5th Anniversary of Release "Time Fades Away" Petition

"It's like stashing Mona Lisa in the basement."
Petition Signature Signer #6628 by Gareth D.
Hard to believe, but it's been 5 years since we launched the Release "Time Fades Away" Petition campaign.
Since February 2005, over 100,000 visits have been logged to the TFA page and the petition has gathered nearly 15,000 verified signatures. (The actual count is closer to 20,000 but the petition site has had several backup failures where thousands of signatures were lost.) Over 13,000 votes have been cast for favorite song on album.

Here's the vote breakdown:
Don't Be Denied - 25.9%
Last Dance - 22.8%
Journey Through the Past - 11.5%
So why does any of this really matter?
Well, for one thing, recent news indicates that there is a possibility that the original TFA may NEVER be re-released at all. From an interview in Guitar World, Young discusses The Archives Vol.#2 which will include Time Fades Away II. TFA#2 is an alternate version from the tour's second half.
"YOUNG: One thing I'll tell you about the next volume of Archives is that Time Fades Away II is in there. And it's interesting because the whole thing has a different drummer than what was on that album. I switched drummers halfway through the tour- Kenny Buttrey was in there for the first half, and Johnny Barbata came in for the second. It's a completely different thing, with completely different songs. So that's interesting. There's lots of stuff like that that I'm working on right now for the second volume."
Again, why does this matter?
It's been called the "missing link" of the "Ditch Trilogy".
Neil Young's 1973 Time Fades Away is one of the most remarkable live albums ever recorded. Certainly at the time of release, it was almost unprecedented for an artist to release a live concert recording of previously unreleased material. Long out of print on vinyl, still unavailable on CD in the early 21st century and widely bootlegged, the album is considered to be the "Holy Grail" of all Neil Young albums.
In an effort to gain wider distribution of this essential Neil Young recording, fans have started a petition requesting that the album be officially released. Those interested in obtaining a legal copy of Time Fades Away are urged to sign the petition today.
In 2003, it seemed that an official release was near when four of the "Missing 6" Neil Young albums surfaced. (On The Beach, one of the four albums released after a long hiatus, was also the subject of a fan's petition drive which would eventually gather over 5,000 signatures from the Neil Young Internet fan community Rust and Human Highway.)
So if you haven't done so already, go and sign the petition!
And if you have signed, then please re-tweet, share, forward, etc.
Thanks Andrew!
UPDATE: We've seen a jump in signatures with folks re-tweeting, sharing, forwarding, etc. Great job everybody!
More on the history and background of Release "Time Fades Away" Petition.
Labels: neil young, time fades away, vinyl
Wow - so what IS Time Fade Away II exactly? Anyone know what the songs are on it/when it was? Why have I never heard of it? Exciting.
I thought maybe TFA reminded Neil of Danny Whitten, which is a logical reason to ignore it, deny it, forget it...but how does one explain his willingness to release TFA II ? ans: he's Neil Young (sigh)
I'm right with you there, Thrasher. A revisionist TFA? Please say it ain't so! Time Fades Away for me is what solidified my admiration for the art Neil Young was creating. The album was released on the heals of the biggest selling album of 1972. It was an artistic statement that Neil Young was going to be himself regardless of what the marketplace "demanded". It is definitely a large part of why Neil Young and his music mean so much to me today. I already signed the petition; I hope Neil releases the original album so that his catalog is intact for folks that don't have vinyl record players...
Hamish, this is just my sentiments or thoughts,but upon reading the introduction to this topic, I got the impression that Neil has never been happy with the drumming on the night "Time fades away I" was recorded and that there is actually a recording of the concert on a different night (with a different drummer) that Neil has given the seal of approval to ,to release...hence "Time fades Away II"...For the life of me,why Neil has waited all these years to release this second version is beyond me..You try and work out Shakey's logic!
Hey, like I said, this is just my theory..I'm probably totally wrong!
Well I hope Neil does release the original 'Time Fades Away' album - it doesn't seem really be in the spirit of the Archives releases to only release an alternative version.
Often those sort of things get bundled as bonus discs, like Pearl Jam have done lately with 'Ten', it seems that would be the best way to do this?
Besides, I'd love to know what Neil doesn't like about 'Time Fades Away' - yes it's rough and ready, but the emotion on it is INTENSE - as is the playing by musicians who at times appear to only half-know the songs - yet they hold it together brilliantly. It's certainly one of Neil's best albums.
Please release it Mr Archives Guy!!!
The thing that confuses me about that Neil quote, which I've seen before, is that all of the songs on "Time Fades Away" were from the second half of the tour, with Barbata on drums, except for "JTTP" from Feb. 11 (and "Love in Mind," which was from 1971). So is "TFA II" from the first half of the tour?
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It's possible that Neil chooses the best version of every song released in the original TFA. It should be something!
Andrea."So tired"
I agree with all the reasons stated for releasing and revering the album, but my guess is that there must be something personal beyond what has ever been revealed about that tour and album that causes Neil to short shrift it. Must be something big given it's the only album left unrepresented on Decade- The Bridge at the very least was worthy of being included. I always thought it was just too painful because of Danny Whitten's 11th hour death preceding the tour. There is also the money disputes that went on, but I think we're grasping at straws, Neil has his reasons is all. The Detroit leg of the tour was the first concert I ever went to, and it was a great experience, especially the first half acoustic set. When the whole band appeared for the electric second half there was a discernible disconnect between band members, no interaction, very removed. It probably didn't help that they partook during intermission- I'm assuming. The only song that stands out in my mind is Don't Be Denied, and a very lethargic Alabama with Neil playing the Wing guitar. I also think that it is totally in the spirit of Archives to get an alternative version. In the meantime, we can only speculate so much. Hopefully if we ever see TFA II, Neil will fill us in a little more on the details, but only if it's not excruciatingly personal.
Greg M (A Friend Of Yours)
I've read in some publications that several songs were recorded at the A & M studios by Henry Lewis and during the TFA rehearsals at The Broken Arrow Ranch. Look Out Joe, later released on TTN, comes from these sessions. Some songs, unreleased yet, could have been recorded. I mean Goodbye Christians On The Shore, Come Along And Say You Will, Letter from 'Nam. Nothing officially confirmed, but speculations of some studio recordings during the TFA timeframe exist.
This just got posted on the rust list by Jules. Seems relevant.
From Decade liner notes:
"Time Fades Away. No songs from this album are included here. It was recorded on my biggest tour ever, 65 shows in 90 days. Money hassles among everyone concerned ruined this tour and record for me but I released it anyway so you
folks could see what could happen if you lose it for a while. I was becoming more interested in an audio verite approach than satisfying the public demands
for a repetition of Harvest.
AAH! all this conjecture and theorising.....I guess we might never know Neil's real inner reasons..but it's good fun trying to analyse him hey wheaties!...The eighth wonder of the world..Neil's logic! lol
My 2 personal favs from TFA are LA and Yonder Stands The Sinner.I love it when Neil screeches "SINNNEER!!" in Yonder Stands.Great stuff.ARCHIVES VOLUME 2 WHERE ARE YOOOUUU???!!!
Rancho Relaxo
Well, you heard about the Great Pretender?
I went to see him and he's not the same
Rancho,. I agree with you on the SSSIIINNNNEERRMAN!
TFA I CD cost me 160 bucks cause I got reversed on an import with the exchange rate .Thought it was $40 - damn british poundage. It's now my most valuable Neil treasure, HA! and the blue ray ARC-ives only set me back $50 more that that. So.., it's all rock and roll to me. Once you get yer hands, ears and heart on it it's priceless anyway.
- Not Rotten Johnny
didn't Neil once say that he tried to record some or most of the songs on TFA I at the Ranch (with Danny)? I DO wonder what THAT sounds like...
there are some heartbreaking descriptions of the Ranch rehearsals with Danny in Shakey. There's no way Neil's going to release any of that.
"heartbreaking descriptions"--that's absolutely true...maybe I DON'T wanna hear those sessions after all...
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