Crosby, Stills & Nash Tour

Photos by Dave Champagne on SUITE: Lorraine
It's been a busy summer here at Thrasher's Wheat and we haven't really had a chance to do justice to the Crosby, Stills and Nash 2005 world tour, other than an early Europe tour post.
Since we're heading out to one of the nicest outdoor venues tomorrow night at Wolf Trap Performing Arts Center in Vienna, Virginia with Expecting To Fly, it's about time we paid some attention to Neil's comrades.
In the meantime, our cyber-buddy SUITE: Lorraine has been covering all of the happenings from Europe to the US. Like these super photos by Dave Champagne in Florence, MA which are featured on Lorraine's site.
Much of our recent attention was generated by a posting on the new Rolling Stones song "Sweet Neocon" on the upcoming Big Bang CD. The song lyrics contain this provocative line:
"You call yourself a Christian, I call you a hypocrite
You call yourself a patriot, well I think you're full of shit"
A much harsher take on things than Neil's newest song "When God Made Me" from the upcoming "Prairie Wind" CD.
This thread led us to a link for the recent Air America Radio interview with David Crosby and Graham Nash on "Politically Direct" where they make a number of observations about the state of world affairs.
Of particular note in the interview (here's the direct MP3 podcast file link) were David and Graham's recollections about recording the song "Ohio". We've discussed "Ohio" a great deal over the years but some new info came up.

Air America Radio interviewer David Bender asks Crosby and Nash about the song "Ohio"'s impact (at about 14:00) and Crosby responds:
"It's the best example of us doing our job as a troubadours.
Neil saw the Life magazine cover, picked up his guitar and started writing. I called Graham and said 'Book a studio. *Now*'.
We recorded it and Ahmet [Ertegun of Atlantic Records] flew the tapes from LA to NYC.
It was out on the radio in a week. Like a fast punch in the face."

What Thrasher hadn't heard before (or completely forgot) was the single for "Ohio" with the picture sleeve of the text to Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights which guarantees the right to peaceably assemble, among other core freedoms.
Graham adds that the cover photo of the Constitution contained four bullet holes -- one each for Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
Well, you probably wouldn't see that one released today. Afterall, it's just a hippie dream...
More on Crosby Stills & Nash.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night at Wolf Trap!
It's no longer a "Hippie Dream" but a "Patriot's Dream".
Those wooden ships?
They burned and sank to the waterline.
A Hippie Patriot
does n e one know the song list that they played
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