The Inconvenient Truth of Neil Young Rolls On
The inconvenient truth of Neil Young speaking truth to power rolls on.
From The Inconvenient Truth of Greendale to The Inconvenient Truth of "The Monsanto Years", when Neil Young speaks Truth To Power, the world listens.
Witness, Scotland is to ban the growing of genetically modified crops, the country’s rural affairs secretary has announced.
Witness, With Obama poised to reject Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline, TransCanada tries to figure out what to do next.
So "Who's Gonna Stand Up and Save the Earth"?
Zollhafen / Nordmole, Mainz, Germany 28 July 2014
Photo by Takahiro Kyono | Flickr
(Click photo to enlarge)
The video above 'Neil Young & The World vs. Monsanto, GMO & Glyphosate' by "follows Neil Young as a focal point of the larger paradigm shift while the world rejects genetically modified food, their toxic chemicals and an entire agrochemical business model. Activating the public with his album “The Monsanto Years”, Young’s recent tour came at a historical turning point when the promises of agrochemical corporations became fully transparent and empty. Standing up for the People of Vermont, Young publicly picked a fight with Starbucks and Monsanto for suing the state to reverse an already passed GMO labeling vote. The rest of the story is history."
Video References Material in Order of Appearance:
Neil Young + Promise of the Real - A Rockstar Bucks a Coffee Shop (Official Music Video)
#OutGrowMonsanto GMO Free Maui’s Event: Neil Young Performs “The Monsanto Years”
WHO’s International Agency on Cancer Research (IARC) Glyphosate Ranking
International Agency on Cancer Research (IARC) HIV vs. HPV vs. Glyphosate
Lobbyists Claims Monsanto’s RoundUp is Safe to Drink, Freaks Out When Offered a Glass
Joe Rogan Exp #587 - Ron Finley
Ron Finley Interviewed on by Alex Jones
Ben Harper Tribute to Neil Young OHIO
More on last night's edition of Thrasher's Wheat Radio.

Thrasher's Wheat Radio
Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST
The podcast of last night's webcast of Thrasher's Wheat Radio on Wbkm Dot Org is now ready for download. Commentary, discussion and analysis of Neil & The REAL.
Aug 15, 2015 - Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - 8/15/15 - Episode #143
[To download, right click on link, save target as, pick destination folder: the podcast will download. Select your preferred MP3 audio player and play file.]
Don't be denied!
Tune in details and podcast info @ Thrashers Wheat Radio Hour.
peace & love. stay calm. no fear. use discernment. recognize the illusion. question authority. prepare for the big shift. be the wheat and keep on rockin' in the free world.
Labels: neil young
GMO never sleeps...but it's time this subject was put out to pasture.
We've all developed our opinions at this point, and I don't think anything short of groundbreaking will change those. While Monsanto may be a corrupt organization that does plenty wrong, I just don't see GMOs being the problem. From everything I understand about DNA splicing and from independent studies that I've read, GMOs shouldn't cause cancer, period. Imagine how many more people we can feed with the help of modified crops. Besides, most food we eat is already genetically modified in some way. This feud has started to wear old around here, and I would like to see some new subjects in the news. I am not opposing Neil, I am just stating my opinions.
Hi Genghis. I have to disagree, GMO's are potentially a huge problem. Humanity has been eating organic since we evolved millions of years ago, yet we have only been eating GMO's for what, 10, maybe 15 years max? How you can possibly say that GMO's shouldn't cause cancer? NO ONE knows whether they will or whether they won't, so in the interim, why would you want to voluntarily be a part of the biggest food experiment ever foisted upon humanity? I know I certainly don't want any part of it. Period. And to your comment 'most food we eat is already genetically modified in some way', that's an obfuscating load of bull. Yes, many foods are cross bred with other members of their species, but that is combining like with like. GMO's add things like pig genes to tomatoes, which is hardly the same thing. Soybeans that are genetically modified are changed to withstand massive doses of Roundup, which means that when you eat any non-organic soy, you are eating an massive dose of pesticide. Who knows what those effects will be on your body? Ever heard of the chaos theory? Interestingly to me, I have a friend who works for Monsanto, and she has been posting items that are almost exactly like what you have been saying, which makes me suspect that you may be citing corporate talking points rather than your carefully considered opinion, but of course I have no way of knowing this, but I do find it very coincidental.
Lastly, this is not 'old news', this is the biggest fight of our lifetime and humanity could lie in the balance. Neil, please keep fighting, and Thrasher, please keep posting.
Hey Phil, just stating my basic opinions. I am not the most educated regarding this subject, and trust me, I don't trust GMOs entirely. I don't eat em, and that is because I fear for what could come out of them. It just seems that all the INDEPENDANT studies I have read state the same thing over and over: the splicing of DNA and genes should not negatively impact the human body. I am not trying to side with these corporations, I'm just trying to sort facts from theories from opinions. I admit, it's really confusing keeping up with all of this. I'm glad you have made up your opinion, I still have to make up mine!
Best Regards-
GK, I've read a lot of your post and enjoyed your review & video's of the Cincinnati show (sorry if I got the wrong show but I read the review about you & your dad going to one of the recent shows). Anyway, check out this link just to make sure the info you think is coming from independent sources really is >
Wow, I just typed a really long reply, and it got deleted when I switched tabs... I'll try this again-
Thanks Doc, I've read articles like that before. Eye opening, isn't it? The government is letting these corporations permeate it, and essentially become it. Look at the food labeling controversy in Vermont. That's practically a violation of our basic rights! Now allow me to reword my previous statement: While I don't believe that GMOs will necessarily cause cancer, I can foresee a whole slew of other problems occurring. Gene transfer, severe allergic reactions (think of the Brazillian Soybeans), you name it, the possibilities are scary. While I don't think that GMOs will suddenly wipe humans out altogether, I do believe that they will weaken us significantly in the long run. I still won't eat them. After all, as a lot of people say, the stuff they put in yoga mats can't be good for you to eat, as much as I love yoga mats. The sources I read mostly agree with these sentiments. Many of them are published by prominent universities, such as Yale, Dartmouth, and Harvard. As I've said before, it is hard, especially as a kid, to stay afloat in this sea of information. I'm trying my best to shape my opinions wisely. You guys replying to me are helping me do that, so thank you all, and thank you Doc! I'm learning more every day.
GK, Brother you are a lot more informed/educated than you give yourself credit for. I applaud your efforts to find the truth.
Thanks Doc, don't know what to say! I'll try my best to stay informed.
Thanks to all for comments and keeping it civil.
And GK, likewise, we applaud your quest for truth... never stop asking questions and shatter the illusion..
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