“Heart of Gold”: Tribute to Neil Young for Haiti Reborn

On April 9, 2010, The Someday Lounge and Bitclone presented “Heart of Gold,” an all-star gathering of Portland, Oregon roots-inspired bands paying tribute to Neil Young and the enduring spirit of the Haitian people. All door proceeds from the one-night concert went to Haiti Reborn, a social-justice group currently involved in earthquake relief.
Here's Hearts of Oak performing Neil Young's "Don't Cry no Tears" on
YouTube - wetcoastproductions's Channel.
Thanks Nate in Portland!
Sorry, but that performance of "don't cry no tears" is pretty bad, it makes you cringe.
You know, i think some folks might miss the point of posting covers like this.
Sure, there are better covers, better bands, etc.
That's not the point. The point is the cause.
Secondarily, it's about ordinary people doing Neil songs.
If you can do better, do it. Otherwise just take it fwiw and enjoy the spirit.
Thrasher, I get the point, no offense meant. I just say (or type) what I think, maybe a little to hasty sometimes.
Folkrockin I agree with you, it's very bad.
Thrasher do you really want to encourage this sort of thing.
Sell Out
Great cause, horrible performance of a Neil classic!
sounds like they were singing in a submarine, 500 leagues below sea-level. Blech!
Man I know my singing was BAD and made me cringe.
That being said I just wanted to spread the word about a good charity and a great night. The link has some other bands doing a great job.
I'd do it again,
Neil has a bad voice. It's part of why we love him so.
Keep on rockin' Hearts of Oak....Hearts of Gold.
Stacy if you believe Neil Young has a bad voice you are missing his essence.
Sell Out
Lotsa reasonable people posting here! Sure is nice to see such good vibes!
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