Happy Cinco de Mayo from Shakey Pictures

Happy Cinco de Mayo from Shakey Pictures!
Watch out for the tequila....
(Note: This is just a replay of an earlier greeting.)
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by thrasher@PermaLink: 5/05/2010 01:09:00 AM
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Right back 'atcha. Bottoms up!
Mister Green, Isla Formosa, a.k.a. Taiwan
As a Yankee/Northerner (F'in Yankee as some put it a few times) I was a bit surprised to find out that May 5 was a day off in college while attending Univ. of Ariz. in Tucson. I remember my first year out there getting up for classes and my Phoenix born roommates ribbing me about 'where YOU going' and 'good luck with that' before I saw the piece on the morning news declaring the holiday. So hats off to ya Mexico. We can only hope that the current breed of unlawfullness and violence retreats and repents and that the good citizens of your country rise to sieze back control. And also a 'compromise along the borders of hate' with respect fo fair immigration along the US line in the State of Arizona.
What's this about?
This is just a replay of an earlier greeting.
Heard on the trusty rock and roll radio that
42 years ago today 5/5/68 was the day that the Buffalo Springfield broke-up/disbanded. Not a happy cinco de mayo that year, but a mixed blessing afterall. A fork in the road to a path less travelled.
Sorry,I still don't get it, what is here to celebrate, something to do with Mexico,Ok, but WHAT? Tequila? I'd like to know the reason to celebrate as well!
Mexican Independance Day anon.
Cinco de Mayo (May 5) commemorates the Mexican army's victory over French forces in 1862. Since then, it has become a day to celebrate Mexican culture across the United States, but only in some parts of Mexico.
Where it all began: The city of Puebla (where's that?) is the epicenter of Mexico's Cinco de Mayo festivities.
Not to be confused with: The Mexican Independence Day, which takes place on Sept. 16 and celebrates Mexico's independence from Spain.
umm, ever heard of Google?
google - that's where I learned what a 'trunk show' was
- Not Rotten Johnny
Thanks SONY!
Now then, Happy 5 de Mayo!
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