Gigs For the Gulf & Neil Young?!

Gigs For The Gulf
Avatar by Jeff Taylor of Neil Young Tribute
Details are a bit sketchy at this point, but it does look like Neil Young's upcoming Gulf state gigs, will have a charitable component to support communities impacted by the BP oil gusher disaster.
From Pensacola News Journal (via Bad News Beat Thanks bh!) according to Pensacola City Councilman Larry B. Johnson:
"Young's concert also will have a charitable aspect, with attendees encouraged to bring nonperishable food items for a food drive."
(Just as an aside, does anyone find the Pensacola City Councilman's name just a bit... eerie??)
Back to Gigs For the Gulf & Neil Young. Well, we just find this to be a really fabulous development to hear that Neil's Gulf tour will have a charitable component.
We've found that putting together the Gigs For The Gulf FaceBook page to be quite a rewarding experience. There are truly a lot folks hurting down in the Gulf region and many are expressing their feelings thru music.
Each day, we see many submissions of homegrown music videos made by ordinary people trying to make sure they are not lost and forsaken. Thus far, we've helped coordinate several dozen G4G events around the country. This weekend's Gigs For The Gulf are:
- Free Concert for Alabama Coastal Foundation - Causeway, AL
- Sandestin Music Festival: August 13-14, 2010 - Destin, FL
- SpillCycle: Bike for Awareness! Dance for Relief! - Washington, DC
So, "Like" us on Facebook and spread the word on Gigs For The Gulf.
I plan on spending a small fortune in Alabama Gulf bars come October and support some musicians while I'm at it too.
Not to mention scarfing up some
seafood here and there.
I can't think of a better way to support the Gulf!
Maybe do it all on a bicycle?
Neil Young: Music Cares person of the year!
Enough said.
I ditto that
Hey Anon @7:26 p.m.
Sounds like a great plan to me!! My mom was born in Mobile, grew up in Brewton and lived in Montgomery before marrying my dad and moving up North when the war ended. She lived up here for forty four years, but was always a girl of the South and got back home as often as she could. Gone twenty years now next week.
She loved PBR way, way back before it was hip and was just a good cheap brew. So have one with your friends in memory of her if you get the chance!
While he's in the area, Neil should stop by Lake Martin and see where Hank wrote so many great songs. Of course, knowing Neil he has probably already done just that. And the lake might be drained by then. A trip to the Bama vs Auburn game might also be in order!!
If Neil really wanted these gigs to have a "charitable aspect" to them, why doesn't he donate a portion of the proceeds to a worthy Gulf charity or organization, rather than having the attendees (who are already paying money) bring food items to the show? That doesn't really sound like Neil himself is doing anything charitable. Just sayin'.
How do you know that he isn't donating $$ to charities associated with the Gulf disaster? Given his lifetime history of feeling, caring and participating, maybe this is just something he might do and doesn't feel the need to overtly emphasize or advertise...which, come to think of it, is how he has lived his life. Just respondin'.....
SPRINGDALE, ARK. — Tyson Foods says it’s teaming with music legend Neil Young in an effort to relieve hunger along the Gulf Coast, hit hard economically by a spill that coated beaches with oil at a time of year when they would normally be crowded with tourists.
Tyson Foods said Tuesday in a news release that it would donate 100,000 pounds of chicken products in conjunction with special concerts Young has planned in late September in Mobile, Ala.; Panama City and Pensacola, Fla.; and Biloxi, Miss.
Tyson said the food would be distributed to the Bay Area Food Bank, which serves Central Gulf Coast communities in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi.
In addition, concert-goers are being encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for donation to the food bank. All proceeds from the sale of limited-edition Neil Young t-shirts, available only at the concerts, will also be donated to the food bank.
I feel like I've just been slapped. Couldn't Neil find a more contemptable corporation than
Tyson Foods to team up with? Are they using Blackwater (Xe) for security too?
some pinko
double standards and hypocracy enough to inflate an ego maniac like Neil Young. why am I not surprised? sorry, i like his music but some of you dope heads have to realize that man you think is behind the music is a lot like the wizard of oz. smoke and mirrors.
Did you really just use the Wizard of Oz metaphor? Is that the best that you can do? You throw out insults and generalizations (e.g. dope heads)and then use the single most overused analogy in history.
How about something at least a bit specific? "Smoke and Mirrors" is what an English teacher used to call a "hamburger word"...something that you include when you just can't think of anything else. To say that this is lame would be stating the obvious...but what the hell, it's totally lame!!!
Neil Young owes you nothing. We all realize that he is just another human being, trying his best to live his life in the best way that he can. But in doing so, he has brought much joy, hope and help to more people than you could ever imagine out there on your own little Yellow Brick Road.
Long Ago in the Book of Old (aka the 70's), I had this friend way back when I was an undergrad. His girlfriend was very close to her grandmother and loved her very much. Her grandmother's best and lifelong friend was Margaret Hamilton (aka the Wicked Witch of the West). My friend said that the first time he met the great Ms. Hamilton, he was kind of scared shitless!! Lots of childhood memories came flooding back in. But very soon he came to see her as this really nice older woman who also just happened to have been an actress...albeit one who played a part that nobody will ever forget. She told him that sometimes it got a bit wearing, what with everyone wanting her to flip a switch and become that character...but mostly she loved the fact that she had affected so many people and would always be remembered.
Sometime after that, Margaret Hamilton came to the University I was attending. Her purpose was to do a favor for another old friend and appear at her class in Childrens' Literature. Of course, when she did appear everyone went kind of crazy. Pretty soon there were lots of shouts for her to "Say it...Say it!!!!!". She played very coy for awhile and pretended she had no idea what they meant. This kept up and she finally said, "Oh...all right", waited another ten seconds or so and then said "I'll get you...and your little dog too!!!". Perfect timing and it brought down the house.
I'm sure that she had done this many, many times before in her life. Like Neil and many others, she must have had many sides to her. Some people saw a lot more than others; some were just happy to see the Wicked Witch.
Sorry that Neil can't be more to your liking and take you Over the Rainbow, but I'm afraid that you need to do that for yourself. Given what he has gone through and accomplished over all these years, I don't really think that it's too much to ask that folks appreciate all of his efforts and not gripe because he doesn't meet some hyper idealistic standard where he gives away his possessions, plays free concerts for all, takes all of your requests and tucks you into bed at night. I'm sure he appreciates more than anyone that "There's no place like home", but he still keeps trekking out on that human highway.
Mr Henry! of ya best response/retorts to an anti Neiler! lol
Luv your cross reference analogies and the little story of the wicked witch..who wasn't that wicked after all hey!
Which brings me to a very salient point..which I live my life by..
and is very apt on Thrasher's Wheat.
Never judge anybody by the written word..or to use a lame metaphor.. but is appropriate for my point...
"never judge a book by its cover"
There seems to be many people in life (and not just on this blog site) that seem to judge one's personality,ideals or attitude purely by a comment or an opinion and are too quick to pidgeon hole or categorise that person based on that stance, comment or opinion.
I, myself never judge character purly on some whimsical ,tongue in cheek remark or retort written here on the spur of the moment.
Your response was handled with aplomb....but just a word of advice...don't wear ya "welcome mat" out like I did once ..people can apparently quickly tire to regularity and heavy doses..and i sadly learnt the hard way.
keep on rockin in the T world
just my opinion
Hey I found a cheap fligt and hotel to Pensacola, now it looks like the ticket prices will be cheap as well. Thinking about going but will be by myself. Anyone here planning on that particular show? Let me know. You can contact me on Thrashers Wheat Facebook. Sandy Kitterman Horne
Just let me know in a message that you are from this site so I will know to accept the friend request.
Sandy Horne
@ Mr. Henry:
Best. Comment. Ever.
Thanks to "just my opinion" and glad that you liked it. Also appreciate the advice that "less is more". I totally agree with that and might be time to "go dark" for a bit and conserve my energy and resources!
And you are so right about how often someone/anyone can be judged by a single comment or facet of their personality. I have many sides to me, same as everyone else does...some parts angel, some parts devil but mostly just another human being who is both enlightened and confused in equal measures. Main thing is to recognize this in all of us and to have a little faith. Thanks again for the appreciation and the shout out!!
Oh, and the "Word Verification" that I'm getting right now is "hater"...isn't life funny!!
Wow man, I can't believe I missed this thread. Mr. Henry is my new TW hero! Right on, excellent comment.
Hi All. having wtached the MTV unplugged Movie, I noticed neil used a nifty Hrp Rack with what seemed to be a ratchet and a quick release button. does anyone know where I can lay my hands on such a beauty?
Bill Knight
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