Shirt of the Moment: Leipzig, Germany Concert: Neil Young + Promise of the Real - July 20, 2016

Elke A. at Leipzig, 07-20-2016
Neil Young + Promise of the Real
July 20 - Germany, Leipzig, Völkerschlachtdenkmal Open Air
Photo by Ralf @ rusted-moon
Here is the Shirt of the Moment of Elke A. in Germany, Leipzig, Völkerschlachtdenkmal Open Air for Neil Young + Promise of the Real on July 20.
Elke A. (longtime, loyal TW reader) flying her colors with a Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary Shirt.
Danke Elke A.!
(and thanks for photo Ralf @ rusted-moon!)
Thanks so much for sending! And so awesome that you got a magnificent Neil + REAL concert.
And thanks to all who have sent photos so far from tour. We'll have more in the coming days to feature.
Also, if you recently ordered a shirt on the 2nd round of Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary Shirts, here is the latest update. The order has been compiled and submitted to Geoff & his shirt folks out in Hawaii. Shirts have been ordered and die tying is commencing. It will take a few weeks to complete the printing and dying process. The shipment to TW HQ and then back out to you good folks. So hopefully we'll have these out to folks in August.
ps - got a Shirt of the Moment shot?! Send it to us at
Labels: shirt
Great shirt, I ordered an XXL and donated $10 at the same time,Thrashers Wheat have never confirmed the order, I have not received the T-shirt and I feel that I have been robbed. Thrashers Wheat Community my ASS!
I don`t expect that this will be shown in comments.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Richie, Accidents happen, mistakes are made. I got my shirt & we've seen pictures of lots of people who got their's. If you really did get ripped off I'm sure it wasn't by Thrasher.
Thanks for your reply but I emailed thrashers wheat over this weeks ago more than once and I've never had a reply. I'm still waiting............
Nice! There's a great DVD of this show over at Zomb - multi-angle YouTube footage synced to Young Dutch Taper's awesome audio.
Hi Thrasher is there anybody there, it`s me Richie, are you REALLY RIPPING ME OFF or is it as Peacelover Doc says, a mistake.
I am going to email you again at or am I wasting my time. I probably am because I have posted 3/4 comments and they seem to be getting censored.
Richie - Sorry about this. Please check your spam folder. I've rec'd each of your email and replied. See below. I'm going to refund the charges, donation, and cancel your order.
On 07/09/2016 09:18 AM, thrasher wrote:
> Hi Richie,
> Thanks for the note and sorry for hassle. See below our earlier conversation.
> Did you not get this?
> On 07/02/2016 10:47 AM, thrasher wrote:
>> Hi Richie,
>> Thanks for the support.
>> We're in the process of finalizing 2nd round orders now and will be posting an update shortly.
>> Thanks for reading!
>> Keep on Rockin'!!!
>> Thrasher
>> On 07/02/2016 10:26 AM, Richie Walker wrote:
>>> Hi, I recently ordered a XXL 20th Anniversary T-Shirt for $50 plus I donated $10 but I have had no acknowledgement of this order, please advise, thanks Richie
> On 07/04/2016, we posted status:
> Again, on 07/08/2016, we posted status:
> We don't really know what more can we do. Each day we receive 100's and 100's of communications. This is all volunteer and done on a very part time basis. We do not have a customer service dept. Just me & thrashette here.
> Also, please keep in mind that Neil is on the road which is our busiest time here at TW. Most folks understand this.
> We're happy to refund your $'s if you wish and cancel the order.
> Please advise.
> Thanks for reading!
> Keep on Rockin'!!!
> Thrasher
> On 07/09/2016 08:03 AM, Richie Walker wrote:
>> Hi, This is the second email I have sent on this subject and I was really hoping that the organisers
>> of a community of fans would have acknowledged the order I sent for a 20th Anniversary tee plus
>> $10 donation but no, neither did anyone reply to my first email asking about this.
>> I am a support worker for the disadvantaged and may pay is very low so for me to spend $50 on a
>> tee and donate $10 is a big chunk out of my wage. If I do not get a reply by 24.59 on 11 July 16 I am
>> going to contact PayPal because obviously if you had received my order and donation you would
>> have acknowledged this and my money must have gone astray.
>> Cheers, Richie.
Richie - Here is chargeback Case info from Jul 20, 2016:
Chargeback Details
Transaction ID: 2WD3675654734521E
Buyer Name: Richard Walker
Buyer Email:
Transaction Amount: $60.00 USD
Transaction Date: Jun 22, 2016
PayPal Case ID: PP-004-971-324-155
Reason for Dispute: Other
Chargeback Reason Code: M38
Chargeback Amount: $60.00 USD
Chargeback Date: Jul 20, 2016
Status: Disputing on Your Behalf
Status Details: Using the information you provided, we are in the process of disputing this chargeback with the buyer's credit card company. Please note that this dispute process can take 75 days or more and that there is no guarantee that we will be successful in our attempt to recover your funds. If we are successful, we will promptly return to your account any recovered funds that we previously debited for this chargeback. We will notify you of any updates about this case by email and in the Resolution Center.
This matter has been resolved and no funds were debited from your account for this chargeback. We were charged a fee for processing this chargeback and have debited your account a Chargeback Settlement Fee.
If you have evidence to support your case that you have not yet submitted, upload or fax this evidence as soon as possible by clicking Add below. Your Chargeback Resolution Specialist can be reached at
It is PayPal's standard practice to dispute wrongful chargebacks. One of the benefits of using PayPal is that our team of chargeback specialists will gather the necessary information from you and work with the credit card company until the chargeback is resolved. Learn more about how PayPal investigates chargebacks.
@All - As noted above: Also, if you recently ordered a shirt on the 2nd round of Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary Shirts, here is the latest update. The order has been compiled and submitted to Geoff & his shirt folks out in Hawaii. Shirts have been ordered and die tying is commencing. It will take a few weeks to complete the printing and dying process. The shipment to TW HQ and then back out to you good folks. So hopefully we'll have these out to folks in August.
Hi Thrasher, I have not received any communication/replies. I appreciate the work you do but when I get nothing back, my spam folder has nothing, it made me wonder what the hell!
I apologise for my comments but I simply thought what`s going on, maybe you`ll have to let me know via comments when you ship my T, you do have my details?
Thanks, I`m more than happy to apologise, peace and love, Richie.
Hi Richie,
Thanks for the note. Sorry for the big hassle here. Bummer on the spam folder business.
So just to be clear, we here at TW take very seriously any attacks on our reputation and will defend our honor to the end of time.
This reputation has been hard won for for over 30 years going back to the days of tape trading for blanks and postage stamps. Pre-file share days, we traded 100's of tapes with many dozens of tape traders and never had a deal go bad on either side. No lost packages in the mail or anything. Even with int'l mail.
Honor and trust runs deep in the trader camp.
And this tradition continued on into the Rust/HH/TW communities. This all we have at the end of the day -- our reputations.
As we see here, misunderstandings can be inflamed quickly. To use an an overused expression, stay calm and we will all survive. And thrive.
Happy harvesting. "The Loading Has Begun".
all is forgiven. all is forgotten. we move on.
ps - a note on the TW Anniversary shirts and shipping delay questions.
We've always stated that round #2 of shirts would be likely completed in August. Please remember that each and every shirt is uniquely hand made. No 2 shirts will be alike.
While we are not a tie-dye expert by any measure, we do not that this is an exacting process of preparing each shirt, the preparing of multi-color dyes (we use over 6 colors on each shirt), the tie-dying, drying and post-production handling. And that's why these shirts arfe not cheap. This is a very special expensive cotton blend that has been identified as optimal for the process.
We are really trying our best to do this right.
We had almost 100 shirt orders in the 1st round alone. Nearly as many in the 2nd round.
Frankly, we are a bit exhausted. Often we're asked how we do it all and we have no idea other than we just carry on. We feel blessed and fortunate that we have the opportunity to review so much wonderful material. All of the CDs, books, magazines, videos, concerts and on and on.
Between the Neil side projects, our causes and passions, and our day and night "jobs", we lead busy lives. But, we watch out for the greedy hand and do what we can to shine a light and keep the flame burning brightly as we can.
So we try to forget it, any way we can.
We keep on rockin' in the free world.
rockin' in the free world.
in the free world.
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