Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert: Filmnächte am Elbufer, Dresden - July 25, 2014
Wow! Last night's show with Neil Young in Dresden. Incredible audience, thank you all! Having the time of our lives X
— The Magic Numbers (@themagicnumbers) July 27, 2014

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at Filmnächte am Elbufer, Dresden, Germany.
Got a report? Drop us a comment below.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.
Also, see Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2014 Concert Tour Dates for reviews, photos, videos and more.

Labels: concerts, crazy horse, europe, neil young, review
Great gig! Opening 24 min "Down by the river" was a suprise however concert was performed near the river so N.Young most probably changed setlist in last moment. "Rockin' in the free world" has really power, 'Heart of gold" with singing girls is so good. People were disappointed as "Cortez" or "Harricane" were not present -it was due to long opening. Neil Young smiled and joked about free ticket's audience on the brigde. I liked especially longer version of "Powderfinger" and 20 min "Love to burn". Many fans arrived from neighbouring contries (Poland and Czech Republic)like myself.
Down By The River
Art approaches our soul predominantly through the gate of our unconscious mind and therefore, when I'm asked, why Neil is my favorite artist, you will find me trying to explain a thing, that in fact is one of the hardest things to tell. But last night, I was given the explanation, why Neil is the musical love of my life... by the man himself!
Expectations were high before the show. The venue is one of the most beautiful I've seen. Down by the river Elbe, with a view to the old, historic city of Dresden. And in the queue there was talking about "will he surprise us again?", "will there be a different setlist?", "will it be special, because of the cancelled show last year?"... oh yes.. all of that should happen.
After queuing for hours and waiting for the support act (again great! The Magic Numbers) you could feel the tension rising)... the crowd clapping and shouting... wooo hooo!
And then they came, Neil waving to the crowd, getting his guitar.. Old Black... one chord... what?!?... The next chord.. WHAT?!?
25 minutes! I never saw it performed that way! Torn apart, cut into peaces and rebuilt again! Show me one artist, who will play one of his top songs, that other's would play as the last encore, as opener, in an incredible, epic, 25 minutes version, without being afraid, that he won't be able to keep the tension or even top that during the rest of the show!!
Powderfinger to follow, with a change of guitars from Old Black to Gold Copa 5... during the song...
Standing In The Light Of Love!! What a song that is! And what a crowd it was! After the song stopped... oho ohohoo.. Standing In The Light of Love... for minutes! .. the band smiling, happy, Poncho pure emotion! Love ya Poncho!!
Days That Used To Be... again so moving.. These lyrics so true!! Neil so nice, waving to the nearby Carola Bridge, that was packed with people.. watching and listening for free, who cares? Enjoy!
Living With War, the song, we all don't wanna hear anymore and Neil doesn't wanna play... a beautiful, beautiful version with harp and organ ( surprise, when it came down before the song started..).. and again my friend Tomer from Tel Aviv with me at the show... chivers down my spine... the saddest song of the night, yet so beautifully performed!
Love To Burn again... these awesome lyrics blow my mind.. everytime I listen to that song, it's like watching a phantasy movie, like watching a buildung of Gaudi, the genius architect, who has designed buildings like turning a dream into reality... "In the valley of hearts, there's a house full of broken windows...." The way it is performed on this tour, to me, can only be explained as Ultimate! Perfect!
Name Of Love... oh yes! The best advice ever! Do it in the name of love! And the acoustic set to follow with Blowing in the Wind again and Heart of Gold.
Barstool Blues... well.... that song also blew my mind, in all of the three shows.... the performance so pure, so intense! ... and Neil, Poncho, all of them, smiling being one with us... waving to the bridge again "how you're doing, there on the bridge?" so sweet!
And Psychedelic Pill!!! This song has undergone a kind of an evolution on that tour... such a powerful performance! And Neil telling us about "the song without meaning... "it's for Poncho, it's about women".. showing the shape of a beautiful woman with his hands, which he did several times throughout the performance of that song... looking at Poncho "women, women, women"... so funny!
Rockin'In The Free World! Yes! So fitting! ... always! But especially in the former eastern part of our nowadays reunited Homeland!
Neil was given a rose, that was thrown on stage.. he kept it, smelling the fragrance... "Thank you for giving me this, beautiful! Sniff! There should be a few sniffs left...." so sweet! AND telling us "you were given free t-shirts, reminding you of our EARTH... is there a hitch... yes! you have to do your part!" We will try Neil, at least we will try!
Who's Gonna Stand Up.... again the last song! Reply by Poncho: "You have to!" YES SIR!!
Whoa! What a night down by the river! I have seen Neil and Neil with Crazy Horse MANY times! I cannot point out the best show I have attended, but Dresden 2014 is definitely on the Top 5 list! Thank you so much to Neil and Poncho and Rick and Ralph and YaDonna and Dorene and to the whole stuff!
Sorry folks, all of you, who have missed that show, you missed Neil Young and Crazy Horse AT THEIR VERY BEST!!! If I have ever prayed for a good recording or even a video to show up, it would be for this show...
In my opinion, Name Of Love was a lot more interesting in it's Euro tour 1987 arrangement.
As great as this Down By The River and some of the Love And Only Love's have been, I still think Neil should pace himself and save them for a bit later in the set. Almost all of the shows this tour have peaked within the first 50 minutes, with the next hour being a bit of an anti-climax after the intensity of the first few songs.
Another positive is that they've clearly been practising Cortez, taking it back to something resembling it's beautiful 1991 arrangement (minus the wall-shaking guitar solos), which I'm very happy about.
The Flying Scotsman
...also, Powderfinger is sounding great, despite having been played 1,000,000,000 times in the last 3 years.
Thanks for the reports, Mariusz and Ruby.
I recognized, that I wrote peace instead of piece... must've been the message of the show... sorry ;-)
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