Neil Wishes Us Happy Independence Day!

Well, we thought it was pretty cool to get a note from Neil about a special video he has for us this weekend. If you don't feel like turning your head sideways or the monitor, here's what Neil's note says:
Independence Day
In the spirit of Independence Day, Shakey Pictures will be airing a special exclusive web video this 4th of July weekend.
Tune in starting on Friday morning at and
For best results, we suggest that you connect your computer to a good set of speakers, set your volume on LOUD and fire up the BBQ.
Let Freedom Ring!
It's not everyday that Thrasher's Wheat gets a note from Neil, especially when he's busy on tour, so thanks Neil!
Happy Independence Day to everyone around the world!

Oooh, I like this! I hope it's a full live version of RITFW from the CSNY 2006 tour or something similar or a long extended clip from the movie or even Neil's current tour. I should just shutup and wait and see lol.
Oh and I suggest everyone go out and buy this months issue of Uncut Magazine. CSNY is featured on the front page and some really great interviews by the group about the recording of the "Deja Vu" album, Woodstock, the "CSNY: Deja Vu" film, and Neil Young's bush babies in his hotel room haha.
But there's a section about the film where Mike Cerre says Neil said "Nobody wants to see some 60 year olds playing guitar for 2 hours." I have to say right now...Neil is so wrong! Concert films make my life and I have so many unreleased NY and CSNY material that I put on my own DVDs and I only wish we could get a full CSNY 2006 concert film and I wish the unfinished CSNY 1970 concert film will someday see the light of day...and not just the few clips Neil included on "Journey Through The Past" and "CSNY: Deja Vu."
Just hoping Neil or his people will see this and reconsider...although they probably won't lol.
Rock on Thrasher! Some mail is better than others. Yep, my speakers are already on loud and I can't wait! Rockets red glare and we'll be playing Jimi and Neil and CSN and The Horse all day long on WBKM!
Great news. I'm looking forward to the surprise. In other news, last night I discovered people were handing out little Archives cards at the recent Dublin show. I wasn't there but I have a scan of one. It says,
Neil Young Archives Vol 1 - Coming November 2008. And it also says, limited 10 Disc DVD Set.
Why would the DVD set be limited and will the blu-ray set come out first? I'm going to get the blu-ray version, but I don't see why the DVD version would be limited. Just imagine if they make all of the sets limited. That would not be good.
haha I craned my neck sideways and read the hand-written one before I saw the transcription below.
Genius at work here.
hi guys
happy independence day!
here in Italy is already lunch time but not trace yet of the video
Could someone tell me whre to trace it? is it still to early?
Be patience. The 4th of July starts a couple of hours later in the US.
How long more do we have to wait?
Is this for reall or just a juck
GREAT - IT IS ON!!!!!!!!
That'll piss off the neighbors...never get to be COOL!
(OK, dear. I'll turn it down now.)
Great! Yes, auto-repeat until July 5!
Keep on rocking with the neighbors.
This is what one can call the Stills-Young guitar battle for the free world! B.S.M.
Where is it? and
Just refresh your browser if you don't see it.
I've had a few folks email on having trouble playing with Firefox. Try IE if problem persists.
It is so great! Thank you, Neil!
A short note on Thrashers post: The latest version of Firefox that came out a couple of weeks ago works very well over here. You can download it for free. b.s.m.
Its a hell of a version, and the big rhythm guitar sound and Nash and Crosby's vocals are nice.... but Stephen (Cocaine Eyes) Stills is in over his head, his guitar playing annoys me as does his persona, best known for writing bad songs encouraging cheating on one's wife. I understand what this is all about, and overall its a hell of a version (and I enjoyed that tour) but there are plenty of other RITFWs that could have been used - SNL from 89, for example, or one with Pearl Jam or the Horse or even from the current tour(s). Stephen Stills attempt at soloing is just that bad. You'd have to pay me to listen to him warbling on guitar for Carry On, my bathroom and smoke song from that tour. Some get stoned, some get strange indeed.
Well I think Stephen sounds great on this version. Whoever posted that crap before me obviously has some issues with something he/she has absolutely no control over. Stephen Stills is one of the best guitarists of all seem to be coming off as a bigger putz than your accusing Stephen of being, buddy.
Great version of RITFW, I thought I saw Patti Smith in the audience too.
And I was right about it being RITFW from the 2006 tour hahahaha.
Great video, I disagree with the Stills criticism ... seems like him and Neil were having a blast jammin' out together ... its inspiring and uplifting to see all these guys together still playing music, still relevant after so many decades and after all their history together ... Neil is clearly the force behind it all and its good for the whole band ... the whole theme of reconciliation and rebirth is something we all can learn from ... also, its pretty cool how Neil, with this web video for example, continues to be a technological innovator fusing music, technology and entertainment in new ways ... doesn't look like Neil is going to rust anytime soon
It was me who criticized Stills. He's a wanker. Sure he's a great musician, so is Mr. neckbeard Clapton. Technical skill means jackshit - that is why I prefer Molina to Cromwell.
You do realize that many of us Neil fans are not too enamoured with that hippie dream shit.
The only good thing Stills ever did was with Springfield.
Quit hitting on Stills, even if he still has bad teeth! Guy may have been a sometimes pathetic jerk after he discovered cocaine and found out he was Master of the Universe, but those days are long gone. He's still a musician with a great feeling and especially a wonderful guitarist (if he can stop rolling his biceps). playes rings around Neil once, in songs like Down by the River (you can see a great version on youtube).
Personally, I have a soft spot for macho man Stills. Always thought bleeding heart blabbermouth Nash was a much bigger jerk. By the way, I wonder how CSN feel about te movie, secretly. Looks like they pretty much got railroaded by Neil, who insisted on doing all his political stuff. But well, beggars can't be choosers.
Those of us on dial-up can't view it.
Guess we have to wait until a youtube download is available.
As for CSN feeling of 'railroaded'. Of course they know what they are getting into riding Neil's shirt-tail to cool and relevance. get real.
"...Some are saints!"
"...And some are jerks!"
Hmmm...wonder what song that's from.
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