Another Book by Neil Young Coming: Cars, The Environment, & Music Stories
56th GRAMMY Awards P&E Wing Event, The Village Recording Studios
Jan. 21, 2014, Los Angeles, CA
Michael Kovac, WireImage
(Click photo to enlarge)
That Neil. Such a slacker.
Neil Young has announced plans for a second book, following the release of his memoir Waging Heavy Peace in 2012.
Subjects include cars, energy and the environmental, and music stories. At one point, the books working title was "Cars & Dogs I've Known".
Blue Rider Press said in a statement:
"Young returns with more unforgettable stories about his six decades in the music business as told through the prism of one of his life’s passions: cars. An avid car enthusiast, Young will showcase the cars he’s owned throughout his life and the stories associated with them. He will also discuss his dedication to clean energy and his recent awareness of the environmental impact the emissions of his past cars had on the environment.The book will also contain Young's own sketches and tracings.
This work is an eclectic amalgam of memories, artwork, and political pondering from one of the most genuine and enigmatic artists of our time."
Also, see Heavy Review of "Waging Heavy Peace" Book by Neil Young.
Just a reminder,'s John Mulvey writes:
At 68, Young remains more restless, unpredictable and hyper-productive than any other artist of a comparable age and reputation.So, we sometimes joke, "That Neil -- such a slacker." If only we could all be so slack. ;)
Since 2000, The Rolling Stones have released one new album, while Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney have managed five each. Bruce Springsteen has produced six; Tom Waits, four; Leonard Cohen and David Bowie three apiece. In that time, Young has come up with an autobiography, seven personally-curated archive releases, five films, an environmentally-friendly car and a new audio format, plus the small matter of ten new albums.
It is an eccentric, if not always magnanimously received, body of work that tells the tale of an artist driven to spontaneous creation, whim, rough-hewn experiments and rapid emotional responses that pay little heed to the expectations of his paymasters and, sometimes, his fans.

Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST
Tonight, Saturday, at 9:00 PM EST, the Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour from will be streaming.
Tonight's edition will feature the latest Neil Young music and news.
Tune in details and podcast info @ Thrashers Wheat Radio Hour.
Don't be denied!
Labels: book, neil young
Neil really is head and shoulders above output wise - we are lucky to be in the midst of it!
And this is where music can parallel art/writing/film/etc. The full tome of an artist becomes the final "point". In retrospect, there is always great value in looking at the full "hits and misses". Sometimes you gotta miss to hit. It's a process. And proof positive that making one/a hand full of things does not make you an artist, necessarily. And, sometime entertaining "sketches" gives value to the volume at hand. The stick in the stream if you will.
To boot, having work to go back to and explore always provided me with comfort. In contrast to "full consumption" of an artists output, I've always loved discovering/purposefully pulled back on an artist just to jump in again. It's fun!
I made that "mistake" with Costello (another savant to be added to the big names mentioned). I put him down early 2000s, and I shouldn't have!'s nice to be wrong sometimes!
regular stairs, yes, we are so lucky to be in the midst of Neil's output.
And more to come with Archives Vol#2
And it is nice to be wrong sometimes. ;)
With Neil it's an issue of quantity over quality. He may have put out more 'stuff' than Dylan, Springsteen etc., but lots of that stuff is absolute dreck. Dylan's albums since Time Out of Mind have all been masterpiece level (except the christmas album). Springsteen has put out some solid albums, including THE album that was a cathexis for 9/11. Not to mention Dylan and Springsteen's far superior models for releasing archived material.
So what has Neil put out? Lots of albums, no of which were masterpieces. They all have their moments, yet some were horrible. Fork In the Road, Are You Passionate?, Americana. The movies have been compelling, but one still hasn't been released. Archives Vol. 1 was an absolute disappointment on every front; from the format, BD Live and the track list. His book was an okay read, but nothing like Shakey. All of this in addition to jerking around fans and collaborators to the extreme (Toast, Buffalo Springfield tour, solo 'surprise electric' tour, Blueray).
Neil has done some great things over the last 15 years. No doubt the recent Crazy Horse tour was epic as were the few BS shows. And, as I said, each album has had its moments. But damn if I'm so tired of this site's absolute lemming-like praise for this rock star who could give two shits about any of us.
Doubter - This is for you...
Everyone knows your trick.
After watching the aforementioned clip, I decided to do a little investigating. It seems the 'RT' logo in green at the lower left of the frames, really mean 'Russia Today' and is a propaganda arm of the Russian Federation, being broadcast from Wash. D.C.
Thrasher….come on, this sort of ridiculous BS, I thought was beneath you…I suppose I was wrong, again.
Never to return to this place, ever
Man, I really hated the parts about cars in Waging Heavy Peace, just dreadful. And I admire Neil's passion for nature, but he can get a bit preachy and in your face about it. Not something I enjoy reading about a lot. Probably I'm just gonna read the music stories and skip the rest.
I do think Neil has created some kind of dogma that everything that isn't recorded fast doesn't capture the 'true spirit' or isn't true to his muse. A lot of his recent albums could have been better if he would've been a little more critical of himself. Le Noise and Psych Pill could easily have been masterpieces. Perhaps even Chrome Dreams II too.
In my opinion Prairie Wind is his last masterpiece
@Bill Burns: RT is no more a "propaganda arm" of Russia than CNN is a propaganda arm of the U.S. RT is funded by the Russian government but has complete editorial independence. They are not some fringe broadcaster, they have millions of viewers around the world, and even Larry King hosts a show on RT.
Not sure why I'm responding to your post since you vowed never to return here, but didn't want your comment to go unanswered.
@Craig - Thanks for comment.
It struck us also that Bill B. decided to attack the messenger, rather than debate the issue.
As for RT, you may have heard about the RT anchor and correspondent Liz Wahl who announced her resignation live on air Wednesday?
She said she couldn’t “be part of a network that whitewashes the actions” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Wahl began her remarks by referencing comments another personality on the government-funded TV network made criticizing Russia’s invasion of the Ukrainian region of Crimea.
Say whatever you will about RT, but when have you ever heard of a major (or even minor) media "Western" correspondent resign live, on-air over the Producer/Owners slant of coverage?
Thrasher, I did read about Wahl's resignation, though I found it very odd since RT has been one of the few voices of reason on the recent events in Ukraine. While all the Western corporate news media neglected to mention the West's role in fomenting the crisis in the first place, and *wrongly* called Russia's response an 'invasion', RT presented much more nuanced even-handed coverage.
Of course, many regular viewers of Western news media regard RT's coverage as Russian propaganda, but only because they already believe the narrative presented by CNN, BBC, etc to be 100% accurate. In the past few days RT has responded to this by airing a Propaganda Watch segment in which they dissect the reporting of Western news media, clearly showing how CNN and others distort the facts to fit their narrative.
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