Neil Young's Le Noise: "Just a man on a stool"

(Click to Zoom Cover)
Release Date: September 28, 2010
Anticipation continues to mount as the buzz on Neil Young News: Neil Young's New Album 'Le Noise' builds to the September 28 release.
From a press release today a few choice quotes and new details:
Recorded in Lanois' home in the Silverlake area of Los Angeles, Le Noise features Young on acoustic and electric guitars with Lanois adding his trademark sonic textures, creating one of the most sonically arresting albums Young has ever recorded. No band, no overdubs, just "a man on a stool and me doing a nice job on the recording," as Lanois puts it.
"Neil was so appreciative of the sonics that we presented to him," Lanois says. "He walked in the door and I put an acoustic guitar into his hands -- one that I had been working on to build a new sound. That's the multi-layered acoustic sound that you hear on the songs 'Love and War' and 'Peaceful Valley Boulevard.' I wanted him to understand that I've spent years dedicated to the sonics in my home and that I wanted to give him something he'd never heard before.
He picked up that instrument, which had everything -- an acoustic sound, electronica, bass sounds -- and he knew as soon as he played it that we had taken the acoustic guitar to a new level. It's hard to come up with a new sound at the back end of 50 years of rock and roll, but I think we did it."
Le Noise will be released in several formats, including standard CD, vinyl, digital download, and as a deluxe CD/DVD. The DVD portion, shot by cinematographer Adam Vollick, will feature eight black and white films of Young performing each song solo on acoustic and electric guitar live in the studio. In November, Reprise will also release a Blu-Ray edition, featuring Lanois and Vollick's beautifully shot films of Young.
More on Neil Young's New Album 'Le Noise'.
Pre-order Le Noise by Neil Young on
Press release says there's a CD/DVD package with the film footage, but Amazon pre-order only lists CD and vinyl - ??
I love the hype around the album, can't wait.
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Thanks Dug for the report. First I've heard of this. sigh.
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Sorry Thrash, It was error on my behalf, sorry again
Thanks Archives Guy/Neil/Reprise/whoever: a CD/DVD package is just perfect! I'll get the vinyl and BluRay versions when I have the kit to play them on, but for now this is an ideal way not to feel left out of what promises to be an amazing record.
I never listen to Prairie Wind anymore, I watch the DVD instead - it is just ace watching all the musicians making their contributions on a split screen. Apart from the Chrome Dreams II DVD which was crap, the accompanying DVDs have been a superb feature of all Neil's recent releases, such as the LWW(raw) videos, the Greendale acoustic concert etc.
Neil is a visionary in this field, and credit should go to the late, great LA Johnston too. Keep up the good work!
By the look of it, the DVD in the CD/DVD package will be the same as the Blu-Ray, just not as high quality sound. Will stick to that then, unless, by some twist of fate, the Blu-Ray will have BD-Live.
Sorry guys/girls and Thrash..whether its just me, but every time I log on and read this Thread topic "Just a man on a stool"..I can't help visualising Neil just sitting there playing on a giant poo.
Just feel like wanting to bring him a bed pan..its just a hospital thing I suppose!
The english language can have that effect sometimes.
Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this album..stool or not!! lol
The guitar he talks about must be the Guild (?) that he played on the recent tour. I was just amazed at the tone and sound coming from that via Neil's fingers.
Oh doc, I hadn`t thought of that before but now you`ve put the image in my head, and I rather wish you hadn`t!
luv Jill
I may be paranoid and alone with my suspicious thoughts, but I have some reservations about Neil's association with 'the new guy' Daniel Lanois. It seems like he has come from out of nowhere to almost seemingly overnight attempting to fill the void of some important individuals that Neil has lost that were so vital in shaping every aspect of his career. Neil records in Lanois's mansion, Lanois adds his 'sonics' to the record which, by a twist of fate, is named after him rather then the original title 'Twisted Road', Lanois shoots video of Neil performing in the studio on Lanois's stool playing a new 'sonic' guitar that Lanois designed. Lanois this, Lanois that! Like I said, it's probably just me. I still waiting for Poncho to grow into Danny's shoes and when David Briggs died, well, thats another story. These people were not just producers and cinematographers and musicians that Neil lost, but friends, mentors, and fellow visionaries. If I was Larry Cragg, I'd be hoping Lanois isn't a guitar tech too! Theres nothing that can be done to bring back all of the people that we associated with Neil over the years.I feel sorry for whoever Neil finds to play pedal steel. As good as he is, he will have some big shoes to fill, especially from the fans point of view. We will just have to wait and see. Either he will be as George Martin was to the Beatles, or as Dr. Landy was to Brian Wilson. In the meantime, Mr. Lanois, I apologise!
GTSY Thrash!
I love how Neil has a producer that can actually TALK to neil and more importanly, influence him. Thats what gives me the biggest hopes for this one!
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Big Chief, I hear where your coming from- I'm not crazy about the title myself- but this is a Young/Lanois collaboration and perhaps Neil felt it shouldn't just have been his name on it only. Agreeing with Doonerak, its a great thing that Neil is open enough to take suggestions and ideas from others. I am glad Neil doesn't necessarily feel that he's been around the block and will always do things his way and has nothing more to learn. Neil isn't Neil unless he's growing and changing- trying new things with new people.
It is sad to see the passing of these people we've grown to love for their huge and irreplaceable contributions to music that means the world to us, but Neil is still here, making music, traveling his road.
I have a feeling this album is going to be spectacular- but, no matter who Neil works with- its still basically a solo trip.
Does anyone know when 'Trunk Show'will become available on DVD?
It didn't get a theatrical release here in Australia...
I'm glad Neil's found a producer that fights him during the recording of his album, 'cause honestly, those Volume Dealer albums, Living with War, Chrome Dreams II and Fork in the Road have a certain clinical/sterile feel to them. Briggs used to fight Neil too, sometimes he'd win, like on Everybody Knows... sometimes he'd loose, like on Life. let's hope this is a winner. The live songs sound VERY promising.
Big Chief,
Lanois said at his SXSW Keynote speech in 2003 that Neil Young was one of the few artists he would love to work with and was hoping for the day Neil would call him.
I think you're being overly paranoid, protective, or just... weird about this.
Chief, Shitty and anyone else with reservations of this liaison...'Lets just see what happens..could be a perfect combo for Neil.
In a year when he has lost a few of his "Family" (and, Nearly Thrash)...maybe this is just the union Neil needs for his next..dare I say it..."MUSE"
the proof will be in the pudding as they say...lets all hope it tastes real sweet!!
FYI for those interested, Archives Guy says on Rust List that the CD/DVD package will be released around the holidays, along with the Blu-Ray.
Anyone know if the Blu-Ray will come with a download code for MP3s too, as in the case of Archives? I'm very interested in Blu-Ray but would also like to listen to the music in my car.
Doc, for the record I have no reservations on this project- I can't wait to hear it and believe it will be among the best. Just don't think the title should be a gag poking fun at the producers name. I believe titles in art are important to a degree. But I can overlook that for an A+ record from Neil.
Funny thing is Shitty Daniel Lanois...phonetically speaking, isn't actually pronounced "Le noise"...I've got a mate that's a seesion musician as well as band member of an aussie band called "the Whitlams" and I was ctalking to him about whether he had heard Of Daniel Lanois as a producer..he had no idea who i was talking about until i mentioned his upcoming collaborative album with Neil....THen he said Oh you mean Daniel Lan war (pronunciation)
Urrh? mabybe Neil should call this album...are you ready for it...."Living with Lan war 2" lol
doc, don't ever change!
(or give up the day job) ;-)
Thos, you know what's the sad thing is?...
I was actually being serious!
It IS pronouced Lan Wah ..with "ois" as the 'are' sound!
Ahh!the ambiguity of the English language!
Anyways: 'Lan ware', 'le noise' ,'le nose' 'le no is'..who cares!.. if the collaboration works I really don't give a rats how they pronounce his name!
just looking forward to the result
Le dope
I agree with Bigchief. It's clearly a full Lanois project, though probably a very good product.Sonics, choice of songs, title, recording studio, videos too, promotion.Everything has been decided by Lanois himself.Shakey Pictures has lost Larry Johnson and Neil Young is now more alone.No firm release date for the Trunk Show dvd yet.
Andrea."So Tired"
Well, since I am not behind the wheel, I will just sit back and enjoy the ride.
in reply to Thos:
"Apart from the Chrome Dreams II DVD which was crap, the accompanying DVDs have been a superb
Neil is a visionary in this field, and credit should go to the late, great LA Johnston too. Keep up the good work!"
I think that the CDII DVD was highly ignored for it's superb "wallpaper/psychedelic" visual program.
Directed personally by LA Johnson (not Johnston) this masterpiece fit perfectly in line with the Shakey viewpoint of not distracting the listener from the music but instead creating a visual that would inspire the imagination and allows them to make up their own mind...rather than be forced down a road that literally interrupts the music for them.
-Archives Guy
Thanks Thos & AG.
We need to take another look at the CDII DVD. It's been awhile.
It'll be a make a good placeholder while we await Trunk Show!
I enjoyed the CD II Dvd visuals, I love the fact that Neil provides us with high resolution audio choices.
Neil's work will never be the same without LA. Being a huge fan; I will miss LA's personal touch!
Why won't people look outside of the box?
Also, you folks should pick up the new Pegi Young album, "Foul Deeds".
Pegi has really grown into her own on this one. Its a great spin on a mellow night.
It also comes with a great extra performance DVD titled, Love Like Water, filmed from the 2007 NY shows from the Tower Theatre in Phildelphia, PA. (Directed by Demme, just like NYTS) The sound is 96khz 24 Bit Stereo, my only complaint is that the video is not 16x9. It features a nice LAJ dedication.
Recording and filming 10 acoustic songs, this was the first, original Neil concept.I hope that these songs have been recorded as well.
Andrea."So Tired".
Neil Young's new album Le Noise WITH CRAZYYY DRUMS!!!
Le Noise ... WITH CRAZY DRUMS!!!
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