The All-TIME 100 Albums - After the Gold Rush

Neil Young's After the Gold Rush makes Time Magazine's The All-TIME 100 Albums.
"Since coming to California from his native Toronto, Neil Young had joined Buffalo Springfield and seen the band break up; teamed with Crosby, Stills, and Nash for the massive Déjô Vu album; and released a few discs of his own, including Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, a brain-shredding guitar powerhouse. The mysterious, elusive After The Gold Rush represents the morning after the mayhem, both personal and cultural — the sound of Young waking up with a post-'60s hangover, catching his breath, and trying to sort through the wreckage. The cryptic title song and "Southern Man" are the tracks familiar to casual fans, but only Neil Young could have written the chilling "Don't Let It Bring You Down" or the homespun "Only Love Can Break Your Heart" — much less both on the same album."
A few objections with the list but where's Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, The Band's Music From Big Pink or The Doors?

More on After The Goldrush
Thanks for the post, Thrasher. I might have to rant a bit...
Specifically, if
1. The list includes a Neil Young LP (thus, acknowledging Neil)
2. The list includes Exile On Main St by the Stones
then WHERE is Tonight's The Night??!!?
I can never understand that calculus. To me, Exile and TTN belong side-by-side. I agree that ATGR belongs, though.
Maybe it's just me.
PS - Rust Never Sleeps (not that I'm greedy)
These lists are nothing more than BS to get people to talk about their list and buy rags. I'm sure Neil cares about this "list" as much as I do.
also "best-of" type compilations should be excluded, and "the college dropout" is a mediocre rap album.
It's interesting to note how many compilations are listed for the 2000's and how relatively few selections there are from the 90's.
It kinda makes it look like the baby boomers had the best years. The list was probably compiled by a bunch of old baby boomers anyways.
I think "All Time 100 Albums" should not only included just 'After the Gold Rush" from Neil Young, the other albums should be included are 'Harvest','Rust Never Sleep','Come A Time' and 'Greendale' as well.
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