Conan O'Brien's Final Musical Guest: Neil Young - UPDATED
UPDATE II: Neil Young pays tribute to L.A. on final Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien with "Long May You Run".
UPDATE: Not that this needed anymore hyping than is already going on, but the hype is in total overdrive. See Twitter feed for indication of another example of Neil's "viralness". Also, big traffic spike right now on TW.

Neil Young - "Far From Home"
November 1, 2005
Conan O'Brien's Late Show
The final musical guest for The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien will be Neil Young this Friday.
You may recall that Neil did a week long musical residency back in 2005 on Conan O'Brien's Late Show.

Any wagers on band? Song? (Probably not "Pants on the Ground".) Interview?
"The Painter" - Conan O'Brien Show 11/2/05
Thanks Roel, - Neil Young links - reconnecting thoughts and actions, Daniel & GH & Purple Words on a Grey Background!
Can't wait to see this ... after his constant touring these past couple years feels like withdrawl with Neil out there ... glad to see he's not completely in hibernation ... by the way, given the drama around the late night comedy shows I wonder how it came to be that Neil would be a guest on Conan's last show. Whatever the story its very cool
Conan's a big Neil fan (obviously). The guy keeps a '47 Martin backstage for guests to play.
I would be willing to lay really good odds he'll be playing "Harvest Moon". In fact, I will be shocked if it's anything else
"This notes for you" would be fitting
Neil will play that Pants on Ground song.
Definitely. he'll show that Fallon dude.
It's only fitting that Conan would choose to wrap his show with the highest caliber of music talent. I think Conan has shown recently that it is truly better to burn out than fade away!
ordinary people
He'll play with Crazy Horse.
i only wish.....
Last Trip to Tulsa
That would be hot if he showed up with Crazy Horse. Wouldn't realy suprise me. I don't think Neil's showing up to do a TV gig just to play an old song. Neil on TV tells me it's something new or something unexpected. I'd be disapointed if he shows up and plays heart of gold or harvest moon.
How about Pants on the Ground/Harvest Moon mashup with Crazy Horse & Jimmy Fallon?!
Now that would go viral.
But I'd agree this is not the time to go safe. This will have a HUGE audience as Conan's final show, so it's a real opportunity to blow minds a la RITFW on SNL in 89.
Very cool!
Something old, something new?
Mr Soul.
Neil impersonating Jimmy Fallon would be funny.
Crazy Horse ! Crazy Horse ! Crazy Horse ! Crazy Horse ! Crazy Horse ! Dammit
As far as playing with the Horse goes - doesn't Pancho run the MIDI board for Leno's band? That could be kind of a problem. But it would be cool do do a rendition of F&*kin' Up with the Horse. I mean, who's gonna fire Conan?
How 'bout "Don't Cry No Tears"? That would be a way to end it.
I don't care wich song they play, I just wanna see the guys again, the Holy Horse ! Cmon Neil...
It would be fitting for him to sing Ambulance Blues... "it's so easy to get buried in the past, when you try to make a good thing last...all you critics sit alone, you're no better than Conan for what you shown... you're all just pissin' in the wind, you don't know it, but you are..." it would be a classic rejoinder to the discord and quirky actions of the media kings , you know, the types Neil loves to bash... Seriously, he may come out and start with a few chords of "Pants on the Ground" as if he forgot he's not Jimmy Fallon, then launch into somethign touching, like Old Laughing Lady... better yet, he may play something we've not heard yet from his soon to be released new album that he's been working on in his recent "down time"
- Keep 'em hopping.. and rock on.
What'll blow folks minds is when he comes out and plays something no one has ever heard before.
Always leave them scratching their heads.
TIVO programmed.
Can't wait!!!
I agree, I'm betting his choice of song(s) will be a head scratcher
Will Ferrel is the guest just like on the first show with Pearl Jam. It would be great if they'd show up and do something à la MTV.
So is everyone sure he's going to play? Might he be just a guest?
A Day in the Life.
Crazy Horse, I hope.
Nice. Conan's first musical guest was Pearl Jam.
It seems there's kinda crazy horse plebiscit round here. I hope Neil will hear us, and I hope to see Pancho, Ralph and Billy soon.
Keep on bloggin and thanks Thrasher!
This is good news that he's doing a TV appearance (not sure of the sgnificance of the show not being from America though).
If he's doing this I reckon it'll be something new. He has being quiet recently - maybe he has a new acoustic record all ready to go.
Then he can look at doing a cool acoustic tour later in the year !
Being from the UK, I know nothing about these shows, but I sure hope Neil plays something cool.
Either something new, or something that shocks and confuses us. I wouldn't expect anything else... However, maybe he'll pull a "Shakey" move, and do the opposite, and play something we'd expect. My bet's on "One Of These Days".
Davie from Scotland
This is not an ordinary show by any means and warrants an a-typical plug/promotion appearance. Hanks is Tweeting that this is gonna big a big night and you gotta watch to see what's gonna happen. That's why I think Neil is going to pull out something special (not new). Something to put the exclamation mark on the night, the season, the whole damn thing. Something to help stick a finger in the eye of "The Man" (i.e. NBC execs). So, I could see something like RITFW, F&%kin' Up, Hey Hey My My. If he shows up with just an acoustic guitar, it will probably more sentimental (Harvest Moon, One of These Days, Campaigner).
I will be disappointed if its conventional. You don't get an audience like that every day.
Lets hope he does Wandering w/ the horse.
Best song on filmore live
How about something off of reactor
Surfer joe or T-bone or that train song I think it's called Southern pacific.
I heard that Conan was going to introduce his next guest as Jimmy Fallon and out will walks Neil.
Surreal man.
Judson on the Hudson
Conan's getting $45 million to leave NBC.
My money is on "After the Gold Rush."
Let's hope we'll see the horse !
Out of My Mind
He's doing a cover of Dylans' "man gave name to all the animals " , with Crazy Horse of course !
It has to be "Don't Let It Bring You Down."
Altho i think Conan's laughing all the way to the bank.
"I put in my time,
I put in my time,
Now I'm left to roll,
Down the long decline"
Newsflash: Neil Young plays Conan's late show.....
dressed up as Jay Leno!..and he's gunna play The LONER with special guest..Dave Letterman on drums!!
This IS an exclusive to Thrasher's Wheat of course!!
Neil, if you can read me, please play something new and raw w/ the Horse !
He'll play " Long May You Run".
...just wait and see.
Although my choices would be "LA" or "Ordinary People," my guess is that he'll play Conan's request, perhaps "Bandit" (Someday you'll find everything you're looking for).
Neil Young is going to play "Why do I keep F&^%in UP?!!!!!!!!
You know he is!!!
When yer a Neilnerd, it's almost impossible for him to do something that will blow your mind. I have wondered a lot as of late, we will ever see The Horse again. The last tour gave Neil his Horse fix... based on the tunes picked and the hugesness of it all. I see him going small, like he did at Farm Aid this year. But what would really be the nuts is a huge Horse attack... Hey Hey My My is the tune.
He ain't going to take a chance on this.
Heart of Gold hands down.
Not my choice, just my hunch.
People, did anyone else read this on the page of Tweets above???:
"Currently recording a Haiti relief song here in the studio with Tom Waits, Neil Young, Macy Gray, Aaron Neville, Dylan, and others. Magical."
What is "In The Loop"?
And surely he can't be serious? And if he is, I must stop calling him Shirley...
Davie from Scotland
good God !
Emperor of Wyoming, followed by some Classical Gas. Sets his guitar down and says, "Thank you very much, you got a lucky face"
(In His own Write content)
Whatever he does, it will be wonderful!!!!!
Marian M.
Any chance to see it somehow (here or Satellite...) in Europe??? What time GMT it'll be broadcasted?
Proud Isabella
"Prisoners of Rock and Roll" with a lyric change of "Network Company Clowns".
Just a
I see Conan sitting in with that Martin of his, ala "The Colbert Report"
Given Conan's payout, I would opt for "Cough Up The Bucks."
I'm calling it right now. Long May You Run.
Patch of Ground Person
"Neil Young holds much credibility in the music world and O’Brien, who often books great musical acts including indie acts such as Vampire Weekend and Ted Leo, acknowledges that this performance will be special."
How about "This Note's For You" ??
Come on people!While Neil's T.V. appearances are rare, except for benefits such as Farm Aid, Dylans anniversary concert, Live Aid etc, whenever he does a gig such as Letterman or Conan, it's usually to prop up a new release or in the case of Letterman, promote the 'Lincvolt' project. Although were not aware of anything new and as of yet un-heard from Neil, I highly doubt that he will play anything older than 'Fork In The Road'or something off of that c.d. He certainly is overdue to stun us with a performance as monumental as S.N.L.- R.I.T.F.W. or Tom Thumb Blues/Watchtower as he did at the Dylan concert. My guess, maybe one last thrash on 'A Day In The Life'?
... fighting drugs with pain
dont be denied??
Would a 41:26 version of
"Like An Inca"
Be too much to ask for?
"Got to fight to control the Violent Side"
Wow,59 comments!... this topic has certainly brought everyone out of the woodwork..and it took a late show visit to do it!
My 2nd pick?..."Just singin' a song.."
P.s. I'm so excited, I've just dropped my scalpel!
How about "Roll Another Number for the Road"?
But with different lyrics.....
In light of the fact that Neil,Dylan,Waits,and others are working on a song for 'Haiti Relief',it is a possibility that could be the song that Neil performs on Conans show .. not unlike Neil to act out of spontinuity as in 'Ohio'... makes sense to me.
Big chief,
"spontinuity"? love that word
Is that a cross between "spontaneity" and "continuity"?
Makes sense to me! lol
Luv Doc
doc, I reserve the right to create words with fervant spontinuity at a moments notice when need be ... lifes too short to hit 'spell check'!
That's why your the BigChief! lol
1. He calls up Nils, dusts off the old vocoder, and blows our faces off with a 10 minute Sample and Hold.
2. It's actually Jimmy Fallon, playing with Crazy Horse! They do a scorching 10 minute electric rendition of Pants on the Ground.
Fork In The Road would be kinda funny and sort of fitting too ... Conan hit a fork in the road, he also got a bailout, the country was just at a fork in Mass. and threw out healthcare reform ... Obama trying to punish the banks for their bailout ... and it fits with Neil's tendency to shock people in these circumstances when he plays some obscure tune that nobody other than the hardcore fans have ever heard of ... My second guess is Fu**ing Up, my third is RITFW ... Love the suggestion for 'Don't be denied' ... World on a String would be cool too ... last suggestion: 'Throw your weapons down'
The suspense is totally killin' me
"He calls up Nils, dusts off the old vocoder, and blows our faces off with a 10 minute Sample and Hold."
I. Would. DIE.
HOLY SHIT! CANT WAIT. Oh, he'll play new material... he will!
Neil Young joins the late night wars!
Seriously, I cant wait!
C-R-a-Z-Y - H-O-r-S-e! ! !
If it's not new material, which I'm betting on- it'll be Light a Candle
Hi everyone.
Please can someone record this and post on YouTube as soon as you get a chance?
We don't get this show in the UK and I don't want to miss what could be a massive moment!
Mr. Soul--quite relevant, IF I've got the lyrics right...
Thrash, I'm sorry, but this is off topic.
I was just wondering, with the "live traffic feed" and all the internet tech at your finger tips, do you actually know how many regular followers you have to the wheat and from what countries?
I would curiously like to know just how many regulars are from "down under" as blog names and anonymouses doesn't really give you any indication.
Just wondering.
Curious Doc
It might be "Light a candle" for Haiti or a new song maybe....
I'm hoping too that someone will put this on YouTube.
Love, Liza
I think he surely will play Tonight's the night with Will Ferrell on backing cowbell. :-)
How about a cover of Steve Miller's Take the Money and Run?
I'd love to hear Albuquerque, my favorite Neil song of all time, but if I had to guess it'll be something new and unheard. Haiti tribute song makes the most sense.
One of eleven thousand
MTV's site is also wondering what will Neil play:
OMG! Overdrive or what?!
Yes, something for Haiti would be most likely given Neil`s topical and humanitarian approach. Although of course you just never know!
Wonder if Neil knows yet?!!
And he`s just got to make some reference to Pants on the Ground or Fresh Prince, surely?!
Whatever he does it`s going to be huge, so please, please can someone get it on youtube for all of us not in the USA?
So exciting!!
It could be a gag (and Neil's in on it) - it could be Fallon and not Neil. If you look on the Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien web site, you will see that every previous musical act has a link button to their CD. Not Neil. Neil has a CD out, you know (Dreamin' Man). But if it wasn't really gonna be Neil but, rather, Fallon, that would make sense. Also, he feels he owes Fallon a leg up, so he's gonna give him an opportunity to put his gag on O'Brien. Fallon will do an impression of Neil doing some send-up song.
Neil might come on at the end to wave at the audience just to let everyone know he's in on the gag and stuff. But here's my prediction - tomorrow morning we are all going to be pissing our pants on how we were duped.
Radiohead or Thom Yorke will join Neil Young tonight on Conan's last show.
Something's happenin here ..
radiohead with neil? that would be great, but it ain't gonna happen. here's the tweet:
"Complete guess, not seen it reported anywhere...Radiohead or Thom Yorke will join Neil Young tonight on Conan's last show. Heard it here 1st"
yup, you heard it there first...COMPLETE GUESS.
I just wanna see the horse.
"Everybody Knows This is Nowhere" would be perfect, considering Conan's situation: "I gotta get away from this day to day running around. Everybody knows this is nowhere." Thought of this while hearing the song in "Almost Famous" last night--I'm also still cracking up about Jimmy Fallon's bit as the new manager in that movie: "If you think Mick Jagger's going to be out there still trying to be the rock star at 50, you are sadly mistaken." RITFW, with the Horse and a special Haiti verse would also be too cool. And you know Will Ferrell will have that cowbell in his hands! Carol in Michigan
I gotta agree - EKTIN would be a great finale. Everybody could get behind the mic for the "na na na na na na na"'s. Hanks, Will Ferrel, Conan, walk-ons, you name it.
I think that's a very good guess.
Not to start more rumors, but I heard from a friend that Conan will announce Neil, out walks General Larry Platt. He plays Old man. Then Platt intro Fallon who plays pants. Falon introduces Neil who plays Fresh Prince.
Since Neil has been having fun with covers, how about The Kinks 'Money-go-round'?
Any Neil is good Neil!
Neil sings something touching like "Flying on the Ground is Wrong," with Jimmy "Neil" Fallon singing "Pants on the Ground" as background vocals or chorus, in the appropriate places.
I agree with Carol in Michigan, EKTIK would be the perfect finale of the show and Conan can grab a guitar and play along (he can try to do his best Pancho)... It would be an instant classic, but please no Will Ferrell as Billy or Tom Hanks as Ralph.
-- Jim in DC
Not bad at all, if you ask me :-)
Neil should play 'Helpless' or 'Long May You Run' in this final show.
C'mon wheaties, this is a serious's a wonder the boss hasn't deleted half your comments!!
What about Sinatra's,"I did it my Way?"
Serious Doc
HEY HEY MY MY ROCK N ROLL WILL NEVER DIE! Into the black, at ear piercing decibel level, directed at the NBC nitwits that made the decision to bump Conan. AND ONCE YOU'RE GONE YOU CAN'T COME BACK WHEN YOU'RE OUT THE BLUE AND INTO THE BLACK!!!!!!
Hey everyone...... why does everything think Neils gonna do a song that relates somehow to the Conan situation ??? Thats absurd ! Neils not gonna play on TV to direct a song for Conan...... he couldnt give a fuck !!!! He'll do what Neil wants to play , not what would be amusing for Conan !
above.....meant "everyone" , not "everything" !
Thank you, anon - 1/22/2010 08:37. I couldn't have said it better myself.
I suspect (and hope) Neil will play something for LA Johnson tonight.
If indeed he does play at all - let's remember, Neil has lost a great friend here. I wouldn't be surprised if he decided not to show up tonight.
I hope he's staying strong, and that he knows our thoughts are with him at this sad time.
"The Way" is the only song I can
think of in light of L.A. Johnsons'
untimely demise.
We are all going to be "called home" eventually.
That was great.
Long may you run...awesome. That was an emotional performance.
So just fill me in down under..Neil Did play on Conan's show? and played "long May you run"? is this correct? apt!
(we're a day ahead and some 6 or 7 hrs behind its 5:15 pm Saturday night in Auss.)
Long May You Run was incredible...and the perfect choice. Free Bird ending with Will Ferrell as Ronnie and wearing a Tonight's the Night T shirt...sublime. Seeing Neil and Dave doing Hank's song Alone and Forsaken with Neil playing Hank's guitar...transcendent. So many memories. Thank you Neil - you always come through. God Bless Larry Johnson...we'll really miss you, man. Thanks for everything and take care. "I've got faith in you...."
Here's the link to the Video:
Here's the performance of Will Ferrell:
Nice !
Just watched the clip on youtube..
I just got that feeling that Neil was struggling with maybe a bit of emotion down low..Maybe he was singin' this to just one person tonight...
Long may you run Larry, long may you run
Whoa, just watched the Will Ferrell
clip..... if I'm not mistaken...Is that a very pregnant Sun Green that Will sucks face with!...Be the pain Sun, be the pain!!
Thank you so much for posting on YouTube!
That was beautiful, and very very sad indeed.
I'm sure LA would be proud.
any chance someone can post the Hank Williams song on YouTube also?
Thank you so much for the Conan-Clip.
Here is another clip with Dave Matthews:
Love, Liza
Neil and Dave Matthews covered Hank for the hope for Haiti telethon. Not bad at all...
Thanks mordred352 - what a moving performance from Neil. It must have been so hard for him to sing, but he`s a true professional and wouldn`t have let Conan down.
God bless Neil and keep him safe.
Tears in my eyes, no joke. Long May You Run.
Such a moving performance. With everyone in the crowd thinking you were singing for Conan. Knowing that you were singing for a lost friend. I'm so sorry for your loss.
He looked up a copple of times when he was singing"Long may you run,I think it was to his deer friend he lost.It's realy beautiful and touching.And I hope that you still"May run long" Neil!!! for many years to come.Monda!
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