Neil Young Breaks The 4th Wall: "Opera Star" [Encore] - Brisbane Australia - 7th March 2013 - YouTube
The concept of "breaking the 4th wall" was on display earlier this year at the Brisbane, AUS concert by Neil Young & Crazy Horse on 3/7/13.
In the clip above of "Opera Star", Neil "breaks the 4th wall" just before the camera starts rolling.
Here's how FiffteeFifftee saw things go down on the rail:
"Neil seemingly see's the camera outstretched, walks towards the edge of the stage, casually leans on the giant mic & momentarily pokes his head out through the 'stage bubble' into 'our world' to check out what's going on in the pit before quickly retreating back to the onstage action to finish the Encore!Thanks FiffteeFifftee! Very cool indeed.
Very cool :)
We'll see folks down on the rail this summer! Maybe we'll get some "breaking the 4th wall" action also?!

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Labels: neil young
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