Portland Concert Reports

Portland, Oregon - 10/22/2007
Kurt said...
A quick note from the Portland show tonight. Setlist was changed up some from the first two shows. After the Gold Ruch was added to the acoustic set. Also, Hurricane replaced TTN in the encore. Great show all around. No Hidden Path was epic and the crowd ate it up.
From comment posted on An Open Letter To Neil Young On Ticket Prices For The Turnstiles:
I saw the Portland show last night and LOVED it. Yes, it was hard for this freak to shell out the $105 ($92 + service chg), but I don't regret the investment at all. Hell, I remember standing outside the Fillmore East shortly after Bill Graham raised ticket prices from $3, $4 and $5 to $3.50, $4.50 and $5.50 and listened amused as street freaks SCREAMED at Bill that he was killing the scene. Of course, Bill screamed right back at them to kiss his ass. :-)
I'm almost 58 and have been actively going to shows since I was 15. Neil is #1 for me. If you have a chance and can scrape up the funds, GO to the show.
Mark said...
The Portland show was excellent. The acoustics in the hall were perfect (were I was seated). I took my daughter (her first Neil show) and she told me she would remember the night for the rest of her life (which obviously made me happy). I agree with the comment on the No Hidden Path's version being epic. It's rare a new song gets a standing ovation from an audience and this did. I thought Spirit Road rocked as well. I thought the new material, for the most part, to be superb. The acoustic/electric setup was enjoyable. It gives the person attending a pretty good insight into how varied and different Neil's artistry really is. For my own money, I prefer him with Crazy Horse but any live notes from Neil will do. My only criticism would be not to play Bad Fog and Winterlong back to back. But that's a minor complaint.
I have not received the 'comp' CD yet.
If there are still tickets in the town near you and you haven't made a decision - for someone how has seen Neil live over decades of shows - this show was excellent and though the price may be stiff - it's worth it.
Anonymous said...
The Spokane Show was fantastic. Pegi sang with a strong voice and the crowd really gave her a lot of love. I swear that Neil played No Hidden Path for 30 minutes- it was great. For the encore, before TTN was played the sinclaver was lowered (the one from way back, still has the bird on it). It was plugged in, but no Hurricane. Was the sinclaver used in the Porland show during Hurricane?
After the show, I noticed about fifty people standing out in the cold around a few busses. I got closer and noticed that there was one with a Florida license plate with ZUMA. The security guard said that Neil was already on the bus, so many people left. I got to meet Ben Keith and thank him for his performance and said I really liked his work over the years. Then Pegi came out and gave the small group (about 12 of us by that point)a smile. Then Neil came out. The crowd got to thank him and he gave us a wave. The bus backed out and Neil and Pegi waved to us before they started on their late dinner.
"Neil Young beyond the hits" - OregonLive.com by Stan Hall :
But fulfilling expectations is anathema to Young, so the artist's sold-out concert at the Keller Auditorium Monday night was devoid of many of his best-known songs. Instead, he offered a set featuring an inspired mix of the popular and obscure, the straightforward and esoteric, adding up to a two-hour performance that left the audience, many of whom paid ticket prices well over $100, deeply appreciative and often mesmerized.
The first knockout of the night was "Ambulance Blues," a hallucinatory, wryly humorous folk epic from 1974. Young gave one of his greatest compositions a hushed treatment, with crystalline guitar and harmonica accompanying a voice plumbing the lowest depths of its range. Young followed this with a string of surprises: such'70s-era unreleased gems as "Sad Movies," "Love/Art Blues" and the gorgeous, fragmentary piano ballad "No One Seems to Know"; a wrenching "Mellow My Mind," played on banjo; and "A Man Needs a Maid," which Young is playing on this tour for the first time since 1976. The song is alternately described as overblown, sexist tripe and a complex, poetic portrait of male ego and isolation. Young played it on a psychedelically painted yellow-and-pink piano, alternating between it and a synthesizer meant to evoke the London Symphony Orchestra's accompaniment on the original recording. The switching really didn't work that well, but it was interesting, and Young gave his best vocal performance of the evening on the song.
Young's deadpan humor was on display during the acoustic set. When he sipped on his beer and many in the audience applauded, he replied, "How can you cheer for a piece of crap beer like this?" A running joke had to do with his replies to the numerous shouted song requests that he had no intention of fulfilling: "I'll write that down, that's a good idea" was a typical response. Finally, he whipped out a perfunctory "Heart of Gold," much to the relief of casual fans likely confused by the relatively few familiar tunes.
From Harp Magazine by Barbara Mitchell:
"Part of Young’s brilliance is the intimacy he creates in concert. Surrounded by battered artifacts and instruments, engulfed in a semi-circle of guitars and bathed in a warm glow, Monday’s show felt like watching a house concert with a small group of friends.
Casually shuffling between guitar and piano for the solo acoustic half of the show (“I’m at a crossroads here,” he said at one point, standing between the two) he created a perfectly cozy vibe. And he was funny. “This part of the show’s brought to you by Google,” he quipped. “That’s how I learned all my songs.” When, after a remark about his water bottle, a woman in the audience yelled something, Young looked up in mock-amazement. “What? Water saved your marriage? That’s remarkable,” he deadpanned. “I think everyone should try it.”
He updated “Harvest” – singing, “Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 21st century,” instead of “the Seventies” to much applause. And he made fun of a less-than-perfect vocal bit afterward. “That was quite a note I hit in that second verse,” he smirked, before laughing that it would end up on the internet immediately."
See also:
- Neil Young Tour Kicks Off - Boise, Spokane Reports
- Tour Dates: Chrome Dreams Continental Tour
- Chrome Dreams II Videos
- Chrome Dreams II Reviews
- Chrome Dreams II history and background on Chrome Dreams I
- Chrome Dreams II Cover Art and tracklisting
I wish I could be at these shows.
Tonight I've been to local live music show in Tel Aviv. Before the show began, they played some of Neil Young's music.
After reading these reports, I wish I would have been there.
One day he'll come here, or I'll go to see him abroad.
Very jealous, Yohay from Israel...
I went to BestBuy,Target & Circut City today. No disk with riverboat song included in package. Is this just BS. Maybe there is an easter egg on the DVD.
Same happened to me. I thought something was promised when you went to Best Buy but I got nothing. I felt rather ripped off.
Same situation here. I went to HMV, MusicWorld and Bestbuy. None of them offered a bonus disc on either the DVD or CD version.
I'm thinking this might have to do with the fact that I'm in Canada, since we also got screwed over on the "free cd with a pair o' tickets" offer -- despite the fact that the offer was clearly shown on the canadian ticketmaster website, on the page for the canadian venue.Go ahead and charge me $20 in convenience fees though!
Whatever. I'm just glad to have the album, and I guess it's probably better to wait to listen to the Riverboat show in it's entirety anyway.
I am back and I just received a e-mail from Neils Store. The e-mail indicated that the new Chrome Dreams is avaliable & at selectd stores a bonus CD with a song from the riverboat are included. I guess it's out there. I can tell you it is not at Best Buy, Target or Circuit City here in Missouri.
Chicago here I come! Thanks all for posting word on the concerts so far. and Yohay, I feel your pain, but finally I will make it to a concert.
Kurt and Mark,and Anonymous, thanks for the scoop on what I can expect.
Thrasher, thanks for bringing the news right here!
Also, I am still asking anyone to shout out...how in the world do you manage to see Neil Young so often? Does he really perform in Orlando often?
I'll check back for some news.
And I'll report after I return from the concert in November!
I'm so jealous! If only Neil would come to England I'd be able to enjoy these fantastic shows as well. Pleased that he's still doing what he does best brilliantly, especially after all the moaning about ticket prices. Sounds like the set list was spot on as well, like you guys said shame there's still no sign of Crazy Horse cos I reckon they would make brilliant shows complete.
As for the CD and bonus stuff I'm not that bothered, going to get it today and can't wait, as long as I can listen to the music I'm happy!
Thank you Mark! I loved hearing you took your daughter. I will never forget when my Dad took me to see the Neil Young & Stephen Stills for a high school graduation gift long ago.
Yesterday, I bought the CD at Barnes & Noble ($12 with card) and it came with the bonus Cd - Broken Arrow from the Riverboat.
duude...electric fetus has the bonus disc
Newbury Comics in Massachusetts has the bonus disk of Sugar Mt. from the Riverboat as the bonus disk attached to the CD/DVD deluxe edition. It is only $17.99
First Campaigner was dropped, now Journey through the Past - from 23 songs to 21... but, hey, Hurriance is in the encore - and that will make me happier than TTN... I will be there in DC on Thursday... and I cannot wait - the last four shows I've seen Neil were three with CSN (including LWW), and Greendale - man, I am prepared to take the slow journey up and down that "Great Hippie highway..."
Roger and out...
Just for the record, "Campaigner" was dropped between Boise and Spokane, making it 22 total songs instead of 23; for Portland and Seattle, "Journey Through the Past" and "Tonight's the Night" were replaced by "After the Goldrush" and "Like a Hurricane," so he's holding steady at 22.
As far as I'm concerned, Neil could come out and sing the same damn song over and over for two hours and I'd be happy.
I'll be seeing him in DC and if past tours are any indication, there are quite a few more setlist surprises in store for us!
BTW, the shows are starting to run fast and furious on DIME now. The Portland show has been snatched by nearly 1400 people! Spokane by over 700.
Any guitar fans out there who can tell me if Neil is using the black Hagstrom he has been pictured with?
One song I'd really love to hear live, although there is just about zero chance of it, is "Let It Shine" from the Stills-Young album.
I happen to think it's one of Neil's best songs. Am I alone in this?
At the Portland show, I think he only played the gold Les Paul, the white Gretsch and Ol' Black.
Good Ol' Black ...
I can't name the accoustics!
Neil's guitars at Seattle show were the Les Paul goldtop and old black (essentially the same specs w/ firebird bridge pickup and p90 neck pickup), the white falcon, and a stripped to bare wood single cut Les Paul jr....never seen that one! No hagstrom. Acoustics were mostly the hank D28 and the banjo guitar. I can't remember what else, but the Les Paul jr. was a cool new twist for me and I love that it was a non original stripped down beater.
We drove all the way from las vegas to portland to see Neil and it was worth the drive he was kind enough if you would have been hanging out before the show to sign autographs for some lucky fans including myself,so was the rest of his band,the show was amazing! Would make the drive all over again! Thankyou Neil Peggy and Crazy Horse. Love Debbie and George
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