Broken Arrow Magazine - Issue #104

Neil Young at The Bridge School Concert
Photo by Johnny Marr
Another quarter on the calendar rolls around and Broken Arrow Magazine, published by the Neil Young Appreciation Society, arrives just in time for the holidays.
Issue #104 (November) of Broken Arrow Magazine - as usual - has some fine articles, commentary and nice photos.
The cover by Johnny Marr is from the Sunday, October 22, Bridge School Benefit Concert.
Also in Issue #104:
- Farm Aid 2006 Reviews
- Bridge School Benefit Concert review by Guy Haslam
- A collection of Tour Programs by Dieter Ostrowski, NYAS #1068
- A report on meeting artist James Mazzeo by Joost "I Am A Child" Groen, NYAS #3467
And as usual, a news section edited by Barry Martin, with lots of innarestin' items.
Check out the Neil Young Appreciation Society page for more info on how to join.
Don't be denied!
Thanks Scott and everyone who is supporting the NYAS & BA!
Thrasher - NYAS#2476

More on back issues of Broken Arrow magazine.
Broken Arrow, the NYAS publication is a fantastic resource and is just plain fun for a Neil Young fan to enjoy. A piece of Neil history just arrives in your mailbox every 3 months; a wonderful thing.
Thanks Scott and everyone else for keeping the fire burning. And thanks to Thrasher for being such an advocate for NYAS membership and the BA fanzine.
Expecting To Fly
NYAS # a gazillion
Can anyone can tell me where I can buy "Broken Arrow Magazine" in Toronto,I bought the last issue (sep 99) fron Tower Record, it was close long time ago, and I cannot find any issue anymore since that day.
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