Album Review of the Moment: Neil Young's A Treasure - "Need We Say More?" on

Treasure tribute from Little Raggie
Last we checked, Neil Young's new CD "A Treasure" is doing surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly?) well on the Bestseller List
More on the bumper crop of reviews from by Brian Robbins:
The fact of the matter is, ol’ Neil can’t help but be ol’ Neil, no matter what genre he’s visiting at the moment – and his International Harvesters period captured on A Treasure is no exception.
“Motor City” has plenty of yee-haw, but the snap and bite and rolling-iron-pride of the lyrics would fit right onto last year’s Fork In The Road without batting an eye. If Young’s late 80’s blues project The Bluenotes had included a pedal steel and fiddle, it could easily be them raunching out “Soul Of A Woman”. The two numbers originally released on Young’s Old Ways album in 1985 – “Get Back To The Country” and “Bound For Glory” – sound like good old bouncy country tunes from a distance. But dig into the stories contained within – Young breaking clear of his early rock ‘n’ roll success and a young female hitchhiker finding love “out on the Trans-Canada highway” – and you’ll find those twists that are anything but traditional.
The best thing to do is simply sit back and enjoy the ride: “Are You Ready For The Country” is looser and swaggers far more than the original on Harvest. And “Amber Jean”, Young’s tribute to his daughter (“This one’s for you, honey,” he says just before the band launches into it), is chock full of sunshine and love.
Thanks Brian, we didn’t think you'd miss ol’ Neil! ;)
Also, see The Making of A Treasure: Interviews with Neil Young.
More on Reviews of Neil Young & The International Harvesters "A Treasure" and Tech Notes: Preview Video of Neil Young's New Album "A Treasure".
Maybe its finally getting picked up on Country Radio!
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