Comment of the Moment: Time Fades Away as "The Greatest Lost Album"

Neil Young
Soundcheck - St. Petersburg, FL, February 1973
Photo by Joel Bernstein
The Neil Young Comment of the Moment is on Time Fades Away being called by Uncut Magazine "The Greatest Lost Album" by BigChief:
To resolve the T.F.A. dilemma, as Neil's first four albums were re-mastered and re-released in vinyl and C.D., wouldn't it be a timely decision at this point to release the 'Ditch Trilogy' in like manner?
It could be packaged in a triple L.P,C.D. box set titled 'The Ditch Trilogy' respectively. Include the original liner notes and all, right down to the glitter that was included in the first pressings of T.T.N. These recordings demand to be owned as a set together, like a chapter in a novel, to fully appreciate and understand their place in Neils body of work.
I highly doubt that it will happen, but wouldn't it be great if there were footage of the T.F.A. concerts included in the Archives Vol.2? Now that just might help to change my mind about an otherwise less than stellar recording. How about some video to accompany the T.T.N. era? Thats whats really missing here. We are fortunate to have the audio from these performances, however, this was an era prior to Neil having cameras documenting his every move as he did later in his career.
It seems there is very little footage prior to 1976, except for the Harvest stuff which I am grateful for.I know I'm getting a little off track here, but I was really disappointed when I found that the 'Vol#1 Archives' didn't include any live footage of Whitten era Crazy Horse! Something to think about, however, is the fact that with all of the information that is so readily available today via internet and such has inadvertantly over exposed Neil to his fans to the point that he has sacrificed a great deal of his mystique.
Neil has been an artist who obviously has been aware that when you talk about 'mystique', you no longer have it. Dylan had it as did Lennon to a degree, however, Neil built his entire career around it and he knew how to make it work for him. The 'lonely, stoner hippy' personna that characterized his image was the result of his fans perception of him based more on the lyrics of his songs than the reality of who he really is. Although he claims that he never even tried heroin, I know of people whom to this day believe he's a junky based on misinterpretation of the 'drug' lyrics of certain songs. "I love you baby can I have some more"? as if the addict in question is knocking on Neils cellar door for some more dope.
I've seen the needle and the damage done and believe me, no artist could possibly be as creative and enjoy the longevity and success of a career in anything as Neil has while enslaved to hard drugs ( see Curt Cobain).
Thanks Big Chief!
More on Time Fades Away being called by Uncut Magazine "The Greatest Lost Album".
You can be certain Neil will ultimately release TFA to his adoring Fan-Base.
It's about the Benjamins at this point, and Neil will find a way to get his fans to buy it, if not once, then twice!
check this out... soundcheck : Neil and Pearl Jam
Out of all the bands that Neil has collaborated with live, Pearl Jam are the ones to get into Neil's zone the best.
Upon saying that,I've never really seen his stuff with Sonic Youth,so I can't comment on that collaboration.... but it's with PJ that Neil 'bounces' off, the best.
The Cortez soundcheck sounds awesome...ageless song live!
PJ the new Horse to ride!!
TFA sits alone in Neil's work. How could it not in the aftermath of his experiences at that time.
one other thought -
after viewing Pearl Jam on Austin City limits the other night one word comes to mind...
Sorry PJ fans.
- Not Rotten Johnny
hey Doc -
when did Neil ever collaborate with Neil?
i musta missed that one.
i know they opened for him on the Weld tour, they played on that Bridge Benefit cover album, but i didn't know they actually collaborated on anything.
do tell more...
"When did Neil ever collaborate with Neil"?
Probably never!... .Neil always said that Neil was the hardest person to get on with! lol
from the pocket Oxford dictionary:
"collab'orate", v.i. Work in combination (with) esp. in art(music) or literature.
Yeah, probably a bad choice of word
should have just said "that Neil has played live with" and left it at that.!
....nothin more to tell
has Neil ever played LIVE with Sonic Youth?
i do not recall.
The obvious bands he's collaborated with, Live, include:
- The Dead
- Pearl Jam
- Phish
- The Alarm
- Bruce
- dylan
to name a very, very few
that's one of my favorite Neil photos...his dissatisfaction is very nearly palpable...
Probably not..I'm just gunna crawl back in my little hole and say nothin!.. well for at least a coupla hours.....sorry!
Well at least I can safely say that the link to the Cortez soundcheck with PJ sounds great..phew!
hiding doc
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