Berlin Pre-Show Party on June 1

Berlin pre-glow «
With Neil Young and Crazy Horse in Berlin, Germany on 2 June 2013, there will be a pre-show party of the fan community.
The pre-show party on Saturday, June 1st, will be the warm up for the Neil and The Horse show on Sunday.
The Internet radio „Radio der von Neil Young Getöteten“ and Neil Young Info News summon you to a Neil Young Tribute show on June 1st, 18h00 in the Columbia-Club, Berlin.
The Bands playing are Tom Liwa, „Bozz Rockband“, „OldWay“ and „Forever Young“. All these musicians are close in spirit to Neil’s music, though not being just cover bands. They hook up to different periods in Neil’s work.
It’s also planned to have aside from the main acts in the Columbia-Club a side stage in the open air area for an acoustic Open Stage for other musicians/bands/jam sessions. If you are interested, ring here: .
That's the HOGTT pre-fest party, indeed, but the rusties will be somewhere else :)
anonymous? A horse with no name? lol
Fortunately everybody doesn't have to like everything.
So have fun somewhere else...
But we will be there, and we will celebrate the prelude of Neil Young & Crazy Horse in Europe! In a great ambiance!
Why should we hide our joy?
The day before, same location, Neil Young will receive the soundcheck award for psychedelic pill bei Berlin Radio1 and Tagesspiegel Newspaper. Bozz Rockband playing again!
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