Paleo Festival, Nyon, Switzerland: Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert Reviews - July 23, 2013
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Photo by GenevaLunch News
like a hurricane baby #neil young
— Frank Rheme (@frankrheme) July 23, 2013

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at Paleo Festival, Nyon, Switzerland.
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Labels: concerts, crazy horse, europe, neil young, review
We probably got the best hurricane ever! It was pouring rain and the wind blew neil s hat away. Even though they had to cut the set shorter, the horse did an amazing job maintaining the crowd in those weather conditions. After lah, They ended with ritfw full power. Bit disapointed i didnot get to hear ramada inn but lah was just brutal, over 20min!
1. Love and only love
2. Powderfinger
3. Pschadellic pill
4. Walk like a giant
5. Heart of gold
6. Blowin in the wind
7. Comes a time
8. Singer without a song
9. Hole in the sky
10. Like a hurricane
11. Rockin in the freeworld
looking forward to a tape of this show ....
I survived the hurricane! The weather and the song... Brutal but a mystical experience! Thank you Neil!
A life experience
A magical time
Like Alonso said
probably the best hurricane ever.
We were all getting blown away.
Thank you Neil.
Tonights NY & CH show in Nyon, Switzerland(Paléo festival) will forever go down as a legendary Crazy Horse gig. Great evening with the weather until... just as the Horse Kick off Hurricane, the heavy rains came rolling over the site. At 1st i thought what has Neil gone and invented now?? A Hurricane machine for when they play it?? From Love and only Love until the rain soaked Hurricane-> Rockin´it was a special special show... I came I saw and I Smelled the HORSE.
Thanks for all the (weather) reports! :)
One of the greatest concert review lines this summer:
"I came I saw and I Smelled the HORSE."
Obviously there is a VERY valid reason why this is called the "ALCHEMY" tour...
Wishing for a "... Hurricane" like that here in The States
-- Eric in sunny FLA
As a die hard fan of neil young, i have seen him many times over the year. I usually get the felling that me and a few rusty around are connected 100% to the show. And the rest is politely watching.
Yesterday was very special. the horse and Neil did not let anybody down when condition became extreme. It was a great feeling. Everybody was singing. People were smiling to each other for no reason. We all left telling eahc other "this was a special concert"
July 24th nearly 6 o clock in the morning..comin back home by car after a long ride 430km from western switzerland, all clothes , all is wet, wet as can be after all that....
first all of it started in a very good mood, nice weather and a beautiful organized paleo festival , it was my first time there and i was overwhelmed by the people there, all continents were there , african musicians, asian people, food and art and music from all over the world
the concert of neil young and the horse began at night at 23.00 pm and it started with an epic long version of love and only love, got over to powderfinger with 3 solo parts after another, moved over to the psychedelic pill and a tremendous burning thundering walk like a giant over to holein the sky and then the acousticpart began with heart of gold. After that song, neil was not comfortable wth the hankwilliams D28 , was not in tune ...the new larry who looks like andy warhol had to come out and tune hanks guitar on stage while neil was standing there grinning.
At blowin in the wind it happened a lyrics mistake and at comes a time he had a wrong chord but didnt matter^^ then he started with singer without a song and no woman with a guitar bag was seen on stage the first time he played that xD but as he started playin that a cold wind came around the scene and thunderbolts and then it began slightly to rain...neil saw that and played it til the end , stood up from the piano and then the wind came mighty and blew his black hat from his head away! Neil was surprised , saw that rain also from the roof comin down on stage and the flashings at heaven . He ordered the organ to get it down on stage and they began like a hurricane to play! The thunderstorm now was more and more heavy and like the monsun at australia the storm blew us nearly away we got wet all around and neil and the horse played the strongest, most brutal but also melodic and most emotional hurricane ever heard at concert!!! he sang nearly6 verses of hurricane heplayed solo 100 times over hurricane, at the end of the song he started again from the beginning and all culminates into an extended excessive sound and thunder , that was so incredible to the whole scene all around ! The audience was so great and cheered to the boys on stage tremendously so they played on and on. Neil saw the wet audience gave hurricane a thunder ending and mored immediately over to rockin in the free world and the water of the monsun came rollin down from the hill behind me and right beside me so i stood in a lake! We cheered the horse and held the line like soldiers at a kamikaze mission and neil and the horse appreciated that much that they came at the end of rockin to the front of the stage and bowed to us neil prayed to us, after they decided to break down the concert because of the incredible storm and too much rain . I thought while he played hurricane, now it is the right moment to die , have no fear, neil and the horse are staying with you, leading you the way to the nirvana, while the stage bursts and break down on me^^i couldnt imagine such a concert in my hardest dreams and it took place reality! It was a spiritual moment feeling the power of nature the storm and the energy the horse played and filled the earth altogether with that enourmous power and thunder . That was really magic! After the concert broke down i try to get to my car walking through rivers that the rain caused and found my car and could get out of that mud , drove many hundred kilometres through thunderstorm through switzerland to germany back in the prairies where all was dry but all things i had were almost wet and i was still alive-
Wow, Wolle, that is truly the most awesome review I have ever read here. Too cool. Thank you
here a short newspaper article with an incredible picture
Wolle, I was there too, and share 100% of your review - thank you so much for taking the time to describe the undescrible feeling we had that night.
I was there to and share the exact same feeling. Great festival, great people, nice girls! I actually had a lot of problem going home. I was completely wet and was among the thousands of people trying to go in the shuttle that happened to break down...Anyway, that was painful at the time but glad to have been part of it. Now a lot of people were expecting the acoustic Neil and you could not imagine the cheering he got when starting heart of gold. It actually bothered me since this when the horse is actually leaving the stage. I was really curious as to understand why people do not have a clue into what they are going to see. Actually, I also found that the actual organisers do not know the artists that they are contracting. Here is what the program of paleo says in its guide about NY+CH (directly translated from french): Legend linked to greatness, Neil Young loves North American soil just like a son loves his dad when playing baseball in your garden. Without dying, he managed to become a legend with a precious folk-rock discography and a legendary album "Harvest" comments
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