed by Human Highway, which seemed simultaneously somber and lilting, Neil posed the question of the season, "How could people get so unkind?" In From Hank to Hendrix, that question seemed to find it's answer in the painfulness of a crumbling relationship. Micah accompanied the line, "sometimes it's distorted", with some tasteful subtle fuzz. But after the downer of the big divorce, California-style, hope is renewed when one has the courage to expose one's vulnerabilities, leading to deeper bonding in Peace of Mind.

Show Me and Hang Gliders (Neighborhood), didn't do a lot for me, but I always appreciate Neil's willingness to continue to create. Some will miss, but some will endure. And speaking of enduring, that's what we were treated to next with Words, a rather surprising If I Could Have Her Tonight, and a very jubilant Walk On.

Texas Rangers is uncharacteristic of some of the newer material in that lyrically it's quite good, but musically it just fails. If he could write a new melody for it, it could be one of the better late period songs. In contrast, Powderfinger, CITS, and Seed Justice had the band once again in truly fine form. I will say that the only moment I missed the Horse, was during a bit of Powderfinger, where I felt Poncho's phrasing makes a better foil to Neil than Lukas. But, really, that was the only time in the whole show I had this feeling. As TOM noted, Peace Trail is by far the best of the new songs, the one you'll return over and over again to once it finally gets on vinyl. I've Been Waiting for You was also another surprise gem, though maybe a little out of place in that section of the set.

In Roll Another Number, I sensed a certain irony in proclaiming to be so far away from those helicopter days, what with these shows coming in between the Desert Trip weekends. Closing out with POC, I agree with TOM again, was not the most inspired of choices. But it's anthemic quality still proved to be a crowd pleaser.

So glad we had the opportunity to see the band in this beautiful venue, and it was in the top three of any Neil show I've seen.

At 10/13/2016 12:59:00 PM, Blogger Mother Nature on the Run said...

Mother Nature's Favorite weatherman just f*ck^ng won the Noble Prize for "poetic expression." Thank you, Sweden.

At 10/13/2016 01:44:00 PM, Blogger Knowledge Nomad said...

Seems like it would be appropriate for Neil to honor his Bobness with a cover tonight. Maybe All Along the Watchtower or Masters of War? Wish I could be there for round two.

At 10/13/2016 02:39:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Agree wholeheartedly with other posters. Last night's 3 hour marathon was the most incredible show I've seen in 34 years of Neil shows.

We were lucky enough to be down in the pit by the stage where the guy next to me made small talk about my Tonight's the Night shirt, took a selfie of us, only to discover he was Zeke Young. He told us how the TTN tour was his first at seven months old, how for his Dad's 60th birthday they changed the theme to "Tonight's Neil's Night," how at age seven he got to be the youngest RoadEye in costume on stage during the Rust Never Sleeps tour. Sweet, wonderful guy to make small talk with his Father's fans down in the pit. When I asked why he was down in the pit with the fans he said back stage was too small and crowded, and marveled at how rare it was for his Dad to play an electric set at such a small, intimate, historic venue.

At 10/13/2016 04:02:00 PM, Blogger thrasher said...

Wow. Yet another epic concert (which we seem to use that term about every 3 or 4 shows it seems).

Great review Knowledge Nomad! Hope to see you more often. Going back tonight?

Enjoy tonight's show.

Yes, that would be cool if Neil gave Bob a nod tonight or this weekend.

Maybe this would work:

"Come Senators, Congressmen, please heed the call,
Don't stand in the doorways, don't block up the hall,
For he who gets hurt will be he who has stalled,
The battle's outside and it's raging...
It will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls,
For the times they are a-changin.'"

Or, Here Comes "The Big Shift".

At 10/13/2016 05:29:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'd like to hear them jam on "Inca Queen" with Lucas on electric, Micah doing what he does so well and Neil on acoustic because it is the more uplifting song in the time travel series. At least the ones that have been released so far anyway. Sure wish this band would come to North Carolina but that doesn't look like it is in the cards now.

At 10/13/2016 08:24:00 PM, Blogger Pabst said...

What an awesome setlist. It's almost like Neil read I was bored by the mellow acoustic opening and scrapped it -- just too bad I wasn't there. Ha.

Can't wait to read about what happens tonight!

Off to see a different amazing guitarist this evening: Yonatan Gat.

At 10/13/2016 08:31:00 PM, Blogger Knowledge Nomad said...

Macca playing surprise gig tonight at Pappy & Harriet's. Sadly, I can't make it out there. It's a fabulous venue.

At 10/13/2016 10:31:00 PM, Blogger TOM said...

"Like An Inca"

Said the condor
to the preying mantis
We're gonna lose this place
just like we lost Atlantis
Brother we got to go
sooner than you know
The Gypsy told my fortune,
she said that nothin' showed.

Who put the bomb
on the sacred altar?
Why should we die
if it comes our way?
Why should we care
about a little button
Being pushed by someone
we don't even know?

Well. I wish I was an Aztec,
Or a runner in Peru
I would build such
beautiful buildings
To house the chosen few
Like an Inca from Peru.

If you want to get high,
build a strong foundation
Sink those pylons deep now
and reach for the sky
If you want to get lost
in the jungle rhythm
Get down on the ground
and pretend you're swimmin'.

If you want to put ice
in the lava river
First you must climb,
then you must stand and shiver
Brother we got to go
sooner than you know
The Gypsy told my fortune,
the Gypsy told my fortune,
The Gypsy told my fortune,
she said that nothing showed

Well I wish I was an Aztec,
Or a runner in Peru
I would build
such beautiful buildings
To house the chosen few
Like an Inca from Peru.

Said the condor
to the preying mantis
We're gonna lose this place
just like we lost Atlantis
Brother we got to go
sooner than you know
The Gypsy told my fortune,
the Gypsy told my fortune,
The Gypsy told my fortune,
she said that nothin' showed.

Who put the bomb
on the sacred altar?
Why should we die
if it comes our way?
Why should we care
about a little button
Being pushed by someone
we don't even know?

Well. I wish I was an Aztec,
Or a runner in Peru
I would build
such beautiful buildings
To house the chosen few
Like an Inca from Peru.

I feel sad, but I feel happy
As I'm coming back to home
There's a bridge across the river
That I have to cross alone
Like a skipping rolling stone
Like an Inca.

At 10/14/2016 12:30:00 AM, Blogger Arthur said...

Like An Inca 10/12/16

26 minutes!


At 10/14/2016 12:45:00 PM, Blogger Arthur said...

It appears Neil had a mic malfunction during the Like An Inca performance.

And when a tech came on stage between songs to pick up Old Black,

he shooed him away! Like, "Don't you fuckin' touch this!"

Never seen that before!

I'm wonderin'.....was the performance rigged?

"....Think I'll Roll Another Republican For Their Dough!......oh,oh,oh..."

At 10/14/2016 01:26:00 PM, Blogger Arthur said...

OK, I like driftin' back.......

Holy shit. The barn is full of it....

At 10/14/2016 03:55:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

016-10-13, Fox Theater Pomona, Pomona, California, USA
w/ Promise Of The Real
Hold Back The Tears / Someday / Comes A Time / John Oakes / Neighborhood / Show Me / Indian Givers / Winterlong / Bad Fog Of Loneliness / If I Could Have Her Tonight / Revolution Blues / Vampire Blues / Seed Justice / Like A Hurricane / Glass Accident / Piece Of Crap / Love And Only Love // Peace Trail

At 10/17/2016 11:43:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Thanks so much for posting this video. Having recently seen them play in Boise, I know how well they are playing and it is something to behold and hear. This song was the most unusual to me, having seen my share of F'n Up, Cortes, Zuma material, etc. The Pomona shows seem like tough ones to miss, but having seen this video, I can rest easy. Thrasher, you Rock.

PS-When I rolled up to the Boise show I heard the band playing a soundcheck. The song I heard in the distance must have been "If I Could Have Her Tonight." I had said I thought it was "Here We Are in the Years" but I think I was mistaken. Alan in Seattle

At 10/18/2016 10:03:00 AM, Blogger thrasher said...

@Alan - rest easy... but not to easy... the rail never sleeps....


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(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
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