▶ "Splendid Isolation" - Warren Zevon & Neil Young - Bridge 1993
Here's a trip down memory lane with the late, great Warren Zevon.
Here's Warren Zevon & Neil Young on "Splendid Isolation" at the for the 7th Annual Bridge School Benefit Concert at Shoreline Amphitheatre, 11/06/93.

Warren Zevon and Neil Young
Winter Park, Colorado, 1992 - Photo by Richard Creamer
The late, great Warren Zevon and Neil Young have a few interesting musical intersections.
From Sugar Mountain Set Lists, Warren Zevon and Neil Young performed together on 07-11-1992 in Winter Park, Colorado. Neil was a guest on two songs: 'Splendid Isolation' and 'Comes A Time'.
Neil also plays lead guitar on Warren Zevon's song "Gridlock" from his 1989 album, Transverse City.

Neil Young played on one of Warren Zevon albums, the title song of the 1987 album Sentimental Hygiene with a blistering guitar solo.
And a minor Warren and Neil connection is Zevon's song "Play It All Night Long" with the lyrics:
Play that dead band's song.
Sweet home Alabama,
Play it all night long.
Of course "that dead band's song" refers to Lynyrd Skynyrd's anthem "Sweet home Alabama" with the immortal lines:
A southern man don't need him around anyhow"
From Warren Zevon's biography, the sory is that he ran into Neil and invited him to play a benefit show. Neil then returned the favour by inviting him to the Bridge Benefit.
The biography uses passages from his diary. One passage reads:
July 10, 1992-Colorado
"Stopped to eat at what seemed like no more than a crossroads in the middle of nowhere: we walked in and there was Neil Young and his wife, Pegi. They're with their son at camp: pure coincidence.
July 11, 1992-Winter Park
...Up at 8:00 with a headache. Rode over to the festival site early with Randy Newman and his guy. Newman seemed to have no interest in me whatsoever...Neil and I running into each other was major local news. Later Neil and Pegi arrived, Neil wearing "Old Velvet Nose" boldly on his T-shirt...He asked me what we were going to do. We played Splendid Isolation and Cortez...great audience...great day. Neil and I spent some more time together. I sure like this guy and it was a thrill playing with him on stage.
Lastly -- quite surprisingly -- here's a video from the TV program Suddenly Susan with Warren Zevon and the lead character discussing whether Neil Young is actually on his Sentimental Hygiene album.
Quite funny...
Thank Jeffry!
Labels: neil young, warren zevon
Another tidbit:
Around the same time as this video Warren wrote 'Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead'.
Now I believe these are the original lyrics but they could just be a live alteration of the lyrics, but on one version the verse reads:
I was working on a steak the other day
I saw Neil Young in the Rattlesnake cafe
Dressed black, tossing back a shot of rye
Finding things to do in Denver when you die
Seems to refer to their chance meeting
I'm pretty crazy for Warren Zevon too.
Don't forget "Gridlock" up ahead, got a line of cars as far as I can see!
Gridlock, going nowhere, roll down the window let me scream!
Does anyone know if that Gibson 12 string acoustic NY is playing in the above photo is his own? I've never seen him playing it before.
Zevon is playing it in the video
A couple Fridays back, I was driving home from Boston in the late afternoon, cutting through Southie because the Expressway traffic was pretty bad (or predictably bad). Listening to WUMB on the car radio, I heard the DJ saying "Today is the birthday of Warren Zevon. He would have turned 67 today, but sadly he left us a bit more than ten years ago. In honor of this occasion, here's a song that he did with Neil Young."
Splendid Isolation came on, and I reached to turn up the volume. At exactly that point in time, I realized that I was going through the light on Morrissey Blvd where you turn for the UMass Boston Campus--which is where WUMB broadcasts from! It was just before 4 pm edt, and I started singing along and thinking of Warren.
Especially remember the first time I saw him, when he was a wild and crazy rock and roll animal. Later he mellowed out some, which was good for him and good for his music I think. But deep down, he was always a true rock and roller...and ten years later, I still really miss him.
Keep on riding, riding, riding....you were the best.
And today is the 70th birthday of Al Kooper! You know how time fades away, but still hard to fathom. Can't wait to get the Mike Bloomfield set that just came out, sounds incredible. And I'm listening to Al's piano on the amazing alternative version for Days of '49 as my own little celebration...as Bob says there "Oh my goodness!!!"
Thanks for posting the video and the story about Warren...you made my day that much better.
Here is a recording from the 1992 show referenced above:
for Phil RIP...never before, never again
"One cannot speak for those who live in tiger country...."
--Peter Matthiessen
What a beautiful moment-those last ten seconds with Neil's hand on Warren's shoulder,
I remember that Bridge. I had to tell this girl near us on the lawn to be quiet, she wouldn't shut up. She was very offended and we had a quick squabble in which I bested her. Later her brother thanked me. as I recall Simon and Garfunkel also played. It was the quietest set out of many I saw at the venue. The crowd was in rapture.
Everything could change
Anything is possible
In this World of Miracles
--Howie Epstein/Carlene Carter
In this part of the country, where the past is always present, all that was lost may have gone without the sudden sea of September 1938. Or maybe not.
--R.A. Scotti
And in the morning light
The artist, seeing that his work was done
Saw that it was good
--Patti Smith
We are like a lot of wild
spiders crying together,
but without tears.
--Robert Lowell
A wave of yet more tender joy escaped from his heart and went coursing in warm flood along his arteries. Like the tender fires of stars moments of their life together, that no one knew of or would ever know of, broke upon and illumined his memory.
--James Joyce
A little love and affection
In every thing you do
Will make the World
A better place
With and without you
--Neil Young
Whispers of the word
that can't be understood
but can be felt
--John Ashbery
Thanks Mr H!
Good words to contemplate, as always.
Warren is probably having a good laugh about all of this right about now.
Just watched that again. Just great. Neil really loves that song and you can tell, he puts everything into it. Love watching 2 great musical forces mingling together.
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