Farm Aid 2004

News out on this year's Farm Aid: 2004 Concert, for the first time in its 19 years, Farm Aid is heading to the Pacific Northwest. On September 18th, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, and Dave Matthews will perform for the Farm Aid benefit concert at the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, WA.
Homegrown's alright with me. Here are some photos of Farm Aid 2003.

Yeah, right, like we're supposed to believe these supposedly concerned individuals involved in Farm Aid 2004 are anything more than a bunch of capitalists.
Human waste from one of Dave Matthews' tour buses is dumped into the Chicago River, and then he has the nerve to portray himself as some sort of environmentalist.
Neil Young decries corporate food producers, while surrounded at Farm Aid 2004 by banners advertising "Silk Soymilk" products, which are produced by a wholly-owned subsidiary of a large corporation, Dean Foods.
What a bunch of hypocrites.
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