Neil Young Concert Review of the Moment: Louisville, KY May 26, 2010

Photo Gallery by Ryan Armbrust - The Palace | Metromix Louisville
The Neil Young Concert Review of the Moment is from Louisville, KY on May 26, 2010 by Rubard:
I too was at last night's show at the Palace in Louisville, my hometown and current place of residence.
It was only my 3rd Neil show and just my first time seeing him solo. The first time was with Crazy Horse (my favorite), and the other time was with his electric band (3rd favorite). After the show last night I too heard people bitching about several things: the price of the show, the length of the show, too many new songs, not enough classics, the encore, not enough jamming, not being able to take beer into the venue and even Neil's lack of banter. Some of those gripes are valid imo.
But, this isn't Crazy Horse people. It wasn't a raucous rock show, and it wasn't billed that way. This was Neil Young, solo, an artist who we're lucky to still have with us, someone who we're fortunate to have still wanting to write songs that mean something and which evoke feelings which you can't just recreate on a whim. I thought last night was truly magical. Neil plays whatever the hell he wants, and anyone who went into last night expecting a greatest hits show and leaving upset or shortchanged, is not only uninformed, but also denying themselves a treasured experience. This was a legend, playing in one of the most beautiful theatres in the country, in perhaps one of his final tours.
Sure, his fingers don't move as fast as they used to and he fumbled some notes, but his voice still tickles the soul (mine at least) and his music transcends generations. It is what it is. You either bitch about things such as the fact that the encore left something to be desired, or you realize that you saw one of the most prolific songwriters in history, singing music that comes from his heart. Yes, I would have loved to have traded 3 classics or so for some of those new songs, but how are you gonna deny the man his art, when he has already given so much?
How many artists really open their hearts such as Neil does with a song such as Sign of Love. That song really moved me. The new and the old did. Tell Me Why almost brought my 30 year old body to tears, and Helpless made me question how I could have ever considered not being there. Yes, I hold Neil somewhat on a pedestal and it's hard to bash him, but I can also speak truths.
I wish he would have stayed on acoustic the whole night. I wish I could have had a beer to enjoy while I listened to a very innaresting version of Cortez, one of my favorite Neil songs. I wish the show would have been 30 minutes longer. I wish we would have gotten that Heart of Gold at the end.
But, you know what?
We're not allowed to write the rules. We're just along for the ride. Thankfully I was able to board the bus last night. I hope it's not the last time.
Thank you Neil for another memory that I will treasure forever.
Thanks Rubard!
Also, see more Neil Young Concert Reviews from Louisville, KY on May 26, 201.
For more reactions, see Expecting to See Neil Young (or Man Without A Net) and Does The Twisted Road Tour Compare With TTN or TFA Tours?.
Also, see Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews.
I've been listening to the recent Neil live shows no Rust Radio....i like the new songs, i like the old songs.....looks like a decent show, albeit a bit on the short side.
but for me, someone who has followed Neil around the globe for over 20-plus years, i'm glad i'm sitting this tour out. I've reached the point in my life where i refuse to spend a small fortune on a concert ticket, or a CD.
In fact, i'm completely on the fence on purchasing Archives Vol II, the volume i'm really interested in. I think Neil completely over-charged for the first volume, just like i think Neil is overcharging for his concert tickets.
I vote with my wallet. And as of now, Neil gets no more of my greenbacks.
Cough up the Bucks....not me!
In that Dennis Hopper clip he said watching Neil perform was like watching Picasso paint.
So for 80$ you can see Bert Banach & Neil? ??
It's a bargain. Spare us. You'll just be making a ticket available for someone who has a clue about value.
Hey Jimmy - So i'm a bad person just because i refuse to pay hard-earned money on what i believe is an over-priced product?
You need to get a grip.
You want to spend, then go for it. Good for you.
Me? I refuse. I'm voting with my wallet this tour.
God Bless Rust Radio!!!
I really don't understand some of you guys?
I'm up here in Alberta and i would pay practically anything to see Neil play new songs in a little theater.
With air fare, hotel etc. I couldn't make it to this tour. But if he was in my hometown, i'd so be there.
This sounds like a tour of a lifetime.,
I love rust radio, but like the sticker says "live music is better".
This is a joke, right?
I was in Albany and I can tell you that Hitchhiker alone was worth it.
I think some of these folks are just chronic whiners or clueless?
Seriously. Comparing an internet stream of a bootleg to a live concert experience? That's just nuckin futs.
This dude must just be messin with you Thrash.
I don't think people realise sometimes what they are seeing here
To experience Neil live and in a relatively small venue,uncropped, raw and solo is an opportunity that should be savoured.
Hey, your wallet can be replenished with time..that so called expensive outlay to see the "master painter" should be embraced with open arms....
the amount of the ticket is chicken shit in the scheme of things..what? forego a couple of nights out on the turps, a couple of home meals instead of takeaway maybe give up the smokes and there's your expensive little ticket.
Ok everyone's got there perception of value for money..but praytell, how do you put a price on seeing a musical legend live...still beltin' out new material in the so called twilight of his career..get real
Neil has still got a lot of pickin, gretchin', blowin' and ticklin the ivories to do.. believe me..Age is a state of mind...and it's a state that Neil will be 'governor' in for a long time yet!!
Doc, i'm glad you feel this way, and you have every right to.
Me, on the other hand, i choose not to spend money on high-priced concert tickets.
that's my choice - please deal with it
Can anyone answer this question please;does Neil use the stage as a lab,does he improv. on the new songs or does he play them the same every nights?
Chris, Yes he does use the stage as a "lab"....
Thank you doctor.Any examples? I haven't had the chance to compare the shows on rust radio because my girlfriend think that my obsesion with Neil is beyond normal. I have to hide to consume NYP (Neil Young Products)because I love my girl.Bye!Ithink she's waking up...
to those of you with disposable income--hooray and halleluia...but insulting those of us who won't(or CAN'T)Cough up the Bucks to see Neil seems pointless to coulda used the time being grateful for your good fortune...just sayin'...
Thanks, Rubard for the definitive review of Neil at the Palace. I initially took some criticism for my just-back-from-the-concert take, but feel as I did then - we witnessed something special in Louisville. Having listened to most of 1st six concerts, I would say the Louisville and Worcester shows are the best so far. I would love to have had their HHMM encore, but wouldn't trade our Helpless and DBTR for it.
Rusted in KY
aving been to the recent Neil Young concert, I'm curious to know if his years playing music have left him as deaf as a post. His first few songs with amplified acoustic guitar were pleasant enough listening. Then began the assault with electric guitars amplified to absurd levels, with bass notes that threatened to burst eardrums -- despite the fact that I learned Neil was told by the resident sound crew that his sound settings would sound terrible. He refused to listen to them.
There was some relief provided when he switched to a piano. The shame was that despite the large number of wonderful songs he has written, he performed a song on the piano which sounded as if it were written and performed by a minimally talented third-grade schoolchild.
Neil certainly came across to me as an enigmatic and tormented artist, which leads one to wonder why such a person was ever gifted with such poorly managed talent.
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