The Monsanto Years Fallout Continues: Yet Another Major Setback for Monsanto Corporation

The Monsanto Years - Neil Young + Promise Of The Real
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Last week, we discussed the ongoing re-appraisal of the album "The Monsanto Years" and how the inconvenient truth of Neil Young speaking truth to power continues to roll on.
More recently comes news this week that after Scotland and Germany recently voted to outlaw GMOs, now Greece and Latvia are calling for Monsanto to stop contamination of their food with genetically modified crops.
The truth of The Monsanto Years is being heard around the world.
Also, long-term intake of the Monsanto’s most popular Roundup herbicide (glyphosate), even in very small amounts lower than permissible in US water, may lead to kidney and liver damage, a new study published in Environmental Health on August 25.
Which country will be the next to stand up and save save the earth?
Zollhafen / Nordmole, Mainz, Germany 28 July 2014
Photo by Takahiro Kyono | Flickr
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" It's a bad day to do nothin'"
~~"A New Day For Love" by Neil Young
Labels: monsanto years
Monsanto may lose power, but they are not alone. Other companies like Syngenta cannot be forgotten as well. And to think Monsanto wanted to buy and merge with them! Talk about a nightmare merger!
Good point GK. thanks.
In other news closer to home...
Non-GMO Wheat Yield Surpasses 5-Year-Old World Record
Oddly, Neil Young is like some sort of prophet on this topic, having the keen insight into the evil of seed patents, poison levels skyrocketing, with Roundup now linked to kidney and liver tumors in latest scientific research. The FDA are patsies, in bed with Monsanto. Why is society so subjected to the dark plans of a chemical company with a poor track record of health problems resulting from their design, aka, Agent Orange, DDT. The corporations own the media and the politicians / FDA. This is a huge problem for our society. A grand experiment designed to poison the population. Why is society not outraged? The truth is, 90% of Americans support labeling for GMO food. Its the system which is rigging this in against the small farmers and organic farmers (and the people who want to buy organic).
… And I love the new album! I find it appealing and great. I can't get enough of Neil's songwriting talents. I also liked Storytone. He is still delivering, telling us his life story, to some extent, fighting for the Earth and its people, its nature, and life force. At a time when so many politicians, and the entire Republican party, is taking Cash from the Koch Bros, its ridiculous to see the Americans bringing on the end of the world. Who are the real bad guys here? Follow the money. I think some fans can't handle Neil's vision. The fact is, nobody else has got the Clout or the Balls to stand up and tell it like it is to the extent that he is on the new album and tour. Still you endure the constant blundering, indeed. The Earth is being overrun with the pollution of man's industrial "progress." Who's gonna stand up and save the Earth?! We are. The people will lead the politicians. And Neil Young is a leader on this Crisis of enormous magnitude. Indeed, the "end times" are arriving due to Global warming and the idiocy of our leaders, corporations, and the corruption of the energy sector, etc. To think that American taxpayers are handing their money to the Oil companies to subsidize… is Insane! Thanks for lighting a candle for where we're going, Thrashers. This is a fantastic-sounding tour which I will witness up close in front in Seattle. What a great night that will be. Who can hold a candle to Neil Young (& PotR)?! Neil's anguished voice and powerful musical assault vent a rage of Righteous Fury at the destructive bumbling Capitalist society as Mother Earth lets out its dying cry for help. Not your cup of tea? Tough shit. Neil delivers. Thanks. Alan in Seattle.
Right on, Alan. You hit the nail on the head on all counts. The malefactors of this world are not a cause of our problems, they are a symptom. It is we who enable them, by abdicating our responsibility to stand up for what's right. It's our consciousness that has to change, and when it does the Monzanto's of the world don't stand a chance. This is the real meaning of the "end times", an end to the old way of thinking, and the beginning of the thinking that is going to set us free. Lenny Bruce said, "You need that madman to stand up, and tell you when you're blowing it." This is the sentiment at the heart of what Neil is doing, spurring on the conversation to the point where his righteous indignation will light a fire under things. The madman needs to be embraced, all the more so that it is Neil who is adopting the role- especially so that precious few others are (of prominence).
A Friend Of Yours
Thank You Neil for stirring this up,what would we do without you!
@Alan - yes, it may seem odd that Neil seems to be a prophet of some sort doesn't it?
He;s certainly not the only one though by a long shot. But from "After the Goldrush" in the 70's, "Mother Earth" in 80's, up to "Who's Gonna Stand Up & Save The Earth" today, that are very few who have been doing so consistently for so long who are still around.
Indeed, anyone who can not see the emergency crisis is in total denial.
We have wiped out more than 30% of all species of living creature on the planet in the past 100 years and the rate of extinction is increasing.
Over 1 billion people are either starving or on the brink of starvation.
Not to mention that there are those hell bent on starting World War III and seem to well on their way.
So it's a really bad day to do nothin', as someone once said....
A Friend Of Yours - we like the sentiment "embrace the madman". Unfortunately, many seem to be doing so but they truly are the deranged madmen. Let's just take Trump as example of the current phenomenon. So be careful who one embraces-- as opposed to those who seem a bit more enlightened.
Maybe someday folks like Willie Nelson will be recognized for their simple, brilliant wisdom of the ages while folks like Einstein get pushed to the curb as being mere "scientists".
Hurray for Scotland, Germany, Greece, Latvia and VERMONT!
Point taken, Thrasher.
A Friend Of Yours
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