"Neil, you're God!" says Courtney Love

From Oh No They Didn't (via NY POST...PAGE 6) comes a rather bizarre item from the deeply troubled Courtney Love. I hesitated to exploit her anymore than she has already been exploited. But given the actual positive, uplifting aspect to her drug addiction treatment, Thrasher went ahead and pulled the trigger on this story about how Neil's music helped Courtney in her darkest hours.
"Neil Young gets the credit for helping Courtney Love kick her drug habit.
"When I was in rehab, I had some really cool CDs with me," the rock widow told Steppin' Out magazine. "I had Dylan and I had R.E.M. and I had Neil Young's 'Decades.' I put on 'Decades' and I heard 'Old Man.' It was 5 in the morning and I was kicking Xanax, and it was a [bleep]ing nightmare, and I saw Neil standing above me. And I was like, 'Neil, you're God! This is great!' . . . And that was huge. I thought, 'I can do this. I can get through this, and Neil is going to get me through' . . .
It was a deeply spiritual thing. It was cool."
In 1998 on the Hole album Celebrity Skin, sang "It's better to rise than fade away". The lyrics were written in response to her husband Kurt Cobain's suicide note which qouted from Young's song "Hey Hey, My My" from Rust Never Sleeps.
Neil Young's music or any great music can have that effect on people. It can be uplifting. It might be all you have to get you through the day.
Release the Archives!
Neil Young as God?! Now that's profane.
Not sure what's so profane about Neil as God?
Why is it any more profane than Jesus, Allah, Buddha or whatever God you worship?
Afterall, Neil has a body of published songs which many admirers derive a great deal of "spiritual satisfaction".
And I don't think anyone has ever been killed in the name of Neil!
I was thinkin
Neil is my god. I don't kill on behalf of him. sorry :-)
Ms. Love certainly takes on a lot of helpers and healers, both real and imaginary. In past years, Michael Stipe and Billy Corgan seemed to be in her corner. Corgan's guidance and song writing assistance helped to produce Hole's Celebrity Skin, arguably their best album. However, Love later denied any help from Corgan (as she earlier denied that there was ever any assistance from Kurt Cobain for Live Through This, a nonetheless Nirvana-inspired album at the least).
I don't really have a point here, just spreading some Love lore...
Neil has been my God and probably will be for the rest of my life. Bobby D as a Jesus in the running with some others...
NEIL YOUNG is the greatest and always be the best.He has been around and is still around. Unlike the shit bands around now.
God, Courtney Love is one fucked up bitch...Having previously been on Xanax presribed to knock me out for a couple of weeks after I hadn't slept good for 4 months, I just gradually cut back to nothing, no biggie.
Ms. Love's real problem is booze and smack not to mention an unquenchable need for attention. Plus her music sucks. All of it.
No wonder Kurt checked out early. If I was married to this rag, I would have given it serious thought too, and I'm a survivor type.
People need to learn a lesson here, if you feed the ducks, they will expect more and more. So can we please turn this nightmare off!?!?
And like we need her (or anyone for that matter) about Neil's greatness as an artist?
Just my opinion, flame away if you must.
Courtney is a fucking cunt. I wish she would have o.d.'ed years ago. She drove Kurt to take his own life. Too bad he didn't kill her first. Kharma will get her eventually.
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