New CD Chrome Dreams II and Tour

UPDATED 10/18/07: See Neil Young Tour Kicks Off for most up to date tour news and concert reviews.

A recent post on Rust by tordon2000 from a WEA schedule release sheet:
"New cd Chrome Dream tentatively scheduled Oct. 16. Touring for 7 weeks beginning Oct. 13. Performing at Farm Aid Sept 9 & Bridge School Oct 27-28. To be determined date in 2008 cd & dvd archive set includes 8 cds, 3 dvds, & 160 page book in box packaging."
The release of the CD titled Chrome Dreams II is re-confirmed on the official N Y Times site stating:
"... the recording runs 60+ minutes and includes two giant songs that time in at 18:30 and 13:00, respectively. Drawing from three songs written previously, and 7 new songs, the latest Neil Young is a very diverse recording."

The site also includes a history of the widely bootlegged Chrome Dreams by Jef Michael Piehler, at Side Street Records (originally published in Broken Arrow, February 1993):
Had it been released, "Chrome Dreams" might have stood today as one of Neil Young's best records ever. The bar-room characters amidst historical references & passionate love songs creates a magical atmosphere. But like most first drafts, the perception of what's important & what isn't must be left to the artist, and not to the record company bean counters or the whims of the artists' "biggest" fans. As near-perfect as "Chrome Dreams" might seem, it's release would've created un-fillable holes in other near-perfect albums like "American stars 'n bars," "Comes A Time" and "Rust Never Sleeps."
Footnotes on the aborted release and multiple bootleg versions try and clear up some of the confusion:
Soon after the first one, a second bootleg CD called "Chrome Dreams" appears containing most of the same songs (but not the same recordings) along with a few additional recordings (most-notably the previously-unissued 1975 studio version
of "White Line" and a 1978 live version of "Ride My Llama" --which was actually "Chrome Dreams" bootleg CD#2 -- yet another working title for the "American stars'n bars"album).
So once again, we have a new project pushing off the Archives ever delayed release. But for many, the promise of seven new songs is enough to compensate for the Archives delay.
And most importantly, a 7 week tour! So what band? Chrome Dreams material? An Archives preview?
UPDATE 10/15/07:
Neil Young Fall Tour Dates: Chrome Dreams Continental Tour
Great news! Hope he tours Europe. Certainly like to hear the new Chrome Dreams material live.
It's interesting how much the cover looks like the Comes A Time cover. Same layout and style. So will this be the cover for CDII?
Thour Europe, please :-)
It's weird that it will be full of new songs yet have a cover photo circa 1976 (or earlier?). Stranger yet to see Neil looking into the camera on an album cover, albeit with shades on. Only Neil would release a retro album with new songs !
Please tour the DC/Baltimore area !
I doubt that's the cover. It's the picture from the American Stars n Bars Sleeve.
It's kinda funny that this is #2 since there really never was an official #1 release.
Wahoo! I hope its a great album. PLEASE come to New Zealand!
Neil,play stupid girl on this next tour, and anounce some dates soon!!!
Some of the greatest news I've ever heard. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Neil had an alternate or recently recorded version of "Like A Hurricane" on the album? Hahaha, doubt it, but still a great thought. And for Neil to name this "Chrome Dreams II," that should hopefully mean we'll see the original (or one of the bootlegs perhaps?) in the Volume 2 box.
Tour sounds great too! I hope it was something with The Horse. That would be amazing!
Oh yeah, we get an extra (3rd) DVD in the first box set! This just keeps getting better!
Thrasher, this weekened is just getting better. I just found Jamie posted a new blog with "Journey Through The Past" and "Time Fades Away" info.
Along with the outtake versions of "Alabama" and "Words" from "Journey Through The Past" and "L.A." and "Last Dance" from "Time Fades Away."
Didn't Niko Bolas produce 'Living With War' CD? If so, maybe the same band?
This is GREAT news! I would rather have new stuff than the archives anyway, eh?
and to echo the sentiment of anonymous....
An 18+ minute song?!?!!? Can't wait. Wonder if this one is one of the new ones or previously released?
a studio version of ordinary people, maybe?? come on neil.
18.30 min song could be Sixty To Zero & 13.00 min one could be Ordinary People. They are the obvious older ones that fit those times. Otherwise probably new songs...
It says 3 songs written previously, therefore they will most likely be 3 older songs Neil has just recorded and not 3 unrelased songs from a long time ago. Peace
If anybody has the muscle to arrange for a Fall tour this late it's Elliot and Neil. Great news. And we can all guess who the opener will be, right?
One could only hope that Ordinary People is finally released. It's definitely fits with a "Volume Dealers" release. If Sixty to Zero were the other track, I'd be surprised too, but maybe it's time for Part Two!
One for the People!
I honestly hope it's nothing we've heard before. "Ordinary People" and "Sixty To Zero" can wait until their time comes in the Archives volumes. Joel Bernstein can release anything previously recorded if (GOD FORBID) anything happens to Neil. I personally would rather hear more new stuff...hopefully it's with the Horse. They need to do something together again.
And for those of you wanting "Ordinary People," here's a killer live version from 1988:,4
This one blows all the other recordings I've heard away. Just click on the link after "Ordinary People."
Ordinary People. Neil believes in the common man. That's great, Neil. When the great upheaval comes, we won't lump you in with all the money-sucking corporate scum that ripped off the common man and polluted the planet. Because you wore flannel shirts and sang about relating to the common man. From behind your iron fences. From behind your bodyguards. From behind your fortress walls. Yeah, good old Neil, just one of us. He feels our pain as he's reaching for our wallets to pay for those $85 concert tickets. Or is that $125? Yeah, he's got the touch alright.
$125! ill pay that anyday to see Neil prostitute himself out for his fans, thats much cheaper than any hooker from the street.
Sixty To Zero & Ordinary People are both the kind of social commentary songs that Neil could have easily updated to fit in with some of the causes he's rallying against these days. New verses maybe? he claims to have listened to it already.. says "ordinary people" is on it.. oh yeah!
Wow, great, great news!
Personally, I'm hoping for a solo tour similar to '99 with acoustic renditions of songs like Ordinary People (of course), Cortez, Hurricane, Give Me Strength, After the Garden (great new song that would "work" acoustically), Ambulance Blues, and of course, War Song and Vampire Blues.
Neil, if you ever stop in here, I'll take care of your set list for you! *g*
"Ordinary People" does make the record. Hope it has the horns and guitar riffs. The song is a classic. I can live with it being released early.
If Ordinary People makes the cut (which I am still not convinced of) I will be very happy. I thought it would've fit well on LWW (think of it as the closing track, instead of America the Beautiful). Just hope he the 2007 version is as good as the live versions from 2 decades ago.
Ok, so Ordinary People with a horn section has been confirmed. This means it is quite likely the second old track clocking in at 18:30 is Sixty To Zero. The author of the post was quoted as saying a "couple" songs had horns. And even one with a children's choir. I think what we're about to get (based on the title) is a Neil mix. We'll probably have a couple hard rockers, some acoustic ballads, a few offbeat tracks, and apparently a couple bluenote revivals. Much as Chrome Dreams intended to be a rock n' roll hodgepodge of themes, I believe Chrome Dreams II will come out on a similar basis. Also, the note about the "This Note's For You" MTV issue on NYTimes would indicate to me Neil's not done throwing curves to big business and the media yet; Ordinary People and Sixty To Zero both resonate this kind of social overtone.
Our 3rd old track is the real mystery; it really could be anything. "Kansas" would be my first choice, and next likely would be maybe "Boxcar". "Standing in the Light of Love" and "Gateway of Love" are equally likely if the Horse is making an appearance; "Walking to New Orleans" is definitely possible as well. Sheer speculation, though.
The poster also said something about "different" guitar tones that would likely receive much attention; perhaps Neil has really taken a new creative turn, if so, I'm quite eager to hear it. While we do have a couple more months to wait and thus we will be privy to more information, likely a full track list, and eventually samples on Neil's website, at this point we have precious little knowledge.
I hope more comes to light on Neil's latest work.
I was thinking the third track might be Stringman. It's the only track from the original Chrome Dreams boot that hasn't seen an official release (not counting the Unplugged version).
Who knows. It could be something we've never even heard of.
Sounds like "Freedom II" instead of "Chrome Dreams II".
Sounds like Ordinary people might be on CDII! Way cool. I just went back and listened to OP and it still resonates 20+ years later. Maybe even more so.
I would love to see Separate Ways on the album.
I would love to hear Gateway of Love - which could easily be the 18 minute song...
Chrome Dreams II will probably be, like Chrome Dreams I, a mixed bag of songs from the more recent past, and not a trip down foggy memory lane (think Bad Fog of Loneliness).
My only fear is that it could wind up like Chrome Dreams I - unreleased
wow man I'm siked i can't wait to hear these long tunes. No matter weather its releasing the archives or whatever neil decides to release hes bein good to us fans.
The long song just has to be Sixty To Zero. It goes hand in hand with Ordinary People - written on the same day, debuted on the same day...released on the same day? I think so...
I've never heard Sixty To Zero. How is it different from the version on Freedom (besides being longer)?
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Ticketmaster has Neil Young & Crazy Horse in Portland, OR on 10/22 at the Keller Auditorium. It looks like a nice theater that seats just under 3000. Tickets go on sale 9/8.
"Ticketmaster has Neil Young & Crazy Horse in Portland, OR on 10/22 at the Keller Auditorium. It looks like a nice theater that seats just under 3000. Tickets go on sale 9/8."
Yeah, but 3,000 might not be enough for The Horse. It may be some error in naming. However, the Horse playing a small venue tour would allow me to die happy.
What happened? Ticketmaster no longer has the 10/22 concert listed !!!
anyone give me any help trying to track down 'Interstate" off the vinyl only copy of Mirrorball...or was it just a dream i had?!
Looking forward to Chrome Dreams 2 as always,and especially excited to hear of the different styles it'll feature...Too many of neil's recent albums have suffered from a llack of diversity i think
Chrome Dreams bootleg has to be one of the greatest unreleased albums ever!
so, what exactly is Chrome Dreams? Have the songs on Chrome Dreams appeared on other Neil Young albums? And what is Chrome Dreams II?
Are these new songs? Someone please explain...
Chrome Dreams II - Review by MOTU
Neil Young’s latest effort shows a mature artist getting older and drawing upon past creative styles for expression. The album contains ten (10) new Neil Young songs and runs just a little over sixty-six minutes. The songs cover a variety of styles that Young has been comfortable with ranging from acoustic Harvest Moon type to harder Crazy Horse type material. Like most of Neil Young’s recent works, I found that I had to listen to it at least twice to digest it and form any opinion of it.
The CD opens with Beautiful Bluebird which is an effective acoustic type song that has a striking slide resonator guitar lead throughout giving it a blues dimension. However, the song remains vintage Young and is a good attention catching opening to the CD. The second song; Boxcar; follows this acoustic Harvest Moon type style that is set in the first song with a banjo providing the key background instrument. That is where the mood of this CD ends because the third song; Ordinary People; bursts the acoustic mood with a rock sound more like Crazy Horse. You also get the sense that Young may be looking to break some kind of rock song record as Ordinary People runs well over 18 minutes! Time aside, the song flows well and like a good movie seems to be far shorter than it really is. The fourth song; Shining Light; then gives the listener a retro fifties type feel only to be followed by another Crazy Horse style rock song; Spirit Road.
In general, I didn’t find Chrome Dreams II cohesive as a total work. On a first listen, it does not knock your socks off the way some of Young’s past classic albums succeeded in doing on the first play. However, there are some real great individual songs here if you are willing to give it a chance. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best), I give it a 7.
Europe and Norway waiting for you.Please in 2008 Neil??
Neil: I went to the concert last night in Portland, Oregon. Overall it was a good concert. However, I think the reviewers that are worth their salt should beat you up a little bit on this one. I think it was a commercial directon ($) rather than an artistic one. You've already got to much ($). And what was the thing with the arist, easel and bad art? You are a true visionary in the arts Neil. Don't spill white paint on your trousers, shoes and most importantly your past and present day image. Thank you for your musical presence last night and maybe I'll see you in Zigzag and we can have a coffee drink at the Roasters. Yours Truly...Condor
Can't wait for the new album .Hey Neil when are you coming to New Zealand .....been way to long since you were here .
Saw the show last night at the Chicago Theater. What a lovely evening! The venue was spectacular, Pegi was delightful and Neil....well, it was his birthday and he was celebrating. The best part is...we were all invited and had a fantastic time. Thank you for coming to Chicago. Have a safe journey.
Please please come to New Zealand!!!!
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