Archives Q & A Session is Now Open
NOTE: We are experiencing technical difficulties publishing comments on this post. Submitted comments are queued up and we hope to release later. Sorry. There is now a temporary thread in the meantime here.

The Neil Young Archives team will be fielding questions about Archives Volume 1 here in this thread on Tuesday, December 2nd. This will be the last informal forum like this before official details, a buyers guide and FAQ page are posted on next week.
The purpose of this question and answer session is to help people understand:
* What is Neil Young Archives Vol 1?
* What are the differences between the Blu-ray and DVD editions?
* How do you play the Archives? What kinds of choices are there in players?
* What is BD-Live? How does it relate to the Archives?
In our previous visit here to Thrashers Wheat, the readers dubbed me "Test Pilot" and I adopted it as a screen name to separate my comments from the other nameless and anonymous contributors. Now our testing is over, so I'll be signing on with a more timely and appropriate name:
Archives Guy
NOTE: You can now subscribe by email to a discussion thread. Each comment submitted will generate an email. See bottom right below comment entry box for link.
Hi Archives Guy,
We all appreciate your stopping by again and look forward to all the news.
I think many of us are curious about the trailer on Sugar Mountain DVD that says:
"128 AUDIO TRACKS incl. 43 unreleased and 13 NEVER-HEARD-BEFORE"
Are the 13 part of the 43? Things like "Mustang" which we've actually heard just recently?
Does this mean the balance are official previous releases?
Are the unreleased considered demos/alternatives of released songs? Or 43 unreleased songs?
Thanks Archives Guy!
random replies-
NYA PS #01- LIve At the Riverboat will NOT be released before the Archives set, but IS included in both BD and DVD editions.
* There is no difference between the BD and DVD packages. The book is the same in both editions. LIve At The Fillmore is NOT a CD in the BD or DVD editions. There is NOT a complete CSNY concert in this Archives set.
* "1956 Bubblegum Disaster" is a previouly unreleased song, NOT a between tunes rap and is NOT connected with the childhood story "Why I Chew Gum". It can be heard on the "LIve At The Riverboat" disc.
Archives Guy (formerly Test Pilot)
Will Neil's 1968-1972 LPs be released on Blu-Ray following NYA1's release?
A "What is the Archives?" Question:
We know the Archives presents materials in chronological order. Does the Archives ALSO have a feature to listen to Neil's Released albums (of the time period) in their entirety in glorious 192/24 sound? I recall there are tabs in the file cabinet With the Album titles (from the JavaOne Presentation). Thanks, LRR
A question about NYA PS00 Sugar Mountain live 1968: Why are we forced to buy the inferiour mp3 version through iTunes to get the complete set? I Am A Child is not included in the CD/DVD version. Also: I'm in Europe and the track isn't available at all at the Europe iTunes. Will it be included in the Archives? Or is it another way for us Europeans to get the complete 1968 show?
I'm going to buy the Blu-Ray edition and I hope the BD live stuff is available for Europeans as well? not like on iTunes where some stuff is reserved for the US market exclusivly (like the aforementioned Canterbury track and also the CSNY Deja Vu USA iTunes exclusive Restless Consumer)
Welcome back Test Pilot/Archives Guy!
1. With regards to BD players, Sony PS3 and Blu-Ray player retail for the exact same price in my area ($399), as a non-gamer, is there any real differences in the components with regards to the Archives?
2. You write "LIve At The Fillmore is NOT a CD in the BD or DVD editions", is there any kind of official release that IS a duplication in the set? 'Massey Hall'?
If there is, say a remastered EKTIK, is there anyway to opt out?
A BD/"BD-Live" Question:
Does the music on a BD disk "Auto-Play" when the disk is inserted?
When a song downloads, will it automatically play in it's place in the song sequence of the disk from that moment forward, or will you have to "navigate to it" (ie, jump to the timeline) to play it? Will a new file folder open up in the cabinet for a new song? I'm just trying to get a sense of how straightforward it is to access this downloaded material on a Blu-Ray Disk.
When visual materials download, such as a video or lyric sheet download, will they be linked in the file cabinet according to their relevance in the history?
Thanks, LRR
in reply to Thrasher-
First of all, thank you for providing this forum where we can answer some questions for those interested in the Archives.
I think the best way to reply about the number of tracks is to simply lay out on the page the breakdown of songs by category.
In the case of a song like "Mustang", sure a small number of folks might have heard it recently on our Lincvolt video, but to the public at large and the record buying community, it remains an unreleased track and what the record company calls "never heard before".
The most fanatical of followers and completists might actually have heard "Mustang" or some other rarities before, but that doesn't change the status or ranking of such songs.
Neil Young Archives Vol 1 BD and DVD Editions
Total tracks: 128
Total unreleased tracks (including 4 hidden): 48
Previously unreleased song or instrumental 15
Previously unreleased version 24
Previously unreleased mix 8
Previously unreleased montage 1
Total released tracks (including 8 hidden): 80
Previously released track 70
Previously limited release only 10
As you read the breakdown above, please keep in mind that the track list for the set has been in place for many years and that if Live At The Fillmore East and Live At Massey Hall had not released as Archives previews, the track count would have been as follows:
Total unreleased tracks (including 4 hidden): 71
Total released tracks (including 8 hidden): 56
-Archives Guy
in reply to Greg McGarvey-
Will Neil's 1968-1972 LPs be released on Blu-Ray following NYA1's release?
That is a good question and falls under the category of "to be determined".
Would you like to see the first 4 albums released in hi res 24/192 audio?
-Archives Guy
in reply to LRR-
"Does the Archives ALSO have a feature to listen to Neil's Released albums (of the time period) in their entirety in glorious 192/24 sound? I recall there are tabs in the file cabinet With the Album titles"
Archives Guy note- I'll try and put a recap of the question in my reply so that folks don't have to keep scrolling up and down the page to follow the discussion.
The file cabinet tabs open a folder that reveals more about each album and it's releases, but does not lead to an entire playback of that album.
If I want to hear the hi-res audio, does it matter what kind of connections my downstream stereo receiver has? That is, do I need HDMI or a digital connection or can I use an analog connection?
in reply to Anon asking-
"A question about NYA PS00 Sugar Mountain live 1968"
I had no idea that iTunes tracks are not available to Europeans. Can anyone verify that? That doesn't seem right on a number of levels.
"I Am A Child" from Canterbury House is not in the Archives set, yet it might show up as a BD-Live download in the future. I agree that the track could be better presented than in the current iTunes mp3 format. This was an out take from the Canterbury House release...that's why it isn't on the CD/DVD set that is coming out today..
in reply to Designs-
"1. With regards to BD players, Sony PS3 and Blu-Ray player retail for the exact same price in my area ($399")
* Given your question, I suggest that you buy the PS3. More bang for the buck, it is a proven player for the Archives set and I would imagine the hard drive in the PS3 is larger than in the other $399 player. Also- do the other players have internet connectiviity for BD-Live?
"2. You write "LIve At The Fillmore is NOT a CD in the BD or DVD editions", is there any kind of official release that IS a duplication in the set? 'Massey Hall'?
If there is, say a remastered EKTIK, is there anyway to opt out? "
* I know that you've asked this a couple of times now but I don't think that I'm understanding your question. By definition there are no CDs in either the BD or DVD set, but if you purchased the Massey Hall DVD last year, you will see that same DVD in the DVD edition of the Archives. A purchaser of the BD Archives set will get Massey Hall with improved audio and picture the advantage of future BD-Live downloads (with a compatible BD player).
Can you give us a COMPLETE track listing? I'm not sure why that needs to remain a secret. Thank you.
Hi Archives Guy,
Good to have you back!
With the full details being posted on next week, are we still on track for a release date of January 27th?
My question is in some way similar to the one posted by Sugarmtn. I want to buy the BluRay version because I have always been interested in improving the quality at which I can listen to music in 2 channels, and I also like hi def video. On the other hand, I have never been interested in 5.1 or 7.1 audio. I think that the answer to my following question is yes, but could Test Pilot tell me if I will be able to listen to Archives BluRay audio in high definition linear 2 channels PCM by simply connecting the BluRay player to my 2 channels stero amplifier. I also noticed in one previous answer by Test Pilot that Bd Live contents to be downloaded from the net will be with audio in DTS HD Master Audio. I am a little worried by that, because by what I know DTS means 5.1 audio and also because through my Arcam stereo amplifier and all of my 3 dvd players I can listen to a 2 channels downmix of Dolby Digital 5.1 audio of all the dvds that I own, but when I select the DTS soundtrack I her no sound at all from my ampflier. So ,In the end, I am freightened that in order to fully enter the pleasure of BluRay,I have to deal, for Archives BdLive downloads with 5.1 audio and home theater amplifier and multichannel speakers which I do not own.I am Italian,sorry for my not perfect english
in reply to LRR asking-
Q-"Does the music on a BD disk "Auto-Play" when the disk is inserted?"
* in general each BD disc automatically goes to a Main Menu upon insertion.
Selecting PLAY ALL will play all the song tracks in order with no further navigation needed. Navigation thru the Archives and access to the Video Logs, Audio Logs, Easter Eggs and Hidden Tracks requires active participation and exploration.
If there is new BD-Live files available for download, a window will appear after inserting the disc. Here you are given the option of downloading, going to the Main Menu or visiting the Timeline.
Q-"When a song downloads, will it automatically play in it's place in the song sequence of the disk from that moment forward, or will you have to "navigate to it" (ie, jump to the timeline) to play it?"
When visual materials download will they be linked in the file cabinet according to their relevance in the history?
* All BD-Live downloads reside in the Timeline and are designated by a big Pin that places the file chronologically in it's place in history. Upon selecting the PIn the user has a choice of simply reading info about the file or deciding to open it. In short, you navigate to downloads. Part of the beauty of the Archives presentation in BD is exploration and interactivity.
Thanks very much for taking the time to answer all these questions! Here's one more:
I don't have the PS3 but a Samsung Blu-Ray player: BD-P1500 which is upgraded with the latest firmware to be profile 2.0 (BD-live) enabled. Will the Archives and the BD live content be compatible with this player?
And one more thing regarding the Canterbury House I Am A Child bonus track not being available in Europe: To confirm this it's just to scroll down to the bottom of the iTunes opening page and choose a different country, say United Kingdom for instance, and then look up the Canterbury House album. Then everyone will see that this track isn't available.
in reply to SugarMtn asking-
Q-"If I want to hear the hi-res audio, does it matter what kind of connections my downstream stereo receiver has? That is, do I need HDMI or a digital connection or can I use an analog connection?"
*Yes you can use an analog connection. Here are a few helpful guidelines that pertain to BD players. Above all, know your system and how to set it up. As boring as they may be, read the owners manuals and understand what options and preferences your components have.
24/192 audio can be output via HDMI (if the receiver/TV supports 24/192 via HDMI) and that 24/192 can be output via the analog outputs on most players. You may find that using the digital S/PDIF output on your player may automatically down sample the audio signal.
-Archives Guy
in reply to David Skoglund, who asks-
Q-"Can you give us a COMPLETE track listing?"
* Sorry, not right now. It has not been released for publication yet.
in reply to surfer-joe asking-
Q- With the full details being posted on next week, are we still on track for a release date of January 27th?"
* As far as I know..yes. However, as with the case of the Sugar Mountain release sometimes the suits change their minds and hold things back a week or two. will provide accurate info as we get closer to the street date...
It might be a bit earlier at this point to set up a tent by your mailbox. :-)
in reply to davide asking-
Q-"tell me if I will be able to listen to Archives BluRay audio in high definition linear 2 channels PCM by simply connecting the BluRay player to my 2 channels stero amplifier."
*Very good questions. Yes, the connection that you describe in your question is a great way to set up your system. The easiest thing to do is come analoog out of your player into the stereo receiver.
All the music on the BD set is PCM stereo, except for the BD-Live downloads. They are encoded for internet delivery in DTS-HD Master Audio. At this writing, these are all stereo tracks, so no need to be concerned that you don't have a surround system. DTS is not always 5.1 surround. Your BD player will open the DTS track for you....then output the signal via analog to your receiver.
-Archives Guy
Will any portion of the Archives be issued on vinyl at any point (compilations, etc)?
And any idea when we can expect Volume #2?
Joe "the loner"
This is more of a suggestion for future releases. Please know that we won't mind multiple versions of unreleased songs on future Archives volumes.
As an example think of "Soul Of A Woman" a song that has not been released on an official album yet. However, this song was done by the Trans Band, Neil on solo piano, the International Harvesters, and the Bluenotes. Each version has merit and has its own charm. It would be a waste not to show the development of songs in this manner in the Archives volumes.
If we've previously purchased Fillmore East and Massey Hall, do we have to purchase them again if we buy Archives Vol. 1.
if so, why?
in reply to Anon asking-
Q-"I don't have the PS3 but a Samsung Blu-Ray player: BD-P1500 which is upgraded with the latest firmware to be profile 2.0 (BD-live) enabled. Will the Archives and the BD live content be compatible with this player? "
* At first glance my answer is yes. You have the latest firmware, this is a Profile 2.0 player and one of the ones we are testing on.
Next week we will be publishing a listing of our extensive testing of BD players and ranking them. Shakey Pictures has for some time now employed a fancy test facility to thoroughly test all of our DVD (and now BD) releases. We receive reports back that give data on sometimes up to 100 players.
in reply to Anon with the info on iTunes( USA vs Europe)
*I'll look into that. thanks for bringing that to our attention.
in reply to Joe "the loner" asking-
Q-Will any portion of the Archives be issued on vinyl at any point (compilations, etc)?
And any idea when we can expect Volume #2?
* good question, but I don't have an answer on that right now. Vinyl would be great.
Volume #2? Seriously ???
With all due respect, we are still trying to get Volume 1 out. :-)
Thankyou for taking the time to answer our questions.
I for one would be interested in the 4 studio albums in 192/24 sound and any outtakes.How about both released versions of Neil's debut solo album?
in reply to Anon asking-
Q-"If we've previously purchased Fillmore East and Massey Hall, do we have to purchase them again if we buy Archives Vol. 1.
if so, why?"
* Fillmore East and Massey Hall have always been part of the Volume 1 set. They were released as "previews" of the Archives set. When you buy the set, you get a complete set.
Step back for a moment and try to imagine the confusion and expense in manufacturing, marketing and point of sale if we were offering a "Full Set", a set "minus Fillmore", a set "Minus Massey Hall" and a set " Minus both Fillmore and Massey". If you can comprehend that scenario, I think you might understand why the Archives is offered Complete.
-Archives Guy
hello archive guy/test pilot/person-in-the-know, thanks for coming back to talk to us. i have a stupid question, which if my fellow fanatics here might be able to answer for me, or perhaps you can give me your point of view on it. what is the point of the hidden track/easter egg thing? i am a technological idiot, and it just frustrates the h--- out of me! i always have to beg some fellow rustie to walk me through it or whatever. i just want to see/hear everything! seriously, what is the point of that? and .. sigh... i don't see anything about my neil young video iPod, does this mean i am not getting this for christmas? gah. loveandaffectionkaren
Will the Blue Ray downloads be available to those that purchase the DVD version as a separate download?
What is the point of having hidden tracks?
in reply to Toasty asking-
Q-"I for one would be interested in the 4 studio albums in 192/24 sound and any outtakes.How about both released versions of Neil's debut solo album?"
* your request has been noted. I don't imagine that the 1st version of the Neil Young album would ever be offered up. You might recall that the 2nd version was made necessary because the 1st one used the awful Compatible Stereo processing. Neil offers some explanation during an interview that can be found on Disc 02 of the Archives set.
A quick Google brought up some info on the Compatible Stereo process. Allow me share:
CSG stood for Compatible Stereo Groove, and was developed by Holzer Audio Engineering Corporation (from whence HAECO). It used a complex phase manipulation to reduce the effect usually encountered when a stereo record is played monaurally, where the sounds panned to the left and right channels drop in level, but the centre-panned sounds stay the same level, making vocals seem too loud in relation to the rest of the mix, etc.
-Archives Guy
You write: "* Fillmore East and Massey Hall have always been part of the Volume 1 set. They were released as "previews" of the Archives set. When you buy the set, you get a complete set."
Are you saying, in fact, that the Fillmore & Massey sets as bundled with the Archives are different than those officially released? Can you elaborate? In what way (other than audio quality) expanded sets? More video footage?
The above double posting was an accident
in reply to Karen asking-
Q-"what is the point of the hidden track/easter egg thing? "
* Part of the "vision" in creating the Archives series is to encourage interaction and exploration. Including some Hidden Track and Easter Eggs fits in with that vision and leaves some fun surprises for those who venture forth and poke around.
Fret not, the Easter Eggs and Hidden Tracks are not that hard to find. You don't have to stand on one leg,holding a lucky rabbit's foot while pushing Play, Eject and Main Menu at the same time. That kind of stuff is for kids and gamers.
I think that your Rustie friends need to get together, buy an iPod, fill with Neil Young songs (uncompressed!), etch something cool on the outside and give it to you for Xmas. Wouldn't that be nice of them? hint...hint...
Dear Chicago (great Ryan Adams song by same title, btw, ha), I do not think that is what Archives Guy is saying at all. I think he is saying that they are in fact the same exact thing, and if you bought the original release, and you buy the archives, you'll have two copies of those particular releases. It's simply the price you pay (I paid) to have Fillmore and Massey early, it was a preview, we paid for that. loveandaffectionkaren
in reply to dironstarr asking-
Q-"Will the Blue Ray downloads be available to those that purchase the DVD version as a separate download??"
* no, I'm sorry but the BD downloads will only be available to those who have purchased the BD set and have a BD-Live compatible player...connected to the Internet.
A few years back, Neil promoted the DVD-A format as the future of hi-res audio. At the time, there was a format battle (too small a market to be a full blown "war") between DVD-A and SACD. But universal players were soon available that covered both formats, so I shelled out a lot for such a player. I bought all of Neil's DVD-A's as well as those of some other artists. Now, however, both formats have largely been abandoned for the rock genre, so I'm stuck with a high-end CD player and circa two dozen hi-res discs that make full use of the hardware. I'm not going to take that risk again with Blu-Ray.
With that in mind, I have a request for the DVD release of the Archives. One of the things Neil's DVD-As did really well (except Harvest and GDale) was to allow hi-res stereo audio playback w/out using a GUI. My stereo is not connected to a TV and it is seriously user-unfriendly to require such a hook-up for listening to music. So, please, please, please, let me hear the music without needing the distraction of navigating a video screen to get to it.
--"Onelesscar" in LA
Can you clarify the following -
- I've been told there's no Mynah Birds tracks on Archives...Why? That would seem like a no-brainer.
- Are there any good quality Tonight's the Night Tour tapes that can someday be presented on future Archives releases?
- How much impact has Joel Bernstein had on the Archives?
in reply to Chicago asking-
Q-"Are you saying, in fact, that the Fillmore & Massey sets as bundled with the Archives are different than those officially released? Can you elaborate? In what way (other than audio quality) expanded sets? More video footage?"
*Fillmore and Massey Hall discs bundled with the Archives set are the same as the versions previously made available...except for the BD edition which has them both available for the first time in 24/192 audio and HD picture...which is a big improvement. They are not expanded versions.
-Archives Guy
Re: I've been told there's no Mynah Birds tracks on Archives...
I thought because Berry Gordie wasn't prepared to sell. If not, why?
well i am certainly glad to hear that the hidden tracks will be easy to find. (and hey, i can do all that other stuff, i just can't FIND the darn things! if i could just find them i'd be happy to do run around the living room three times and then stand on my head and press play if need be, i mean, jeez louise i can play dance dance revolution AND guitar hero, after all.) and i am all for getting involved (could i be any MORE involved? not unless neil hires me to be Permanent CheerLeader or Numbero Uno Fan or something), but the way i want to get involved with the NYA is by touching stuff, not by pressing buttons, yuck. i want to hold things like pictures and notes and setlists, reviews, whatev ... will there be stuff to touch, real stuff, cool stuff?
and is there a diff between a hidden track and an easter egg or no? i will just call them all annoying little ----ers but just wondering.
as for the iPod, haha, thanks for the hint to my rustie friends, are y'all listening? that's preeeetty much a directive from neil. kinda. okay that might be overstating it. ha. but oh archives guy, speaking of something cool etched on the iPod, ya know what would be REALLY COOL? if it were an officially released one with The Man's signature etched on it!!! (I don't give up easily.) : )
Can i transfer any content from the blueray discs to the Sony Playstation,or to use in a media player?
If i buy the Blue Ray version of the archives, is there a seamless when to transfer those music files on to my IPOD? I travel so much, and would really like to be able to have these files on my IPOD.
Please don't tell me i need to buy BOTH versions of the Archives.
If that's the case, i smell a RIPOFF!!!!
in reply to "Onelesscar" in LA asking about formats and GUI-
*Good questions and very valid points. Without getting on a soapbox I'd have to say that in the history of recorded sound there has been ongoing desire to improve the quality of recorded music and listening of it. DVD-A and SACD were attempts to improve over CD, DVD releases with 24/96 audio are an attempt to improve over CD, BD is an attempt to improve over CD, DVD and provides an interactive experience that was not previously possible.
One day all these formats will be behind us, but it is human nature to keep trying to improve and try new things.
We understand the desire of some to "just listen to the music" and you can do that right now. If you buy the DVD edition and stick it in your player, all you need to do is click PLAY on your remote (or player) and the listen to the entire main program of songs. You don't need to turn on a TV or monitor to do this.
If you already own Fillmore East or Massey Hall....go try it right now. Shakey Pictures programs the discs in this manner this just for folks like you.
In this playback mode you will not be able to access the Archives files, film clips and other extras, but can fully listen to the music program.
-Archives Guy
Hi Archives Guy Any chance of a free signed copy by Neil please?
If not are the Archives going to be released in England? If so do you know the cost in £££s and when it will be released? It is currently not available to pre-order in England.
Dave Garster
You'll Never Walk Alone
Meanwhile, note to all here ... Just this second Sugar Mountain Canterbury arrived on my doorstep and I am jumping out of my skin with excitement! With all this tech talk, let's not lose sight of the fact that NEIL YOUNG IS RELEASING HIS ARCHIVES and HOW EXCITING IS THAT??? OMFG, you guys. Okay. Sorry, but it just arrived, forgive me. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
in reply to Anon asking-
Q-why no Mynah Birds?
* These songs didn't make final track list, but could surface one day as BD-Live downloads.
A few of you Completists may have heard some Mynah Birds tracks and could probably back me up when I say that Neil's part in these songs isn't that big and noticable in the mixes. Historically it may seem like a big deal, but musically there were a lot more important tracks to include than these.
Q- "Are there any good quality Tonight's the Night Tour tapes that can someday be presented on future Archives releases?"
* yes they exist.
Q- How much impact has Joel Bernstein had on the Archives?
* A simple response would be: "How about 20 years of his life, day in and day out?"
-Archives Guy
Can you tell us who you are? If not, why not?
Thanks for the confirmation. I do have Fillmore and Massey Hall (and all the other studio CD/DVD releases, for that matter) and I am very pleased with the ability to just hear the music. So, I'm glad to hear that Archives will work the same way. Looking forward to it.
"Onelesscar" in LA
Thanks for all these answers, archive guy.
From what I've read, can you confirm that there will be no Riverboat cd but rather a DVD similar to the ones we got with Fillmore East or Massey Hall ?
Uh .. Okay, friend, you are going to need to give us more than that !
Q- "Are there any good quality Tonight's the Night Tour tapes that can someday be presented on future Archives releases?"
* yes they exist.
WHAT? Are they included in the Archives? Are they ever gonna be? OHMYGOD.
I don't think Neil's camp got their message together when the Archive Performance Series (APS) discs came out. I know a lot of people thought that these APS discs would be a complement to the Archives, or if they were to be a part of the Archives, there would be an option to buy a version without the discs that have already been released.
At the very least I think you all need to have a program put in place where the consumer is refunded the cost of the original discs with proof of purchase of said discs and the Archives set.
Also, why bundle the Archives together in the first place? The upfront price is cost prohibitive. Why not release the whole set disc by disc and we purchase each disc on the installment plan?
in reply to Chris Popel asking-
Q-"Can i transfer any content from the blueray discs to the Sony Playstation,or to use in a media player?"
* No, the content on BD remains on the disc and can't be tranferred to your PS.
It's not like a data disc or a CD-R where you open up some folders and transfer files to a hard drive.
-Archives Guy
Is there no chance of an audio-only release? with all due respect to Neil's history... I don't really care about the visual component of this set at all.
Have any live concert videos been found yet of Buffalo Springfield live that might end up as a Bluray download ? Would die to see a live Buffalo concert ! Actualy, as vol 1 is 1963-72, I wish all Neils Spingfield contributions from the BS Box set were on this Archives.Will seem like soemthing is incomplere or missing without it there !
In the movie Journey thru the Past, there is some footage of CSNY ( 1970?). I would love to see more
of Neil live durring a CSNY tour. Any audio or video on this Archives ? If not, why not ?
Are you going to recommend speciifc Blu Ray players.
I will be lost shpping for one w/o some imput !!!
Lastly, if I give you my #, can you have Neil call me as there's a few thing I want to discuss with him ?! Just kidding ! Just tell him i travelled from NYC to Wnnipeg to see the recent show and it was well worth the effort and time.Nice to roam around his old neighborhood too. Took a long river walk, and at The Forks, there's an old train converted to a store called "Sugar Mountain Express". Very cool, an old train named after a NY song ! Not sure if Neils aware ?
in reply to Dave Garster asking about the Archives being for sale in England-
* Yes, to the best of my knowledge the set will be an Import. Price and release date?- Sorry, I don't know.
"Would you like to see the first 4 albums released in hi res 24/192 audio?"
Nope. I remember Neil said NYA would be "the complete document." Buying 5+ box sets AND 40+ individual Blu-Ray discs will be a hell of a financial challenge for many fans.
I think many fans will feel insulted if they realize that album tracks were purposely omitted in order to ensure that the studio albums will still sell individually. I think anyone spending $300-350 on just a small fraction of his career has already bought Neil's LPs 1-8 times.
(I'm drawing this conclusion based on missing songs [like "If I Could Have Her Tonight," IIRC] in the famous scroll, and the fact you said that the option to "play album" (Neil mentioned this a few years back) has been removed. I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong, though...... and I thank you for this Q&A session.)
Sorry if this was covered, this is alot of info for a lunch break.
Massey Hall and Fillmore ARE included? But not Canterbury House? Should I buy it today?
Archives Guy:
A lot of talk about the Song Tracks....
How many clips are we getting in the Video/Audio Logs in Volume 1? Thanks, LRR
I have seen the tracklisting. Why aren't all of the songs from "Harvest" etc. on there? I thought the point of the Archives was to put ALL of it out there.
in reply to Chicago asking about Bernie Gordie-
* huh? not true.
-Archives Guy
RE: "At the very least I think you all need to have a program put in place where the consumer is refunded the cost of the original discs with proof of purchase of said discs and the Archives set."
That's an onerous task.
A simple solution is sticker the cd/dvd of NYPS with 'Archives Preview'. Allow for an informed consumer choice. More simple still: State it up front on this forum and Neil's website.
in reply to Napoleon in Rags asking-
Q-"From what I've read, can you confirm that there will be no Riverboat cd but rather a DVD similar to the ones we got with Fillmore East or Massey Hall ?"
* Live At The Riverboat (also known as NYA PS #02) will be offered in both BD and DVD formats exclusively in the Archives Vol1 set....not as a separate CD release.
-Archives Guy
As a hard core, long time fanatic who simply cannot afford the Archives as they are being released, I am truly disappointed. If they were released over time with a disc here and there or at least available in this fashion, I could probably afford them.
Now, I am a Neil Nut who will be forever unsatisfied and left without ever experiencing his Archives. To think that I waited decades for this disappointment.
Not giving us the simple CD format is also a downer.
I feel denied.
Not to be a dick, but it was only a few months ago that Neil said there would be "slots" for the previously released NYA PS discs. Seemed do-able to me, especially as there are already going to be 2-7 versions of the box already (Blu-Ray, DVD, CD, MP3, wax cylinder, VHS, player piano scroll).
"Neil Young Archives Vol. 1" (no Fillmore/Massey/Canterbury) and
"Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 [DELUXE EDITION]" (yes Fillmore/Massey/Canterbury)
"Sorry if this was covered, this is alot of info for a lunch break.
Massey Hall and Fillmore ARE included? But not Canterbury House? Should I buy it today?"
Yeah, why this inconsistency? Just curious.
What's up "Archives Guy"? Here is a very technical question that I hope you can answer. What are the dimensions of the book in the set? Something similar to the BS box set? Thanks for the BD/DVD info....very interesting...and much needed.
in reply to Anon ( who travelled from New York to Winnipeg)-
* yes we will be posting a list of BD players soon. Please read further up the session for more info on this.
-Archives Guy
in reply to LRR asking-
Q-"How many clips are we getting in the Video/Audio Logs in Volume 1? "
* I may be off by a track or two but roughly there are 20 special feature videos, film clips and film trailers, 55 extra audio tracks of interviews, radio spots and concert raps.
-Archives Guy
"Live At The Riverboat (also known as NYA PS #02) will be offered in both BD and DVD formats exclusively in the Archives Vol1 set....not as a separate CD release."
What will become NYA PS 01????
After watching the trailer on sugar mountain(purchased 2 hours ago)all i can honestly say is wow. an amazing presentation.i will be purchasing a blueray addition as soon as it is released.thank you Archives Guy....
"concert raps"
Fuckin' cool!! I hope November 1973 is well-represented, haha.
"Just call me Don Rickles, ladies and gentlemen.... AND IF I *AM* LIKE DON RICKLES... that's OK."
Archives Guy,
I bet by the time your done listening to all the "whiners" on here, you wish you hadn't volunteered for this duty. Nonetheless, thanks for all the helpful info and this sounds like a great project and much appreciated by true NY fans.
in reply to AV-109 asking about the book dimensions-
* Yes that is a very technical question. :-)
I don't have one here to measure, but this book is larger in size that that BS box set book.....and of course has many more pages.
I love The Archives! ...on Blu-Ray. It's all super fine with me.
The problem is here: when I tell a young student I do like NY and EKTIK is a super fine album, then he or she will go to a record store and buy a totally crap CD. This is criminal! The student can't help it. Can Neil and Reprise stop selling those crap cd's or release a decnt version of the great albums on CD too.
Personally I don't need and don't want it on CD. But I you want the best quallity you have to stop selling the fake stuff.
Because Sound Matters
"this book is larger in size that that BS box set book"
So, the image on top of this pages is not an image of the Archives Vol. 1 box?
in reply to Anon asking-
Q-"What will become NYA PS 01????"
* sorry...typo on my part. Riverboat is in fact NYA PS 01.
For those without a score card:
PS00 Sugar Mountain
PS01 Riverboat
PS02 Fillmore
PS03 Massey Hall
-Archives Guy
" Live At The Riverboat (also known as NYA PS #02)..."
Wasn't Filmore East NYA PS #02?
Oh and there's something I don't understand, I'm sorry if you've made this clear before.
If there are 80 previously released tracks, but at the same time the albums from the period aren't included... what are these 80 tracks, if they aren't from the albums?
Sorry, that has confused me.
Thanks for this Q&A Archives Guy
Davie from Scotland
Will you offer give-a-ways or freebies from time to time here and there? How about that iPod uploaded with Neil tunes to help some of the women folk get through menopause? (Hiyakaren!!!)
a bonus triple answer in one:
to Chris Popel: glad you liked the Archives trailer on the Sugar Mt DVD. It helps to see it, eh?
to Martin Lav: thanks for the support. I'm gonna have to take a break soon..whew.
to Greg McGarvey: you were starting to bug me...but the Don Rickles comment turned me around and put things in perspective. :-)
Bucks County,eh?
-Archives Guy
A.G. there's some confusion settling down in my head.
It's there because of your previous writings on the NYA PS. First I read something about "collecting them all". I kinda liked that idea if there will be over 40 album in the not so near future.
After that came the mysterious ".......NYA PS 01".
And finally: Live At The Riverboat (also known as NYA PS #02) will be offered in both BD and DVD formats exclusively in the Archives Vol1 set....not as a separate CD release.
"exclusively in the Archives Vol1 set....not as a separate CD release."
So I will have two doubles (02+03) and one missing (01) and another one missing (00)in my overall collection?
That's funny. B.S.M.
Hmmm, 80 released tracks... (I may have the numbers off by one or two here, but bear with me)
On the Buffalo Springfield released albums, there are 11 Neil-penned songs
First album - 10 songs
ATGR - 11
Harvest - 10
2 more on Deja Vu
Massey Hall is 17 tracks
Fillmore is 6 tracks
Sultan, Aurora, Sugar Mountain, War Song
We're up to 78 there.
in reply to Anon asking more about book size-
Q-"So, the image on top of this pages is not an image of the Archives Vol. 1 box?"
* Yes it is an image of the and the disc holder that goes inside the box.
I said book was bigger.....but it's not that much a coffe table book or something.
-Archives Guy
Archive Guy, Thanks again for all your time, effort and attempting to answer all of our questions... it is greatly appreciated and I, for one, can not wait to see the final product (minus BD updates)! Looking forward to the update and buyer's guide on
To ALLAA, I'm feverishly working on your x-mas present... you will still need a BR/DVD player and the discs but the cardboard cutout will look kinda like an iPod if you squint just right. I have a sharpie pen and will be glad to inscribe it in any way you wish and will even "fake" Neil's signature.*
*My own signature never looks the same so it stands to reason that my "faked" Neil siggie will look nothing like the real deal. ;-p
Quality...Whether you want it or not.
what about csny material in archives?
Punk David-
If you count the tunes on the BS Box Set (which I won't do here) and the Ohio single, you're way above 80. And that's not to mention the few other rarities out there. Thus it's clear that the Archives Vol 1 will NOT contain all of the previously released tunes. LRR
It's a little after 2pm, Thrasher clock time. I've been answering questioned for over 4 hours now.
We are going to take a break and come back in about 2 hours time (that's 4pm Thrasher clock time). I ask that you hold off on your questions until then or else it will become impossible for me to keep up and all my replies will end up very far from their original comment. In short- hang on...we'll be back.
In meantime, try not to get too snarky about how you are getting cheated and ripped off. I suggest that you go listen to Canterbury House and regroup.
When we return, the Q&A will last for about 2 more hours and then we will be done. Please keep that timeframe in mind.
Archives Guy
LOL LoveAndOnlyLove! Nice of you. And to be clear, my friend Mr. Archive Guy, I *do* have an iPod filled up the brim with Neil Young songs, of course of course of course I do, I even flew all the way from Portland Oregon to New York New York and listened to the same Neil Young song (one out of a thousand) over and over and over for the entire six hours with said iPod, but that's a whole other story. So yah, I got iPod (got iPod?) but I don't got no ARCHIVES iPod, 'cuz as I understand it I am not going to be able to put all this juicy juicy Archive stuff on it, gah!
What I want, what I really really really want, is
The Neil Young Archives Video iPod, with Neil Young's signature etched on it.
If you're not gonna give it to me, I am going to have to take this to a higher authority, and write to Santa.
I was just ballparking there, and thinking out loud.
There are plenty of released tracks that I could live without on the set, but it does kind of rub me the wrong way that there will be a set of Blu-ray audio discs with 6 of the 7 tracks from EKTIN, for example.
I don't consider things done in Neil's vision a "rip off", and I hate that term unless we're talking about a decision made by some converted toothpaste salesman record company man. But leaving open a window for future re-releases of albums AGAIN leaves a real bad taste in my mouth.
"Archives Previews" I can live with, because they came BEFORE the Archives release. But post-Archives album releases stink. They stink like money rolled in poop, or poop rolled in money, I can't tell.
Hear hear on the No Snarky Comments commentary! Come on guys, we adore this guy (Neil, I mean, although Archives Guy you have been quite lovely to us, really, and I thank you, for all of us, we are very grateful, even the snarkier among us, trust me.) No Snarky Comments Dot Com, no one is trying to rip anyone off, Neil & Co are doing what they feel is the right way for this amazing material to be heard and seen, even if we disagree. It's about quality, not about trying to rip anyone off for heavens sakes! Jayzus H. Christ almighty.
Let's keep it all love-and-affection-ish, shall we? xx's, group hug, etc., karen
Archives Guy
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited by the archives, but with 20ish years of waiting...I'm just going to wait some more until I see what they look like and what it's going to cost me.
All this info about formats is as clear as mud to me, I guess the only thing I'm desparate to know is the track listing, which you've already indicated can't be released yet.
What I'd like to see as part of future archives is chords/tab info for songs. Sure, there's good stuff on the internet, but it'd be a nice touch for all us players.
Thanks for your time
Don't worry Karen, us techy types will be converting the Archives to CD & mp3 the day they are released. And I'm sure they'll make the rounds (like our little audiobook did). I've already got my DVD to .wav convertor's the Blue Ray downloads that will take some finagling....
It will all get out there one way or another. In fact Neil expects this. Once we buy it, he expects us to play around and create our own versions and tracklistings.
Karen wrote ... Jayzus H. Christ almighty.
Let's keep it all love-and-affection-ish, shall we? xx's, group hug, etc., karen
Nicely said Karen, but steady on as you might just spontaneously combust!
What's the one song?
Peace and Love.
My question is: are the list prices currently on Amazon the actual list prices?
Dironstarr (hi ron!), Yes, I keep forgetting that I am the only person on the planet who doesn't know how to do this fancy conversion type stuff ... sigh. I will get my NYAVP (Neil Young Archives Video iPod !), I know, thanks to friends like you. : ) ... Hey, are you going to any of the NY NYC shows? And are ya gonna come to the Grizzly Circus concert in my living room on December 14th??? You should come, bring the fam! It would be great to see you.
Hi BreezyHillPete! Yes, well, if I do spontaneously combust it would not be the first time while talking about or seeing or listening to Neil ... LOL!
Hi Martin! What is the one song. Hmm. Should I tell you, or would you like to guess? I will give you a clue. Neil has never played the song live. : )
Will to Love.
allaa posted: "Neil has never played the song live" OMG, I hate to think of the implications of that sentence... can anyone play a song when thay are not "live?" ;)
1ST guess: Will To Love
A.G.- you don't get to hear the complete album when you click the Album Tabs. Roger That.
Many of us are suspecting that "Harvest" or "EKTIN" will NOT be represented completely. I guess this is a "What is the Archives"-ish question. Can you answer us directly as to whether the complete contents of Neil's four solo albums of this era are included? I acknowledge that they may not be played as originally sequenced. But are the recordings fully represented? Thanks for your time... LRR
I for one am looking forward to the entire Archives experience. It's more than just putting on a CD/DVD and ticking off the fact you've listened to a few more unreleased Neil songs.
My question is Can you make sure that Neil's music stores can deliver to Australia. Every time I order something from the Neil Store (Convoluted or Express) it doesn't allow shipping to Australia!!
Thanks for answering all the questions!! Even Karen's!!! :)
A.G.: Differences between the DVD and Blu Ray:
1) Sampling Rate. 192 vs 96. My receiver is a comodity Sony AV receiver and won't pass those ultra-high frequencies anyway. So that's a don't care for me and probably for 99% of us who don't spend $2000+ on stereos.
2) High-Def Video. My TV is a 34' HD screen and unless I'm sitting 3 feet away, I can't tell the difference between SD and HD. So that's a don't care for me.
3) BD-Live. I understand it and appreciate it.
4) Viewing the archival materials while listening to the tunes. I can't read and listen actively at the same time. So that's a don't care for me.
5) "Advanced Navigation" with Blu-Ray....Hmmm...can you give some concrete examples of what we can expect here?
Thanks, LRR
LRR asked: " Many of us are suspecting that "Harvest" or "EKTIN" will NOT be represented completely. I guess this is a "What is the Archives"-ish question. Can you answer us directly as to whether the complete contents of Neil's four solo albums of this era are included? I acknowledge that they may not be played as originally sequenced. But are the recordings fully represented? Thanks for your time... LRR"
According to the tracklisting I have (which is a PDF of the back cover of the DVD box), none of the 4 albums are represented in their entirety, which is why I asked earlier why they weren't.
Archives that you Joel?? lol 20 Years entrenched in a Small Room sifting through what would be both a Joy and a Pain in the....!
I for one have stayed away from most of the "Trading" of rare or unreleased material because of the knowledge that this Massive Endeavour was in the works for so many Years. jeeze, I remember waiting for a "Decade II" lol.
Call me crazy but, this is great stuff...Blu-Ray for me!! Personal Note: one thing I would love to hear is the "David Briggs" Version of the "Tonight's The Night" Album "but that's Archives 2 anyway". Other then that, a huge thank you to Archives Guy, Joel Bernstein, John Nowland, L.A. Johnson, Elliot Roberts, "Briggs", The Horse and many others not named here....and most of all Bernard!!
p.s. what a great joy seeing Ben Keith twice on this Tour! Beautiful hearing him bring the Tears of a Song to Life!!
@ Ralphie
Can you post that pdf somewhere for us? Thank you in advance.
Hi, just one simple question: What can I do just to listen to the music on CD after I bought the Archives Package? I´m sorry but I´m not interested in all this video stuff. What can I do If I just want to listen to the audio stuff on CD or on my iPod, e.g. ...
A couple of things before Mr. Archives comes back to us. First of all, yes, right, guys, it was Will To Love, and the first time I heard the song. Whoa. Blew my mind. Still does, actually. Altho I don't think I have listened to it for six hours straight since then, ha.
Next thing ... A lot of the same questions keep getting repeated. For example, the last question ... having the music on CD or on an iPod has been oft-mentioned in this thread, and in the last one. It would be great if people could read the whole thread before they ask a question, and would save Mr. Archive some time.
Finally, Robert/Stringy, "even Karen's" ? What the ? That would fall into the snarky category, even if it was directed at me and not Neil's camp. Not nice.
Archives Guy,
for all non-US Rusties on board here: will the Blu-Ray version be region free? I noticed Amazon advertising with region 1 for The Archives, but is that really true? Or will it be an 'all regions' disc?
boomklever (aka Jan - Keep on Rustin')
Thanks from the Elkins Park boys/Mole Control crew, for the updates!
AG -
1. The first time i recall ever reading about "Decade II" (ie, the Archives) was in a "Musician" magazine interview piece..i want to say the year was around you know when it was first publicly referred to in the press.
2. This is the MOST IMPORTANT question of all - What are the odds that The Archive release slips into July 2010? Gulp!
Silly question, but why is the Canterbury show called PS '00'? Would make more sense to start the series with one, not zero. Was the decision to release it made after the success of Massey Hall? Just wonderin'. Thanks!
Hey Archives Guy!
It's time you were back at the screen!
Before you answer any more archives questions tell us what you had for lunch!
Will the archives be released on vinyl? The recent Neil albums on vinyl (in particular CD II) sound fantastic.
Even if its limited edition, I'd pay top dollar for a vinyl edition.
First let me state that I would buy the Archives in any format it is presented (blue-ray, wire recording, etc.). I fully support the idea of completeness and going with the best technology/sound and video quality availble.
Do you know Roy Sheinbaum?
Bruce in PA
Whoa. I just watched the trailer on the Sugar Mtn/Cantrbury House DVD and HOLY SHIT is all I have to say about that. I'm kind of dizzy just looking at the TRAILER, I don't think I am going to be able to handle The Archives. EVEN THE TRAILER IS EPIC.
Who are the " Elkins Park boys/Mole Control crew"?
Bruce in PA (Elkins Park, actually!)
@ Ralphie-
Does your pdf tracklisting total to 128 tracks? Does it list the 12 "Hidden Tracks" which are a part of the 128 total? Apparently there are 8 hidden released tracks.....
Buckets of cold water for Karen!!!!
PS Don't tell me too much as I'm hoping it's going to be a Christmas present off one of the kids.
Bruce in PA:
It's Andy C. here in NJ!
Happy Holidays:)
Here's a question for in regards to further Archive updates:
When the second edition of the archives is released (whenever that is) will it add to the timeline that is apparently evident on the first archives? In other words, I gather the Archives will be (or at least try to) the most comprehensive collection of Neil's career, so if I'm navigating the second archives (many years later) and I get an update that, say, Neil wants to send out a Mynah Birds track. Would I need to reinsert an Archives 1 disc or would this "timeline" be continued with further archive releases?
I'm amazed at the work and vision that has gone into this upcoming release, and if what is said and promised about Blu-Ray is true, this release could help usher in a new era of music interactivity.
Thanks for helping us fans clue into what's in store.
Chad in Canada.
The first known reference in the press about the archives was in the 1979 Rolling Stone cover article. The reference is to the "Bus Crash Album". He's clearly talking about the archives....
A well deserved break AG! Thanks again for stopping by and looking forward to your return.
Folks, in the meantime, please keep in mind what AG is doing here. He's not a "suit" making marketing decisions. He's just trying to share some technical and content info. So don't snark the messenger. We have plenty of space outside this thread to take on some of the larger concerns being raised.
Also, as has been mentioned, read the entire thread before posting.
We've got 2 hours left so let's use them wisely. Try and continue to be polite and succinct.
Can you fill us in on the Ether Eggs included in the Archives?
I'm actually curious as to why Flying On The Ground Is Wrong was left off the Canterbury disc. Was it a technical issue with the performance or some other consideration? Any chance that it will surface at some point?
Punk David asked: "Can you post that pdf somewhere for us? Thank you in advance."
I can't do that. It's not my place to publicize the track list. When Mr. Young is ready for it to be public, it will be.
Ether Bunny asked: "Does your pdf tracklisting total to 128 tracks? Does it list the 12 "Hidden Tracks" which are a part of the 128 total? Apparently there are 8 hidden released tracks....."
Yeah, the hidden tracks are listed.
Thanks for all this info we've been extremely hungry for. Can you give us an idea as to how the material spreads out over the 10 discs. Does each represent a period? If we are listening to Massey Hall, will there be other things on the disc to review while listening...or do we have to watch the video? Will we be forced to change discs often, or will each be a self contained expierence? Please know this is very exciting...and again, thank you for sharing what you can.
Mike Shiner
The question of region coding of Archives BluRay is a very serious concern for all of us non USA fans of Neil. We all know that region free dvd players are easy to obtain here in Europe, so up until now I have never worried about Warner/Reprise encoding for region 1 Neil dvd releases. But now that we are approaching Blu Ray the region code will be a gigantic problem. There are no shops at all, at least here in Italy, that carries in stock region 1 BluRay players. Our very kind and helpful Archives guy has confirmed me that I will be able to listen to Archives Blu Ray through a stereo amplifier, and I know that he is not the man that decides commercial strategies at Warner/Reprise, but he is our only connection inside Neil team, so I ask all European , and all others non US fans reading this forum to raise their voices and try, through Archives Guy , to let know people deciding marketing strategies for Warner/Reprise that putting a region encoding on Archives BluRay would be an incredibly great commercial fault, because that would cut up a very significant percentage of their incomes on this product. I am concerned about this, because as a music collector of many artists, not just Neil, I always noticed that with dvds, regional coding has always been the rule only for Warner/Reprise, while, on the other hand, all the others major labels have frequently adopted region free on the majority of their musical dvds. Let's impeach Warner/Reprise if they would put a regional code on the Archives Blu Ray.
is it true that there's a rare demo of Stephen Stills (with Neil Young playing lead) rhapsodizing about his delusional exploits in the Vietnam War?
ahhh, just a little comic relief, y'all.....
Yes Region encoding is a major major issue. I am an Irish fan and have just bought a PS3 for pretty much the sole intention of experiencing the archives fully. We need it to be region free.
Thanks again archives guy
Spirit Road
Hi gang,
We are back and in place at the Shakey Pictures secret floating volcano island headquarters. It looks like there are a lot of comments to catch up on and we'll do our best to field them in the time we have today.
Let's begin with Ralphie: I don't know what version of what PDF file you claim to have, but only a small number of people would have access to any valid archives production documents. If what you say is true, you have no business having a document like this and should hold it with the trust that I imagine it was given to you with.
I can promise you that some time shall be devoted to finding out who you are and where you got such a document. If you have any questions or would like to respond to us directly, contact Thrasher.
-Archives Guy
in reply to Bruce in PA about a guy named Roy-
* no I don't and we're not playing 20 questions here.
THis forum is about the archives, not me
-Archives Guy
If what you say is true, you have no business having a document like this and should hold it with the trust that I imagine it was given to you with.
I can promise you that some time shall be devoted to finding out who you are and where you got such a document. If you have any questions or would like to respond to us directly, contact Thrasher.
Take yourself a tad seriously at all? Jesus . . .
to Ralphie-
Just read your comment in regard to not sharing whatever info you have.
thank you in advance for your discretion..
.....we're still gonna find you. :-)
Just a side question for the archive guy or you rusties to answer. Any news about Toast or Harvest Moon live (I read somewhere about it)?
Beside I'm pretty confident that we will get a region 2 version of the archives sets. Neil's toured twice in europe last year, he won't neglet us, and the archives material we've been provided with so far was region free.
in reply to breezehillpete asking-
Q-"What I'd like to see as part of future archives is chords/tab info for songs. Sure, there's good stuff on the internet, but it'd be a nice touch for all us players."
* a good comment...we are taking note. Usually after an album release a chord/tab music book is published. I would hope this happens with the Archives set. You've got us thinking now that chords/tabs might be a step up from just printing lyrics on our discs. Good idea.
-Archives Guy
Will be the only retailer of the Archives?
in reply to Will Kouf asking-
Q-"My question is: are the list prices currently on Amazon the actual list prices?"
*I'm sorry but I don't anything about pricing, suggested retail prices, discount coupons, who has the best price, etc. We work on the creative, production side of things, not the business.
What I do know is that Amazon seems to have good prices and you can lock in their "low price guarantee". In a bit of plug for Thrasher- if you enter Amazon thru his site and buy something, they throw him a bone which helps keep this site afloat.
-Archives Guy
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer all these questions. it really is appreciated. I would like to ask apecifically about the barn sessions for harvest. Is there complete video footage of the released versions of Words and Alabama, or just short clips of alternate takes?
sweet joni
What CSNY material is on the box?
in reply to boomklever asking-
Q- "for all non-US Rusties on board here: will the Blu-Ray version be region free? I noticed Amazon advertising with region 1 for The Archives, but is that really true? Or will it be an 'all regions' disc?"
* Yes, it is region free.....our technical dept has confirmed this.
If I don't get a chance later, I just wanted to say thank you to Archives Guy. Us hungry dogs need a bone, sometimes even before dinner is served.
Cam we please get an answer to the question if all the contents of the first four solo albums are included somewhere in this set?
in reply to Anon asking-
Q-"What CSNY material is on the box?"
* the CSNY material in Archives Volume 1 is drawn from 1969-1970. There are audio tracks, film footage and archival materials to check out.
-Archives Guy
i find it odd that Archives Guy has chosen to post under "Anonymous". Did you consider creating a screen name, so we could guarantee the authenticity of your posts?
What's to stop anyone from pretending to be Archives Guy, and posting rumor as fact. I appreciate you posting here, but anyone of us could pretend to be you.
For example, what's to stop me from saying:
"In Volume II of the Archives, i can promise that there is some amazing Tonight's the Night-era outtakes featuring Joni Mitchell on back-up vocals. Also, we plan to release a full version video of CSNY / Wembley.
- Archives Guy"
in reply to MIke shiner asking-
Q-"Can you give us an idea as to how the material spreads out over the 10 discs. Does each represent a period? If we are listening to Massey Hall, will there be other things on the disc to review while listening...or do we have to watch the video? Will we be forced to change discs often, or will each be a self contained expierence? Please know this is very exciting...and again, thank you for sharing what you can."
* Good question, MIke. Each disc represents a period, except the live shows which represent a particular concert.
Each one is a self contained experience, but the Timeline is available on all of what we call "File Cabinet" discs. The live discs don't have the interactive Timeline.
On the BD edition you can navigate around the disc and explore while listening to the music. This is one of the fun things about Blu-ray and something Neil had been waiting for years for...a format with hi res audio that allows one to listen to the music while sifting thru the archival materials.
-Archives Guy
But is it 'a virtual bong hit' to quote the man himself... senso-rama?
Seriously, thank you for your time A.G., T.P., Joel, Neil...
One day, I will see it in it's exquisite glory. I just not for certain when.
Archives Guy,
Thanks again for taking time out to answer so many questions. I have followed this and the previous thread, but I am a complete tech novice. I am confused by some of the questions mentioning amps, speakers, ect...
Could you please list any and all equipment (other than a PS3) that is needed to have a full BD experience?
Is it possible to experience BD on a Macbook Pro laptop? Does a Macbook option require other equipment? Is a Mac option less ideal and if so, why?
Thanks again,
@ anon (fake Archives Guy)
What's to stop you from simply typing "Archives Guy" as your user name? I don't have an "account" here. I have to type "punkdavid" under "name" with each post.
in reply too LRR asking-
Q-"1) Sampling Rate. 192 vs 96. My receiver is a comodity Sony AV receiver and won't pass those ultra-high frequencies anyway.
* Take the analog out form your DVD or BD player into your receiver. It will pass the hi res audio. ( for clarity-it a high sample and bit rate, not high frequency)
5) "Advanced Navigation" with Blu-Ray....Hmmm...can you give some concrete examples of what we can expect here?
* a couple examples of advanced navigation are-
Pop Up Menus during the Main Program. One can navigate from this directly without going back to the Main Menu.
In the Archives set we have also created Information Cards that can pop up while you listen to the music. These cards tell you all about the track, it's name, who plays on it, if/when it was released...etc.
Another Pop Up Menu allows you to manually turn the music on or off while surfing thru archival materials.
-Archives Guy
in reply to Tim asking-
Q-"Will be the only retailer of the Archives?"
* No, Amazon will not be the only retailer, I brought them up earlier since I've seen some reasonable prices there.
-Archives Guy
Is there going to be a video iPod version? Haha, just kiddin', Mr. Archives. ; )
My real question is ... The unreleased album "Homegrown" that I've heard about for so long ... Will that be in the Archives? (Real Question #1). Real Question # 2 (as opposed to my non-question-and-just-wishful-thinking-vid i pod comments) is ... What is the earliest period that there is performance film/video/movie footage of? Is David Briggs in any of the movie stuff? Okee dokee, just realized I am getting way too specific. Thanks for any and all answers,
Wow. This sounds like the whole package is going to be quite the experience.
Thanks, Neil.
the music matters
in reply to "Phony Archives Guy" asking-
Q-"i find it odd that Archives Guy has chosen to post under "Anonymous". Did you consider creating a screen name, so we could guarantee the authenticity of your posts?"
* We would have created a screen name if we were going to be posting here on a regular basis, but this is a one time why bother?
I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that your comment was the first "impersonator post".
-Archives Guy
Anonymous plug of the day:
Some of the best rock and roll photos ever known to man!
Man, keep the flames down guys!
It obvious to me that AG is as excited about this as we are. He's been great at spreading around what info he can and its not fair to put him in the line of fire
for all the decisions that have been made about what is or isnt in the archives.
Thanks for all the useful info and you might have even
convinced me to go BD....
nkdlunch in SF
in reply to Dan asking-
Q-Could you please list any and all equipment (other than a PS3) that is needed to have a full BD experience?
Is it possible to experience BD on a Macbook Pro laptop? Does a Macbook option require other equipment? Is a Mac option less ideal and if so, why?
* very good questions, Dan.
In short you need a BD player, a receiver and some a monitor or TV screen.
We will be having some detailed information on in about a week that addresses players, set up and such.
In the meantime (and in the interest of getting a lot of answers in), please take a look around the Thrasher's site here. There have been some knowledgable discussion in recent weeks.
A computer (whether it be Mac or PC) would need to have a BD player installed in it. I don't believe that Mac offers a BD option at this time. Agian, please refer to an earlier discussion on thrasher's that went into depth about this.
-Archives Guy
What can we expect to see on the new Neil Archives website? Previews? A track list, one would assume?
Expected launch date of updated Archives site?
Dell offers BD players installed.
My last question is about BD Live, about which I have a bit of confusion. To my knowledge profile 2.0 players have a ethernet/lan port for direct conection to internet, but I also see that many of the players also have a slot for inserting a SD card or a USB Pen. Will it be possible to download the bd live contents on a SD card or a Usb pen, and then putting the card or the pen along with the disc in the Blu Ray and access the bd live contents? That sounds easier for me than connecting the player to the internet, which I suspect can cause software conflict or some other problems between my adsl connection to internet and the Blu Ray player.
in reply to Chad in Canada asking-
Q-"Here's a question for in regards to further Archive updates:
When the second edition of the archives is released (whenever that is) will it add to the timeline that is apparently evident on the first archives? In other words, I gather the Archives will be (or at least try to) the most comprehensive collection of Neil's career, so if I'm navigating the second archives (many years later) and I get an update that, say, Neil wants to send out a Mynah Birds track. Would I need to reinsert an Archives 1 disc or would this "timeline" be continued with further archive releases?
*Smart question Chad. I'd expect no less from a fellow Canuck.
The timeline has been constructed and programmed to be accessible from current and future discs (which by the way was a major technological breakthru thanks to some brainiacs workikng with us).
In a futuristic scenario where you were the owner of Volume 2 and we decided to make a Mynah Birds track available, your Volume 2 disc would alert you that the download is would accept the download and then travel down the timeline to the Mynah Birds era.....where the track would be waiting.
-Archives Guy
ps....Sharks vs Leafs tonight!!!
Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but how many songs will not be available on the DVD version and only available thru download? Is it a lot of songs? Also, is there going to be a CD version?
silver wings of morning
For those of us who might not be able to afford the set all at once, are there any plans to release further discs individually (far off in the future, perhaps?).
Thanks for all your info, it's been quite a help!
Is there any allowd or recomended method to get the music onto a computer or iPod. I ride te bus 40 min across town every day to get to school and I am hoping to be able to listen to Archives then. I know illegal downloads will be found in a matter of days of when the set is realeased but I try not to support illegal downloads of released matrial.
Am I going to be able to get the music on my PC even if I buy Blu-ray?
Thanks for all of the info.
Baconus from AZ
in reply to Anon mentioning-
"Dell offers BD players installed."
* so far in our testing we have not been able to get a Dell laptop equipped with a BD player to work adequately...though tests are not completed yet.
Buyer Beware- unless you purchase an aftermarket sound card or audio inferface, there is a great chance that your computer will not pass 96k or 192k audio. Please read below for an earlier explanation that I offered up.
Most stock computers, either PC or Mac do not support playback of 192k or in most cases 96k audio. 48k is the highest sample rate supported and anything else played gets sample rate converted down to 48K.
I don't have a PC turned on, but here a Mac go to your Audio MIDI setup and you will see that 48k is the highest sample rate.
The answer here (and many who are serious about games,movie playback and audio editing already have this) is an aftermarket soundcard (..and I can hear your groans already). This will increase the computers ability to play back at higher bit and sample rate plus offer a more high end D->A converter (digital to analog) than what came with the computer from the store.
When purchasing a BD player for your computer, keep the above points in mind and understand how your computer's preferences and programs function.
-Archives Guy
Thanks Archives Guy for all the info. Appreciated.
Personally, I couldn't give a hoot about browsing while I listen; my brain doesn't work like that ... but I do care a LOT about audio quality, great songs and great live performances.
So, for me there are two related 'side issues' from the NYA Vol.1
1. About this:
Would you like to see Neil's first four albums in high res audio? - That's a YES, please.
Those early CD releases were a travesty; the DVD-Audio releases proved that. How bizzare would it be that NYA Vol.1 should provide us 'rare and alternate' tracks in high res, but Neil's classic back catalogue would remain unreleased in a high-definition format?
2. The NYAPS releases to date are pure gold and I just can't wait for future releases from 73, 76 etc etc .... just my opinion, but I would say that given the likely depth of the tape archive and the interest from fans, the Redwood crew should give serious consideration to establishing an online or Mail Order collectors club to supplement the NYAPS. Need some clues? Look at to see what Robert Fripp has done with his personal live and rehearsal tape archive (he made sure that this does not belong to the record company).
Don't hold back.
Rust never sleeps.
Release the tapes.
P.S. TFA at Oberhausen then never again. Where the #### did that come from????
Thanks Thrasher.
in reply to Jax asking-
Q-"For those of us who might not be able to afford the set all at once, are there any plans to release further discs individually (far off in the future, perhaps?)."
* there are no plans to release any of the volume 1 discs individually in the future...not even far off in the future.
-Archives Guy
in reply to Baconus asking-
Q-"Is there any allowd or recomended method to get the music onto a computer or iPod. I know illegal downloads will be found in a matter of days of when the set is realeased but I try not to support illegal downloads of released matrial.
Am I going to be able to get the music on my PC even if I buy Blu-ray?"
* Baconus- First thanks for not supporting illegal downloads
With that being said, once you purchase our DVD of BD editions, what you do with the output of your player is your own business. If you can figure out how to get the music off your player and onto your computer or iPod so that you can listen on the bus....good for you.
-Archives Guy
I can't tell you how excited I am about the Archives releases. Will get any kind of CD release for, at least, the first four albums, and maybe Journey Through... soundtrack. I know Neil hates CD's, and mp3's are, as he called them, "hell," but I would still like to have `em. Thanks!
Jess In So. Cal.
in reply to thrasher asking-
What can we expect to see on the new Neil Archives website? Previews? A track list, one would assume?
Expected launch date of updated Archives site?"
* The updated NYA website will have an archives FAQ and Help pages, results of the BD player testing report and buyer's guide....for starters.
Expect further details about the contents of the set to be forthcoming.
We don't have a launch day to offer up today, but I'd reckon it might take us a week or so to get eaverything ready.
I'm going to wrap up the session here soon....
-Archives Guy
Waaay earlier you mentioned an interview in the Archived with Neil regarding the problems with the first album. Would that be a recent interview (maybe offering perspective on the past) or a vintage interview?
Thanks for all of this. I undertand more clearly now.
Most important question AG:
Are you pulling for the Leafs or the Sharks?
as a general reply to a number of people-
* right now Volume 1 of the Archives is set to be released in the DVD and BD formats. Our position is to release this set in the highest sound quality possible and we believe that after all the effort and time that has gone in it's making, the Archives and the listeners deserve the best we can offer.
* yes it would be nice to see the first 4 Neil Young albums released in hi res audio...whether it be 24/96 or 24/192. I agree with you, though others here might gripe that they are being asked to buy the same releases again and again. I'll let you all battle that one out over a pint.
Your desires and options have been heard and noted.....thanks.
We'll be taking a just a couple more questions.....
-Archives Guy
-Archives Guy
in reply to SugarMt asking-
Q-"Waaay earlier you mentioned an interview in the Archived with Neil regarding the problems with the first album. Would that be a recent interview (maybe offering perspective on the past) or a vintage interview?"
*The interview in question is vintage interview from before 1973.
-Archives Guy
In reply to perhaps my favorite question of the day from Martin Lav-
Q-"Are you pulling for the Leafs or the Sharks?"
* Though my family had season tickets at Maple Leaf Gardens in the 1950's and I sported a Leafs sweater back when I played midget hockey, I'm a Sharks fan.
* yes it would be nice to see the first 4 Neil Young albums released in hi res audio...whether it be 24/96 or 24/192. I agree with you, though others here might gripe that they are being asked to buy the same releases again and again.
Let 'em gripe; nobody made anyone buy anything. There won't be any new music - you'll just be able to hear more of it ....
I know you wanna do do it right, and I can see it takes time, but please don't sit on it all too much longer ... the NYAPS releases have proved the momentum is building ... keep on rockin'
And what happened to "Toast"?
Cheers. Thanks again, and that to Neiler for the GREAT shows in Europe this year. Truely memorable.
... look at ... own the archives.
Though not signed, that last comment was from me...and I think that is a good note to leave the session with.
Thanks to all of you for your interest and questions. Your input has been heard and is appreciated.
Thanks to Thrasher for proving the forum and the bandwidth for today's Q&A.
You will next be hearing from the Archives team when we update the archives pages. In the meantime, check out the Archives Trailer on the Sugar Mountain- Live At Canterbury House 1968 DVD. It comes free with the CD, folks.
until next time...
-Archives Guy
Archives Guy -
Thanks for your participation today. Do yourself a favor, pour a cold one, sit back, and blast the Archives Volume 1....wherever you are!
Thanks for everything. I bet "Archives Guy" was Neil, lol.
But seriously, this has all been greatly appreciated. Everything I wanted to ask has already been asked, so thanks to everyone involved in this discussion.
Bottom Line; For the Best Sound with the Archives See Below;
(For DVD Version, 24 Bit 96khz Stereo Sound)
Option #1
-Audio Receiver that decodes up to either 24 Bit 96khz or 24 Bit 192khz.
-DVD Player that supports up to either 24 Bit 96khz or most DVD players that support DVD Audio which can support up to 24 Bit 192khz. (Which could let u also get the full effect of Young's DVD Audio titles (Road Rock,Harvest,Greendale,On The Beach,Stars N Bars,Reactor,Hawks and Doves), his DTS 96/24 titles(if u have a receiver that decodes DTS 96/24) (Greendale Acoustic,Inside Greeendale, Greendale movie), and most recently his 24 Bit 96khz Stereo releases; (Greatest Hits,Prairie Wind,LWW,Chrome Dreams II,Fillmore,Massey Hall, Sugar Mountain)
-Full Range Headphones and/or Speakers
Option # 2
-Computer Sound card that decodes either 24 Bit 96khz or 24 Bit 192khz. (24 Bit 96khz cards are very cheap; $20 or $30)
-DVD Drive for Computer
-Full Range Headphones and/or Speakers
(For Blu-Ray Version, 24 Bit 192khz Stereo)
-(Best)Audio Receiver that decodes up to 24 Bit 192khz, and has a HDMI Input. (Good) Receiver that handles up to that freq, but with only 5.1 Analog inputs) (Keep in mind, the standard Coxial/Optical Cord only handles up to 96khz 24 Bit sound)
-Playstation 3 with HDMI inputs (extra $50) and internet connection for download content.
-Full Range Speakers and/or Headphones.
People should not be complaining; This is gonna be a first in the music industry, and perhaps a mentor in the future years of music box sets. I personally can't wait, and have ordered both the DVd and Blu-Ray versions. Can't wait for the show in Philly on the 12th! Jonathan from Hershey, PA.
Jon again;
Also another great connection for the Blu-Ray version; would be as follows on your computer;
-Soundcard that decodes up to 24 Bit 192 khz (About $150)
-Blu-Ray Drive (About $150-200)
-Full Range Headphones
-Of course your puter would have to be newer, with a good processor, at least 3 gigs of memory. And the extra content would probably be saved once download to a secure folder somewhere on your puter hard drive.
Thanks for the info, Archives Dude, and for understanding that we whine because we care. (BTW, yes, I grew up in Bucks County and it's pretty great.. especially Tyler State Park.)
Something to consider: what would Neil be more supportive of... Karen's Video iPod Edition of Archives, or my Player Piano Scroll Edition? I'm leaning toward the latter. ;)
"Let 'em gripe; nobody made anyone buy anything. There won't be any new music - you'll just be able to hear more of it ..."
I hear what you're saying, but are you - or anyone else - saying that you think it's a good idea to omit LP tracks from NYA? If so, why?
I understand why some fans (especially those who aren't buying the box) would want the LPs sold as individual Blu-Rays, but I don't agree with making NYA purposely incomplete. "If I Could Have Her Tonight" would probably not push a Blu-Ray disc over its limit, haha.
Now, 'Hurricane' @ Bonnaroo... maybe.
Thanks for all the info on the Archives on Thrashers Wheat-- there is now a Facebook Group called:
Neil Young 10 Disc Blu-Ray Archive Vol. 1 Eventual Release Date O-rama
If you are Facebook user, please join the group and post your best guess as to the REAL release date!
WebFrog .... 'welded to the eagles beak'
Hey Neil fans...
Archives related question: I was "watching" my live at Cantebury house DVD tonight and all it is is a picture of Neil with the music in the background. Is this correct? I'm not complaining, just wonderin'.
-Winterlong (yeah the long winter has already started here in Ontario)
What ever happened to saturday night?
I've read this whole thing and would like to thank the archives guy for all the time and info... and its shocking he kept is cool with all the dumb comments and questions happening...jeez people! And Karen....could you be more annoying? put a sock in it!
Hey 10:55, Karen has done so many interesting Neil reviews/write-ups that even Test Pilot acknowledged she's "famous." Where the F is your work, uhhh... hold on, can't find a name to address you by....
Hi Archives Guy,
nice to have you here!
jack/cielo helado en la noche ®
...-=Canadian Freeloaders Society=-...®
.Member 1973 T.O. Chapter.
NYAS Member 3096
..official neil user..
-a rust list patch holder-
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Is anyone else dismayed by the news that's been coming out about "Archives Vol. 1", particularly the track listing?
In interviews, Neil has stated that the Archives project is going to be his way of "opening the vaults", showing his fans "the good, the bad, and the ugly", and letting the chips fall where they may. Accordingly, I was expecting a wide range of material, including rehearsal tapes, audience and soundboard recordings, outtakes, unfinished demos, etc. Instead, what Neil appears to have produced is a glorified box set, with an unwanted emphasis on video material.
According to Archives Guy, 80 out of the 128 songs on "Archives Vol. 1" have been previously released in one form or another. That means I already have more than 60 percent of the material that's included. To me, that's ridiculous. I just didn't expect that Archives would be packed with songs (most admittedly classic) that I've heard hundreds of times before. And based on past experience with box sets (including the Buffalo Springfield box), I'll almost certainly listen to the original albums when I want to hear the classic tunes. To me, the anticpated upgrade in sound quality is just not that important.
When you're asking your fans to pay in excess of $300 (not including system upgrades) for a collection of music, shouldn't you be offering them something that's mostly new?
I expect that some people on this board would argue that "Archives Vol. 1" is worth the price because it includes a lot of video material that's never previously seen the light of day. I just don't buy it. I'd be interested in seeing the video material once or twice, but after that I'm going to be listening to the music. (For example, I saw "Journey Through the Past" 25 years ago and have no particular interest in seeing it again. I've listened to the record many times since.)
I'm a huge fan of Neil's, but I can't help but feeling that "Archives" has turned into something of a vanity project. I was going to buy it, but I really can't justify it now.
dcba25 said...
"I'm a huge fan of Neil's, but I can't help but feeling that "Archives" has turned into something of a vanity project. I was going to buy it, but I really can't justify it now."
I totally agree with your post. The over-emphasis on high-definition audio and video is just a waste of blu-ray disc space. This is one case where I disagree with Neil's "No More" lyric - "Searchin' for quality. Havin' to have the very best".
I am really hoping the BD downloads portion will properly fill out the Archives to be a real Archives.
what I am curious about is.....what percentage of people actually care about sound quality? I appreciate the fact that Neil is doing it the way he wants and has artistic freedom, but does the general public really know the difference between 24/96 and 24/192 and sample rates and etc....? Sure there are those hardcore audiophiles that know what the hell is going on, but what percentage of the general listening audience is that? To me, super high definition audio and video just screams out elitism. I realize that we are entering the year 2009 and technology is ever so different than it was 10 years ago. But when it comes down to music, aren't the majority of listeners satisifed with a plain old CD and simple stereo set up?
Very, very well said....
Like you, i am a huge Neil fan. I've spent thousand upon thousands of dollars on his music, concerts, magazines, art work etc etc.
For years i've been eagerly anticipating the archives...but the more i hear about this, the less interested I've become. In many ways, i think Neil has become a hypocrite over time (he despises MP3's, yet some tracks he's recently released are only available via MP3).
The cost of this set is going to be absurd - no performer has EVER asked his fans to cough up more money then what Neil is asking.
Bob Dylan has set (and continues to set) the standard for opening up the vaults...Too bad Neil hasn't learned from his mentor.
in the end, it's about the Music. Period.
Bob Dylan is not the best example. His last entry in the bootleg series was available as 2 cd, 3 cd or mult. LP sets. The 3 cd version was $100 more than the 2cd one. That's pretty big money for one more CD or rarities.
The LATEST Dylan archive release is a bad example (that extra disc costing so much more is absurd)...however, everything else he's released for the Bootleg Series has been outstanding, and extremely fairly priced.
Compare the live concerts Dylan has released with Massey Hall and Fillmore.......Massey Hall is outstanding, but Fillmore, while awesome, is ridiculously incomplete.
Plus, look at the Dylan packaging that came with those discs.......Dylan's packaging BLOWS Neil's away! Completely. Case closed.
Furthermore, if i buy the Archives, which i wont due to the crazy cost, i also have to re-purchase Massey Hall and Fillmore, which i've previously spent good money on.
this, my friends, smells of a RIP-OFF. Check that, it REEKS of a rip-off. What kind of scam is he running?
Neil can get away with it because he's a so-called legend.....but he's also a hypocrite!
i'll buy the Archives someday, but only when the prices precipitously drop. And in this market, Neil expecting thousands upon thousands of "fans" to buy this scam - (archives + Blue Ray player = ABSURD COST) - is foolhardy.
Piece of Crap!
I wish I could find that video "A view into the archives" that was posted on Neil several years back. That was really cool to walk through the vault, or warehouse that he's got set up. Just blows my mind...
We've asked for the "Holy Grail" called the Archives since we got word it was being worked that it is in fingertips reach and info is being relayed to us by an insider...somehow, because "your" idea's of what it should be don't fit what is coming makes it a Rip-off that you're never gonna buy?
Go to a DVD/BD Outlet and Price out the latest Movie...what Price do you see?
Times that by 10...what do you get?
Oh, hey, lets throw in a Hard Cover 236 Page Book full of High Quality Photo's and info...what did that add up too?
Find anything comparable to you can't!
You want it as MP3' the Audio out to your PC input and hit "Record" and Compress away...Tada!! MP3's.
Not the Complete Albums?
If it were yet another "Re-release" you would complain about having to "buy" them all over again.
I bet every Song you're askinf for is there...oh look...that makes the Complete Album!
Jeez People.
This is the most disappointing Neil news I've ever heard. I completely agree with dcba25. I'm into Neil for the MUSIC and the sound is just fine on my old vinyl records. I too thought that the Archives was for all this unreleased stuff that Neil had...since that is now NOT on the Archives for the most part, when will THAT unreleased material be released? I don't need to rebuy any of Neil's albums, I do not want a greatest hits rehash, and I'm plenty pissed that the Achives includes the archives "previews" CDs I've already bought. Better quality...big deal. Very disappointing.
Charlie from Athens, GA
This above "quit your bitchin" comment didn't come from me or the Archives team.
I'll have Trasher remove it.
What a pity. If these type of comments continue, we'll ask Trasher to remove the entire post and comments, thus terminating this forum that was created to foster understanding and knowledge.
Archives Guy/Test Pilot
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