Neil: An Unsung Hero of the Iraq War

A new book, "So Wrong for So Long: How the Press, the Pundits -- and the President -- Failed on Iraq"
Among those who Mitchell credits as right on Iraq is Neil Young. From Salon
Neil Young: Rock star as journo? It essentially happened in 2006 when Neil Young, son of a famous Canadian sportswriter, hurriedly wrote and released (only online at first) his ripped-from-the-headlines "Living With War" CD. He even proposed impeaching the president "for lying" (and "for spying"). In one of the songs in the collection, Young sang repeatedly: "Don't need no more lies."
He emphasized the prohibition against the media showing pictures of coffins with the American dead being returned from Iraq, singing: "Thousands of bodies in the ground/ Brought home in boxes to a trumpet's sound/ No one sees them coming home that way/ Thousands buried in the ground." In another song: "More boxes covered in flags/ but I can't see them on TV."
When Young urged that Americans "Impeach the President," he included audio clips of embarrassing Bush statements ("We'll smoke them out ..."). But a highlight of the collection was the blistering "Shock and Awe," which, along with its antiwar lyrics, included the more philosophical "History is a cruel judge of overconfidence." He also recalled that "back in the days of Mission Accomplished ... the sun was setting on another photo op."
And Mitchell replies back on Pressing Issues: May he stay, forever Young.
More on "Living With War" as rock's "Fahrenheit 9/11".
Yet nobody in congress has the balls the start impeachment proceedings.
If Mccain gets more than 5% of the vote,there's something seriously wrong with this country.
Real change ? ELECT NADER !
Then watch how fast we realy leave Iraq !
Vote for Nader and cast a meaningless and perhaps fatal blow in the election. Just like 2000.
Fear in our household is that the average American and upset Dems would rather vote for a tired old man (no Neil pun) than chance Hillary (if they like Obama) and vice versa.
God help us.
I doubt Thrasher wants this article to turn into this but:
The democrats haven't put anyone worth voting for forward.
-voted to renew the patriot act.
-takes money from the same lobbyists he avoids in his speeches.
-against single-payer health care.
-makes no promise to slash bloated defense budget or contribute a deadline to our endless war.
-makes no protest against the violence in Israel and Palestine by refusing to acknowledge the growing Israeli peace movement.
Why would anyone who considers themselves anti-war vote Obama/Clinton/McCain?
-despite popular corporate democrat belief, did not cost Gore the elecetion in 2000. In fact every 3rd party candidate in Florida earned more votes than the difference between Bush and Gore. The democratic congress were the ones who failed to challenge a stolen election.
-single payer health insurance which will eliminate millions wasted on double-billing and other inefficiencies in the medical insurance industry.
-takes no money from lobbyist groups or corporations.
-consumer advocate responsible for health, auto safety, and environmental reforms among many others for over 40 years.
Spin the Black Circle
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