Wheat of the Moment: Neil Young's Philosophy

Neil said...
"Just do what you want to do
Don't listen to anyone else"
(Jack Black w/ sign @
MusiCares 2010 Person Of The Year Award)
Over the years, all sorts of attempts have been made in ascertaining any discernible "Neil Young Philosophy".
Eventually, we just gave up and agreed that it was really all just one song anyways.
But after watching the recently released DVD of MusiCares 2010 Person Of The Year Award, we were struck by the quote which Neil apparently uttered sometime during that evening which was then auctioned off for the charity event.
"Just do what you want to do.
Don't listen to anyone else."
That statement works for us as being the closest we'll ever find of a "Neil Young Philosophy".
More on Neil Young Honored As MusiCares Person Of The Year.
"I don't care about anything, but I am concerned with everything."
"I dont give a #$%^ about not giving a #$%^."
I tend not to stray too far from either position.
Doesn't mean that much to me..to mean that much to you..
Neil Young 101
Well, we should be seeing some amazing revelations in his forthcoming biography, like this wonderful insight into his song writing technique I read in his interview featured in February`s Mojo mag (and have seen/heard elsewhere I`m sure)...
"It`s not really a rabbit but we can call it a rabbit...if you hang out where you think it might be and ignore it completely it might show itself. Hence you go to the rabbit hole...the rabbit shows up and you notice the rabbit showing up and you concentrate on something else,then finally everything`s cool, you and the rabbit are cool, and you have a new song." Clear now?
Talking of Mojo, the free cd for Nov is a tribute to George Harrison, with Graham Nash featured on vocals on `Isn`t It A Pity` - well worth a listen.
@Jill, yes, that rabbit story is a good one. Hope we hear more from The Muse, too!
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