Neil Young Supports Vinyl & Independent Record Stores

Plan9 Music, Richmond, Virginia
Photo by Emaleigh Franzak
Neil Young showed his support of Vinyl & Independent Record Stores last Saturday, which was International Record Day.
Young was in town for a concert at the Landmark Theater when his crew decided to do some vinyl shopping. Emaleigh Franzak, Asst. Manager of Plan9 Music, Richmond, Virginia wrote us to say:
I took the photo posted on the Plan 9 Facebook page. It was a really fun day, and that was an excellent surprise.
The best/worst part was that we were actually playing "Le Noise" when he walked in the door. I just about melted for a few seconds.
There was nothing we could do but keep listening, of course! He shopped for a bit...was very reserved, but polite and friendly!
Neil bought Its a Beautiful Day record. (Incidentally, this is a very classic album and if you read the linked review it'll make you want to dig out your copy... or find a used copy.)
Very nice!
There has been a rather huge reaction in the Vinyl & Independent Record Stores community around the world. The Record Store Day Facebook page has 100's of Likes and Comments on the sighting.
We're not entirely clear on this, but there were some reports that Neil had a pressing of A Treasure which was played at the store also.

Plan9 Music, Richmond, Virginia
Photo by Emaleigh Franzak
Spin the black circle.
Haha- this is the greatest thing ever! Man! To be at that store! Record Store Day is a beautiful thing- one that I hope continues. If you didn't go out, you should have seen the lines out there! I was first in line at a local store that opened at midnight for one hour, and behind me were at least 100 people, and I got everything I wanted. The next day I went out a little later and and stood in line to get into the store for well over an hour- the line stretched around the block! Was akin to waiting in line for tickets for a show. RSD is such a great thing for independent record stores and I'm glad Neil was out there showing his support! And he made an EXCELLENT choice! I'll be in Providence RI this weekend for the show (will post a report when I return) Seriously CAN NOT WAIT! I hope they have a couple good record shops around. Thanks for posting Thrasher!
Buy a turntable today!
right on, SH!
There is a very funny video on Neils Garage.
Just a regular guy looking at albums. I wonder what kind of set up He has for listening. My guess would be tube stuff. He must have a 3 speed turntable for those scratchy old 78's.
The next one who f***'s up a Neil project has to remaster Everybody's Rockin... OMG that would be the perfect nightmare
I was talking about the video on Neil's home page!
Neil bought It's A Beautiful Day on Record Store Day!
Just perfect on that beautiful day. I really enjoyed it and hope Neil will make a special release for next year. Something like a 12 inch with Mansion on the Hill on one side and two new old songs on the other side.... something like that....
LOVE It's a Beautiful Day... Very cool that he picked it up!
Is Eric Johnson the painter?
I believe Amber Jean is The Painter.
Oh my GOD! That video is hilarious! Even better its posted on Neil's site!
Well, yes, Eric Johnson is the painter... and tour manager. Check it out on TW:
Great site for all you ever wanted to know about Neil Young.
"White Bird" is the other song that most people remember from that album...
It's a Beautiful Day- White bird
And yes...
That's one small step for a woman... giant leap for the Jefferson Airplane...
And this one is even better:
It's all one band!
if the boy bands weren't busy writing about killing their girlfriends, the girl bands were writing about rabbits and birds...
You are right! Well, .....
It's all one big fricken commercial.
YouTube is changing.
There are some songs that were never meant to played on anything except a record player.
Equally interesting is that in the foreground is a photo of a Rick James album, RJ of Mynah Birds fame... Neil's Mynah Birds song, "It's my Time" could perhaps capture the spirit of the moment when this photo was snapped.
Jim in DC
Gateway of Love
Two words:
Moby Grape
The second photo was by Jim Nelson...just want to make sure he gets credit where credit is due! He's an excellent photographer and really nice guy!
You folks are outrageous!
Some of these clips are pretty wild. I recall the Jefferson Airplane clips from Smothers Brothers.
Never saw the Shocking Blue monkey house vid. Man, crazy daze....
Here's one for you Thrasher:
It's a good one that is getting better!
Hitchhiker from Richmond
Thrasher brings out the crazy in us all!
That Shocking Blue song was used in a lady's shaving tool advertisement not too long ago.
Is that a "Heart of Gold" Breakfast sausage jingle I hear in the near future?
hard to find,the one in metro detroit whent broke ,just like the family farmer, when neil wrote walk with me it was like his personal message to us that he's down to earth with his fans and understands what struggles we go through in life. that song is already a classic, and the whole album should have won a Grammy
NEIL shows a sign of LOVE
In his own way he could rescue me & others that are feeling down &out it's just his nature
Oh hey, Anonymous, I hear what you're saying but we've been walking with Neil ever since he hit the streets, man.
We all know Neil's grammy recognition should have started with "After the Goldrush" or "Harvest" but he pissed a lot of the industry bigwigs off major. I think Ahmet double-crossed him, and Neil had already moved on, you know? Over Ahmet's dead body was ATG or Harvet was gonna take any recognition, you know what I mean?
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