Mynah Birds Rare Single Released

Some very interesting news on the release "The Complete Motown Singles Volume 6: 1966". The compilation includes BOTH SIDES of the long-rumored/existance denied MYNAH BIRDS single with "It’s My Time" and "Go On And Cry".
Described as "...another new act, those crazy kids called the Mynah Birds, make a helluva rock ’n’ soul record but it gets shuffled aside. (Well, until now).".
The singles appear to be the source material for some recently circulating CDs. More at
Also, more on Rick James, The Mynah Birds and Neil Young.
WOW. but is this the real Neil/Rick recording or a later recording sans Neil ('67) ?
Sorry, but i can not find the two songs on iTunes. Please help ?
Can't find it on iTunes.
I shelled out $100 for the Motown set - a really nice collection with great liner notes specific to the Mynah Birds on Rick James, Bruce Palmer, and Neil and the strange way they came together as the Mynah Birds and their quick dissolution. Funny to see a quote from Neil that the group's sound was "Motowned" to fit the label's needs (obviously, Neil was NOT i charge). If you striip away the Motown, what's left can arguably be seen as Buffalo Springfield in its embryonic form - very NOT Motown.
The whole thing makes you wonder - what if Rick James had not been turned in as AWOL? Would Neil have stayed on for awhile, such that he and Bruce would not sell everything, buy Mort and head for LA to meet up with Stills?...
anyway, the Mynah Birds are worth a listen...
Does anybody know, did Neil Young actually write or co-write any or all of the Mynah Bird tracks, and if so, which ones?
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