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Australia ABC 7.30 Report TV Interview with Neil Young - Short Version. Also, transcript.
Australia ABC 7.30 Report TV Interview with Neil Young - Long Version or http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2008/s2471495.htm. Thanks Roseclipt & Liza!
From Neil Young still has the fire within him | Herald Sun by Noel Mengel:
On Archives: ‘‘There is a release date, but I played the new record for the record company a few days ago and they like it and now they're trying to figure out what to do,'' Young says.
‘‘I always like to put the newest thing out. That always has precedence, so Archives may end up getting delayed because of that. But it's not delayed because it's not ready, it's delayed because there are new things. New is always better.''
From Young the restless - Music - Entertainment - theage.com.au by Stephanie Bunbury:
"Different parts of the body don't work the way they used to," he says ruefully. He was never a paragon of health — childhood polio left him with a lifelong limp — but in 2005 he was discovered to have an aneurism and had 11th-hour brain surgery. "Having the aneurysm didn't take much from me physically," he says. "It was just mentally, mostly. It affected my outlook on life. I just think I became more thankful."
The Neil Young of 2009 is very much a Barack Obama man — and not only because he shared his stance against the invasion of Iraq.
"I like him," Young says, breaking into the suggestion of a smile. "He makes sense and that's so refreshing. He speaks in sentences where the word at the beginning and the word at the end are connected. There's an actual train of thought that goes all the way through, using the English language. It's phenomenal."
That's another reason that Young cuts such a commanding figure: to borrow a specifically Canadian image, he paddles his own canoe. "I don't like to irritate people. I'm a more sensitive guy than that. But I don't like to adjust course to accommodate people either," he says. Musically, he has delved into techno, punk, country or speed metal as and when he felt like it. Politically, he refuses to be placed. "You can't put me here or put me there," he says. "I'm not a Democrat. I'm just who I am. I'm Neil."

Excellent photo gallery of Neil Young @ Brisbane Entertainment Centre - 21 January 2009 by Stuart Blythe
Neil Young (Auckland) - Sophie Howarth Photos - a set on Flickr

Sydney Concert on Flickr: tony_mapo's Photostream
Randy Bachman Takes Cues from Neil:
"'People want to hear the hits and that's pretty much what I'm doing,' Bachman said in an interview from his Saltspring Island home.
'I start from the beginning with Shakin' All Over and rip through a few hits, then it will just be me and the guitar for a while,' Bachman said.
He takes his cue from Neil Young, a former Winnipeg musical rival and life-long friend.
'Neil told me to copy his show,' Bachman admits.
'He said you have to come out and show them who's boss. Do four or five ripping-their-faces-off rock 'n' roll songs, then let the band leave the stage, sit down with your guitar, tell some stories, play your songs acoustically.'"
The German NY Info News website has had a major re-design, Baron Rouge tells us. The site has translations of all Neil lyrics into German and concentrates on the Neil community happenings in German-speaking Europe.

Seattle, WA Neil Young Tribute Night at the Sunset - Seattle Weekly
Yer Blog: iPod, therefore iAm - The release of Beatles back catalog compared to Neil Young Archives saga
Neil's comments(on the Archives) are to me very good news.I really believe it this time.They will be delayed but I feel a summer release is most likely.Also it will give me a few more months to save for it.
"...childhood polio left him with a lifelong limp."
Really? ... I knew he had polio, but never noticed that he had a limp?
I think you only notice the limp when he is really tired. Doesn't he walk with a cane some? Maybe it is just a prop, but I think he does. Or maybe he walks with his guitar and uses it like a crutch, yes I think that is it.
Hope this link to extended interview works - it's pretty good.
Nope - try this:
Not only am I too old too dance - I'm WAY too old to post links ....
This is the right link for the interview transcript:
- hope it works ;-)
Neil doesn't walk with a limb. Where do you people come up with these stupid concepts?
Further to the Archives release mystery (which Warner has removed from their schedule), Warner is apparently going to re-release the first 4 Reprise albums (NY thru Harvest)late March. Yes, new is ALWAYS better!!!
"new is always better"
like the state-of-the-art digital recorder used for Time Fades Away?
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